Chapter three

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Chapter three:

 Lie: I won't crash.

There's one thing I've learnt about Stephan and dad. They aren't clingy. In fact they stay out of what I'm doing completely. It's not much of a change but I expected them to be more involved with what I'm doing and such.

It's the school holidays here and soon I'll be starting school. I've been to the shop with Stephan. He told me what I needed and generously paid for everything for me. I normally had to pay for my own stuff since mum was always too drunk and mentally insane to buy me the stuff I needed. I'm pretty sure she forgot where she kept her money.

But it doesn't really matter now.

Every so often I see Stephan staring at me, but as soon as I look at him he looks away. He must be spying on me. They never let me into the woods alone. No where near. Apparently there's nasty animals out there. 

I know there is. But they wouldn't come that close to civilisation would they? And I've been through enough. Do they not think I can manage?

It seems a little unfair seeing Stephan disappears into the forest pretty much every day for at least three hours. Dad says he's collecting fire wood but he never brings any home. He doesn't take an axe or anything either. The whole thing is rather suspicious; but I'm such a good little girl I don't mention it again.

That doesn't stop me from thinking. I am not that stupid in case they haven't noticed.

It's been a week since I arrived and it already feels like home. Despite it being so incredibly cold outside its nice and toasty inside the house which I'm surprised at seeing as there's so many windows.

I'm closer to my dad then I am to Stephan. Probably cause he's disappearing all the time and won't tell me where he's going or why. Dad has been really nice. It has been pizza most nights. But the pizza you order here isn't fatty and greasy like the stuff back in Paris. This pizza is pure and I'd like to say healthy but that's not entirely true.

At least it feels like it's healthy. Which is good I suppose, I really need to lose a few kg's. I've been introduced to a few of Stephan's friends. They're all very pale and... what's the word...? Mysterious and quiet. But I've seen them when they think they're alone. They must just be shy around new people. 

Most of the day I spend inside since there isn't much to do outside in this cold, cold weather. Dad showed me an old sled Stephan used to use it looked awesome and very fun but I hadn't had a chance to use it yet since its pretty much been snowing non stop.

Dad says when it stops the slopes will be full of kids on sleds and other objects they use to ride down the hill on or in. He says I'll be able to meet some of the people I'll be able to make friends with when school starts.

School sounds dreadful from what I've experienced. I mean it's going to be freezing at school with no heaters and all.

I hear a laugh from on the chair across the other side of the room. It was dad.

"There are very good heaters in the classroom don't worry".

Hmmm I don't remember saying that out loud. Dad quickly clamps his mouth shut as if he's said something he shouldn't have.

I look out the window. I must have said it out loud I guess. I could feel dad staring at my back it caused me to shiver for some reason. I don't know why it's just how my body reacted to it.

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