Chapter twenty two

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Chapter twenty two:

"Sierra"? my dad calls as I open the door.

"Yeah"? I answer weakily.

"You know what's happening don't you"?

I look at my feet. I was now standing in front of him.

"It's time to go on the big Father daughter hunting trip", he says cheerfully.

I sigh in relief. I look over at Stephna and he winks at me. He mustn't have told Dad. I owe him one. I'll have to repay him one day. Maybe I'll be nice and tell him Abigail is not the right girl. Somehow I don't think he would appreciate it though. I forgot about our trip.

"Oh yeah. So when is it"?

"Sunday. Don't worry we'll be back in time to get you ready for school. We leave first thing".

"Oh! Uhh. Sorry Dad Sunday doesn't work for me. I know you've really been looking forward to this but on Saturday there's a party. And I got invited. Its a birthday party. No alchol I swear. Could we perhaps change the trip to another date? Friday after school works for me and we can hunt until Sunday morning if you like".

I hold my breath as his expression changes from a grin to a frown and then back to a small grin again. "When were you going to ask me about going to this party"?

"This afternoon". It was Joe's birthday party. They were throwing a huge party at their house. Their house is big since they are rich. Some of the pack lives there I think. There's dancing, music, refreshmants and food. Plus I like HAVE to go. It's my boy friends birthday!

Wait! It's his birthday. I have to get him a present! OMG!!!!! What am I supposed to get him?! This is hardly fair. We've known each other what, a week? I have absolutly no clue what to get a guy for theri birthday. I've gotten Stephan head phones and stuff for his past birthdays.

However Joe doesn't see like the type to sit inside platying video games all day like my brother does when he isn't working. He's a sporty type. I guess I could get him a... okay not a clue. I have to go shopping.

"Get him something funny", Sarah says. "So he can rememebr you as a funny person".

"I'm not that funny though. My sense of humor is strange haven't you noticed"?

The look away avoiding my gaze. Of course they have. I am definatly not the funny type. And even when I stop aging. I will never catch up to my age groups sense of humor.

I was trying to find Joe the perfect present. But I couldn't find anything. I looked in shops by the million. But nothing was absolutly perfect. I walked into an old antiques shop not expecting to find something here since its full of old stuff.

But then I saw it. Ity was nearly the most perfect thing. What I had been looking for. It will have to do. I tyake it to the counter and it gets put in the bag. It costed twenty dollars but you can't put a price on a relationship can you?

"Guys lets go I found it".

"WHAT IS IT!?? You HAVE to tell us"!!!! they say at the same time. I roll my eyes. Twin thing.

"it's a"... i whisper into their ears.

"He is going to love it. It sounds so cute"!

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