Chapter Twenty one

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Chapter twenty one:

"You should totally wear this", Hannah states pointing to a very short pair of shorts.

I think about my anti-shimmer spray. It's running low. "I don't think I'll have enough anti-shimmer spray for that".

"borrow some from Stephan".

"He's with Abigail".

"Oh right".

Sarah and Hannah knew about Abigail and hated her nearly as much as I did. I'm glads they didn't like her. Then things would get complicated.

"Well Sarah will go ask. Won't you Sarah"?

"Yeah yeah", she says not lookking away from her mag. "Now would be good", i say.

"What am I doing this time"?

"Getting anti-shimmer spray for Sierra. from her brother".

I think Sarah hated Abigail more than I did. I think it's just wrong but anyone can tell that she has a crush on him. Like majorly and the only way she can express that is anger towards the person stopping them from being together. In this case it's Abigail.

She stands upo and walks casually out of the room. I hear her go to the door of Stephans bedroom. "Stephan can I have the anti-shimmer spray for Sierra"?

"She has her own".

"Its running low".

"Its on the desk take it".

I hear her light footsteps pad over to Stephan's desk and walk back through the door shuting it behond her. She walks back down the hall to my room where Hannah and I were waiting. I had alrady had a shower and done my hair. I just needed an outfit and makeup to go with it.

"For the record I think she looks nice in dresses", Sarah says handing us the bottle smirking.

I glare at her. A dress! Anything but. Come on Han say no!!!!

"Oh my god thats a greast idea. And so totally true. But she can't have adress what if she gets into trouble"? Sarah doesn't answer. I do a silent happy dance in my head. And fist pump the air in victory.

"So what am I going to wear"?

"I was tghinking since we have more spray now that you should wear those denim shorts with the pink belt and the white floral top we bought you. With that cute hair band, your silver bracelets and the crystal earrings. The simple ones not the big fancy ones", she says picturing my look in her head.

She was always so much mpore organised than me which I found irritating since I don't waste time I could be organising by sleeping. Its very fustrating and simply not fair. Maybe she doesn't sleep either? What am I thinking? Of course she does!

"And make up"?

"A bit of light pink eyeshadow. Mascara, some clear lip gloss and some blusher to make your skin look a bit less pale".

"Okay", i say grabbing the clothes and walking to the bathroom. "I'll be back in a minute".

In the bathroom I perfect my hair once more and take my clothes off before putting the outfit on. I'll leave the makeup to the twins since they have more experience. I walk out and strike a pose. "Perfect", the both mutter at the same time. Must be a twin thing.

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