Stay With Me Tonight.

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Holdin' me close
On a hot summer night
Clothes are drippin' wet, babe
You feel so nice
Teach me, teach me darling
Teach me something new
Oh oh I wanna make love to you

We'll fit together
My hand in your glove
Little little girl
I need your woman's touch
My hot desire
Is runnin' away with me
Come on baby
Set it free
"Stay With Me Tonight" // Quiet Riot.

Sitting in Slash's lap atop his bed, I curl my fingers in his hair, lost in his eyes. With my heart hammering uncontrollably against my chest, I feel his boner below me.
"I really like you," I tell him honestly, giving it all up. "I don't know what it is, but you're perfect."
His lips crash into mine, & immediately, I am flooded with emotion. My arms, wrapped around him, are secure, keeping myself in his lap. His hands grasp my hips tightly, then he flips us over on his bed, laying on top of me.
When his lips meet mine again, he bites on my lip roughly, becoming more fierce. As Slash's hands run down my body, the desire becomes heavier, then he starts to kiss my neck.
With the emotion only increasing, I feel his fingers slip inside of me, & my jaw drops; I instantly start moaning.
His fingers, skilled and incredible, work miracles inside of me, making my back arch, bringing my body closer to his. His teeth bite hard on my lower lip, which makes another moan escape from my mouth.
Suddenly, he stops, so I open my eyes to see what he's doing. With his fingers dripping wet, he looks me deeply in my green eyes, then he sucks them in the hottest way imaginable.
Again, I'm speechless, mind blown. Seeing my reaction, a small, handsome smile stretches across his face.
Running my hand along his jaw, I bring his face back down to mine, kissing him more intensely than before. His tongue dances erotically with mine, exploring every vacant spot of my mouth.
I can feel his heart race against mine, & his is just as wild. He has done everything perfectly; he's amazing.

Laying my head on Slash's chest, I trace my fingers along his happy trail, saying,"I can't choose a favorite Beatle. Who's yours?"
He kisses my head, scratching my back, then Slash answers,"I don't know either. I fucking love them, man. Do you want to stay with me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I really like you," he murmurs in my ear, his deep voice making my heart soar. "It's weird. I haven't felt like this before. Finish the tour with me, then we can move into a house, &-"
Giggling, I lay on my stomach & flip my hair, looking at him,"I don't know. I feel the same connection, but I can't leave my job or John."
"Yeah, you can," he looks at me, confused. "Your job isn't, you know, that important, & John'll always be here."
Running my fingers through his curly hair, I study all of his features, mesmerized by his beauty. My heart has swollen with admiration for him. It's so weird.
Slash is down-to-earth. He's really cool, & my feelings for him are intensifying rapidly.
"Slash, I'm not going to stay & risk everything if you're just using me for sex."
His body tenses, then he shakes his head, the intoxicating aroma of his hair wafting into my nostrils,"I really, really like you, Dani. Look, I can get John to come on tour with us, too. Please?"

That night, I listen to Slash's calm heartbeat as he sleeps peacefully. He's adorable, & he's been very sweet.
I've never felt like this before, so I agreed to stay. I could be making a huge mistake, but I would be an idiot for passing up the opportunity to be with Slash.
I don't know. I'm probably fucking myself over, but my heart is controlling my brain.

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