Chapter thirty

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Chapter thirty (the final chapter!!! )   :

I run to the edge of the forest in my wolf form. I admire myself in a lake. I look different when I shift back. Less pale and my eyes they are green... Wow. As a vampire I got used to seeing them a red colour. I didn't feel the urge to drink a rat that scurried past. It fact I wasn't thirty at all. It felt good.

However my killer insticts have kicked in. Everything was a threat and my senses were focussed on every single sound. The mice beneath my feet a metre below the earth. The birds a mile away singing. An owl scratching in his tree.

Everything was more vivad and clear now. My eyes saw a lizard in a tree along the path about ten metres. It was the same colour as the trees. Impossible to see if yuo were right in front of it for a human. I felt proud. Sure I was but there was a feeling deep inside telling me I made the wrong choice.

I ignore it and continue down the track. My human form felt confident and strong. I ruled around here, nothing could stop me. I was invincable. So this is what it felt like to be a dog. As i walk around the edge of the forest i saw a dog park. After deciding there was no threat i changed ibnto my wolf and shrinked my size so i looked a bit like a husky.

I ran out un noticed and joined the other dogs chasing sticks and balls around the park. My tongue rolled out fo my mouth in a doggy pant. I roll on the ground and jumped over all the little jumps and through the tunnels.

I jumped through hoops with perfection. Every time. It was exillerating. I went up to the other dogs and sniffed their fur gently. There was a poodle and a dalmation. There was even a great dane and another husky. They were all barking having a conversation. I joint them.

I let out a sahrp bark to get their attention. "Hi"!

"Hello" they all replied.

"Who's your human"? one asked.

"I don't have one", i reply.

They all gasped. "You've got to hide of the town pound will catch you".

"I'm not worried I'm awfully good at not being noticed. I love the look of your owner" i say to the husky. "He looks nice".

"He doesn't just look nice. He's the best. A bit of a womanizer and a real pain in the butt. But he's always got my back. We take turns bringing each other to the dog park".

"What do you mean"?

"I mean... we ahhh... sometimes... hey look you hear that he's calling me... gotta go bye", he runs off. I chase after him faster that he goes. I tackle him to the ground. An in dog instinct i lick his face.

He throws me off him but I tackle him again. "Your a strange dog. But I like that about you", i say standing up.

He looks at me with an expression that can only mean he's thinking about if he shoukld trust me or not.

"You can trust me. I meran what harm can I do right"?

He shrugs his dog shoulders. Wait shrugs!? Dogs can't shrug can they? I try and find out they obviously can. "Wanna play war", i ask with my head low and tail wagging in a playful way.

"I can't hurt a girl dog".

"Why not afraid I'll beat you"?

"Not a chance", and he tackles me to the grass. I bite his exposed neck in a friendly way and nip his tail. I pound and pin him easily. I guess all that training paid off after all. He nips at my paws. But I bat him gently on the snout and let out a sharp yip, "I win".

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