chapter nine

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Chapter nine:

I was currently sitting on the plane. We were about to take off. I had my headphones in and my eyes closed. I was almost positive that I would get bored within the hour. So I was making the most of my not being bored time so I can focus on the music playing.

I turned my phone off when they told us to and sat starring out the window. I got the window seat with a little bit of a puppy dog face. Still works after all these years! Other planes were coming in and were all lined up along the building.

I've never been on a flight this long before. I didn't have anything to do either. Our flight left at nearly sundown and would arrive at sunrise in our destination. So we have about 16 hours on a plane. Which if your me is a VERY long time to be sitting still.

I'm pretty sure it would be a long time fort anyone. I played on my phone for a while. Then switched to my IPod and then read a book. I talked to dad and Stephan for a while before they decided to go to sleep. I pulled the curtain window shield thing down so it was darker for them.

I tried to fall asleep for a very long time with little success. So I decided it enter people dreams and see what they were thinking about. As far as I could see there were only a few people asleep and their dreams were normal.

Vampires can sleep. Unlike in all those movies. We just don't need to. Its a way to pass the time for us really. It doesn't regain our energy or anything and we don't dream. But like I said it's a good time waster.

Those people that were awake were either thinking about things that are p[lain rude or thinking about their loved ones, what its going to be like when we get there, the weather... People here have very boring minds. I found out quite a bit about random people.

There was one guy there. he got out of prison a month ago and he's been offered a new job. A good paying job. And no one knows he's been in jail recently. I personally think those people have a right to know before they hire him. He stole a boatload of cash from the last company he worked for. They found out five years after he stole it.

Police these days are not what they used to be. People here own the police. They can use bribery or blackmail. They can be threatening and the police will just give in. It's a very cruel world out there. Drugs, guns, smuggling.

It's all here. Being me I've learnt a lot about the world. And how it works. People are very weird creatures. We are too I suppose but I thought humans were weird before I became a vampire. I mean humans are animals and sure they have deaths. But we have created homes for ourselves while destroying animals homes.

I loved animals and I still do. If you had of told me 5 years ago that I would be drinking animals blood often so I don't drink humans dry. I would have said no way. Animals are far to cute I'd never eat one. Then you'd probably say that I eat animals because chops and steak and ham is animals. I would have become a vegetarian after that.

I'm glad I didn't animal meat is good. And I couldn't survive without them. Literally. I keep reading strangers minds until I come to a mind conversation which can only mean one thing. There are dogs on this plane. I take a big sniff without it looking to obvious and smell the air around me.

It stinks on an aeroplane. Really bad. Peoples B.O. and sweat. You can smell sickly perfume and creams. You can smell makeup and the horrible aeroplane food. I can even smell as far as the toilets but lets not get into that. Because that would truly make you gag. 

But in amongst that stink there was  a hint of werewolf. Dad was asleep so I turn to Stephan.

"Stephan! There wolves on the plane".

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