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A+N // hey so I hope you enjoyed my smut in the last chapter.....I tried using metaphors for details instead of ya know...... But if you didn't understand the formatting, basically, the words got closer and closer together as the chapter builds to reach its climax , then the words spread back out as it came to the end but you can read it again if your still don't understand lol okay let's continue with part 2 chapter 6!


I never thought Jack and I would be living together again, after years, and after what I've went through. But I guess this meant we are destined .

I sat in the corner of his room by the window charging my phone and reading the book called Crank. It was a really good book.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked, walking in his room with a bag of Chinese.

I stood up and closed my book.

"Just reading...mmmm, what did you get?"

"I got bourbon chicken sticks, bourbon chicken pieces, teriyaki, orange duck sauce chicken, lo mein, and egg rolls."

I helped him take out the food and the plates.

"Thank you baby." I kissed him on his cheeks and he smiled, eating his food.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Jack asked.

"I don't know.....I wanted Lexi to come over maybe....or I could go to her house."

"I want to spend time with you!"

"We spent time with each other last night." I sat next to him, the food in-between us.

"Having sex isn't spending time with each other."

"So you didn't enjoy it?"

"Stop, yes I did you know what I mean."


"It just bothers me because she likes girls and I think you're just making a bunch of gay friends so I don't cheat on you. Carina, please trust me. I don't cheat on you."

"Hey, chill out that's not why I'm making a bunch of gay friends. Their orientation shouldn't matter to you."

"I'm just simply saying, wouldn't that make you uncomfortable if I had a bunch of gay friends that I'd always hang out with?"

I nodded completely ignoring Jack's ignorance. I didn't want a fight.

"Okay well if it makes you feel better , Lexi has a girlfriend."

Jack put his finger on my face to move my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it." He solemnly said.

"It's okay I'm not mad I just didn't want to fight with you. We all have our limits and opinions, i respect yours."

He smiled and I glanced a smile back.


"Call me when you want to come home....and carina, please come home."

"I will baby I promise!" I giggled and kissed jack on his lips before walking into Lexi's house.

"Hey Lex." I walked in to her living room and set my phone down.

"Hey carina, sorry I look a mess."

"Dude, likewise." I sat down and played with one of the many many animals she keeps at her house.

A really pretty girl with a septum piercing walked in from Lexi bedroom.

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