Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty:

Abigail is so what I thought she would be. A snob and slut. No doubt she's slept with every boy her age in the state! I can't believe she would live in such a country town. I mean what if she steps in a puddle and gets her shoes dirty. Or falls in the dirt and hurts her nails!

She is such a pussy. A wimp and weakling. How could she be Stephan's mate. They are like total opposites. But I hear she got Stephan into martial arts. There's a gym down the road a big dojo area.

It's a Taekwondo thing. You get belts and everything. On the pamphlet it says that it teaches you to block and defend blows, use your voice as a weapon and how to correctly injure someone with pressure points and strength. He would enjoy it but it's not my thing. Besides I'd rather be ninja than a Taekwondo person.

I suppose the difference wouldn't be that great for you people. But there is a difference. In fact I have a question for you... Why would something have the same name but is the same thing as something else?

I think it's a good point. Anyway... He went with Abigail today. I should have known she's be there. Why else would she mention it to Stephan? Apparently she's a green belt. I'm betting my life's savings she bought it online.

I mean she's not dedicated, patient or strong enough to be a white belt let alone a green! I know. Where did all the knowledge of martial arts come from? You generally research something a sluts  taking your big brother. You know just in case you have to be there to watch, or something?

I may have followed them to the dojo in a great costume that's so unrecognisable you don't recognise yourself in the mirror. I had put on a ton of make up. I hated the icky feeling but hopefully it will pay off. I made my skin tanned and put in contacts to make my eyes brown and added fake eyelashes and a fake nose. I put freckles on my cheeks and wore glasses and a backwards cap with my hair in a bun under a black wig.

I know... I'm master of costume design.

Its a gift. Anyway there I was watching the lesson. It was impressive. People old and young were doing kicks and throwing punches. Abigail looked like she had absolutely no idea what she was doing. Told you she bought it online.

It was working until the instructor asked me to join in. I tried to explain that I didn't know how. But that only gave him an excuse to teach me. It was horrible. I sucked at it. I couldn't balance without standing on both feet. Or though I was fast and strong, it didn't work. I just couldn't do it.

I kept looking at Stephan to see what he was doing. Of course Abigail offered to show him the ropes but since she didn't know how to do it she was just talking while holding a punching bag while Stephan punched it effortlessly. I wish he'd punch her. But by the dreamy look on his face as she talked I knew he would never do that.

He seemed good and was enjoying it. I was stuck running laps and punching and kicking until I should have been sweating really badly. I sat down afterwards but I didn't have a drink. I raced home and got one only to find Stephan and Abigail already home.\

I barge through the door. The give me confused looks.

"What are you doing in my house. Get out", Stephan demands.

"I live here", I say forgetting about ,my appearance.

Stephan looks closer. "Sierra"?


"What are you wearing"?

I look down. Uh-oh.

"I uhh".

"Were you spying on us"?

"Yes of course I was what did you expect let you go with crazy woman over here. The slut. The blonde bimbo. The"...

"Shut up Sierra she is my mate and I love her. She is beautiful".

I give Stephan a look before looking at Abigail's outfit. "You must have very bad taste in girls then".

With that Stephan storms off with Abigail following smiling a sickly sweet smile at me. She's hiding something.

I read her mind. But it's not there. It's like she's purposely shut me out. Stephan must have told her! Uhhh. I hate it when he spoils my fun, and important searches of course. Can't forget that part...

I go up to my room and study for a test that's already been done. I play on my IPod, listen to music. But I'm bored yet again. I get a snack, pointless of course but better than being bored. I watch TV. But that doesn't work either because the only good thing on is Cinderella on the kids channel.

It is sooooo boring. But I watch it anyway because I have nothing better to do. I get up to the part where she is running home at midnight and her dress disappears when I get a call.

"Hey Sierra. It's Hannah. Happy about your date tomorrow"?

I smile at the thought. Of course I hadn't forgotten my date with Joe. It was Thursday night and my date was tomorrow.

"Am I ever? I'm so excited! He said dress casual but I have nothing to wear"!!! I wine.

"Calm down Sierra. Most important thing when going on a date is not to panic. So relax and let us handle it. Your fanilies rich right"?

"Yeah... Why"?

"We are going shopping for you. We'll surprise you with the outfit tomorrow after school come to our place. We're on the bus by the way".

"Lucky you"... everyone knows the bus is a horrible thing. But it's not my problem anyway. At least the bus people don't have far to go in the bus. It's a small town after all.

"You in"?

"You didn't really give me a choice"...

"Well I've giving you one now".

"Of course I'm in. See you at school"!

I hang up after we say our goodbyes. I start to watch the movie again and watch other random channels until it's midnight. And then I just have about six hours before I can start getting ready for school.

I'm so excited! It's going to be a long six- seven hours...









I'm really sorry it's short but I wanted to get something up for you! It is over 1000 words as I always promise. That's all. There will hopefully be another chapter tomorrow. Until then vote, comment, follow me and stay awesome!


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