Chapter 8

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I have not edited this chapter yet. I'll get to editing soon, I promise. I feel like the story is finally getting started, only 8 chapters into the story... Let me know what you think of it all so far. I think I've said it before once of twice (Or a million times) I love feedback. 



Elizabeth was awakened from her slumbers by loud pounding on the front door and the dogs barking. She jumped out of bed, donned her robe, and rushed down the stairs. In the great hall stood her father wearing his nightcap, her mother, and a messenger.

"Yes, of course. We will send them right away," Her father said, his voice laced with sleep.

"Thank you, Sir Woodville." The messenger tilted his hat then ran back to his horse.

"Who was that, Papa?" Elizabeth asked, pulling her robe closer around her body.

"We are summoned to war again. I am to send your brothers and cousins by tomorrow," Elizabeth's father said, taking his hat off and messily brushing his hair with his fingers.

"Who are they to fight for, Papa?" Elizabeth asked hesitantly.

"We are to fight for the York King." Her father answered absentmindedly while walking back in the direction of his bedchambers. "The York king," He muttered again before closing his door. "Well, off to bed my dear girl! Nothing to see here anymore. We shall discuss it in the morning with your sisters and brothers." Elizabeth climbed the stairs in a hazy slow walk before she threw herself onto her bed and fell into a deep restless sleep.

At breakfast after the news had been broken about her brothers and the mood was solemn Jacquetta suggested seeing the boys off. Eleanor, the youngest sister, not quite old enough to understand what war was, was absolutely thrilled about seeing the soldiers leave.

"I wish for you to wave the soldiers off as well, Richard," Jacquetta said, buttering a piece of toast to avoid the glare she knew her husband would give her for even suggesting such a preposterous idea.

"I cringe at the idea of any of my family members waving the Yorkist soldiers off, even if they are my own children. You must be mad, woman, in suggesting I follow along. We are not Yorkists and I will not succumb to their antics just to see my sons leave," Elizabeth's father scolded, lifting up the paper he had previously been reading.

"Should the Yorks win, Edward will be King, and it will be his court we are sending our many daughters off to. Waving off the soldiers would do no harm, only good. It will show our loyalty and support and in return we shall be able to send the girls to court," Jacquetta replied, with a calm demeanor. She took a sip of her tea while Richard thought about what she'd said. Richard knew his wife was right, she usually was. It pained him to admit it this one time though. He hated the Yorks with his entire being. Jacquetta, knowing her husband well enough knew that he would not openly agree but she knew he saw the reason in her argument.

"It's settled, today at noon we all," she emphasized, "shall journey over to wave the soldiers goodbye." When breakfast was finished Eleanor followed her around the manor occasionally tugging on her sleeve if Elizabeth wasn't giving her enough attention.

"What are you going to wear?" Eleanor asked, flopping into one of the parlor chairs as Elizabeth set about organizing the books on the mantle.

"The olive dress, I think," Elizabeth answered, preoccupied trying to put the books in alphabetical order.

"That's hardly your best dress!" Eleanor exclaimed, sitting upright in her chair as if Tommy the cat had just fallen dead.

"It's hardly the time for my best dress, Eleanor." Elizabeth replied, pursing her lips and planting her hands firmly on her hips. Eleanor flopped back into the chair with a small sigh.

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