Chapter 2

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Her sons tugging on her hands were what brought her back down to earth.

"Mamma! We're hungry," they simply stated, trying to pull their mother back onto the path leading home. Giving the sunset one more glace she looked down at her boys and smiled.

"Well, let's go feed you growing boys, then!" she said, crouching in front of Richard and Thomas, and squeezing their little fragile hands that had seen no hardship yet.

"I'll tell you what, we'll have a race! Whoever gets to the house first doesn't have to do the dishes." The boys nodded their heads excitedly, their hair flopping into their faces; they pushed it away with their gummy hands all the while smiling. They leaned in and placed soft little kisses on their mother's cheek. She smiled, letting a laugh float into the summer breeze.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" They sped off into the forest, their feet dodging the roots and upturned rocks. They weaved between trees, and sped up and slowed down. Their laughter and shouts echoed and bounced off trees. Elizabeth knew that Thomas was going to win, he always won, he was three years older and had longer legs. Every day Richard was growing up more, and every day he started looking more and more like his handsome father.

By the time Elizabeth arrived back home, the boys we're stooped against the old rickety fence bordering the property, breathing heavily. They opened the gate for their mother, and then followed her into the backyard. It was a beautiful day, a blue sky with clouds dusting the vast space; it was warm, the trees were in full bloom, and the landscape was rich with colours. They decided to have a late snack outside. The whole family sat together. The boys were too busy stuffing their faces with the last crumbs on their plates to talk to the other kids.

From across the well-groomed lawn, Elizabeth's mother kept giving her little knowing glances, until she finally pulled her away to a meeting spot by the creek.

" My dear child, I've waited long enough. Tell me, what of the king?" Elizabeth's mothers had been the one to suggest that she stumble upon the King and worm the idea of giving her lands back into his mind. How silly of her it had been not to tell her mother the news, or lack thereof, right away.

"I did happen upon him, mother. We discussed nothing of the property. He wishes to see me again tomorrow." Her mother's face broke into a radiant smile. She clapped her hands together

"This is wonderful news, Elizabeth!" she exclaimed in absolute glee, " Do not take the boys with you tomorrow, they might prove to be a distraction. You must wear your best gown!" Her mother was still muttering nonsense as Elizabeth walked back to her family. The boys asked to go play with their cousins. She allowed it and of course, like always, she cleaned the dishes alone.

Later that night, Elizabeth tucked her two boys into their beds, humming a jolly tune. She set the candle on the floor and let her long blond hair down, bringing it to one side to brush it out.

"Mamma?" Thomas sat up in the bed peering over the blankets at his mother.

"Yes, my love?" She turned around to look at the little boy.

"Why does the King want to see you again? Are you in trouble, Mamma? Because if you're in trouble I'll protect you!" He put his hands on his hips, something he had seen his mother do when she was feeling confident. Elizabeth's face broke into a wide smile and breathed out a warm laugh.

" No, I am not in trouble, nothing of the sort. But I'm certainly glad I have you to protect me. I'm sure you'll take good care of me." She said, sitting down on the bed next to Thomas and kissing him on the forehead. Elizabeth didn't realize just how serious Thomas was about his promise to his mother, or that he would uphold that promise until his very last days.

The next morning Elizabeth woke early and put on the dress her mother had laid out for her the night before. It was a blush pink colour with elegant patterns outlined in gold; the little bits of lace around the bust, sleeves and bottom were red. The sleeves were tight and as she cinched the bodice she noticed how deep the cut was and how much cleavage she was showing. No doubt why her mother had chosen it in the first place. She pulled her hair back and put it up. Sneaking into her son's room as quietly as possible she loomed over their bodies, looking at their gentle faces, sleeping without a worry in the world. She leaned down and placed a kiss on each of their foreheads then swiftly left, closing the door behind her as soundlessly as possible. Elizabeth started the journey through the woods to the oak tree where she was to meet the King. As she neared the clearing she saw only a man and a horse this time. There was no grand procession, no guards, and no carriages. The King, noticing movement, looked in her direction, his face breaking into a smile as his gaze floated down her body.

"Lady Grey, I was beginning to worry. I did not think you were coming." He took several steps toward her and she dropped into a low curtsy immediately.

"Your majesty, tis' an honour," she said, still in the curtsy, her head down.

"My Lady, there is no need for this courtesy. Today I am just a man, not a King." His hand found her chin and brought it up so she would look at him.

"Your Majesty, I have a matt-"

"Edward, please call me Edward," he interrupted.

"Your Majesty! That isn't proper." She insisted taking a step away from him. Did he not know that for a Lady of her birth talking to the King at all was already crossing lines?

"So long as you call me 'Your Majesty' I will not listen to what it is you wish to tell me." She sucked a breath in. There were a number of names she could call him.

"Your Highness, I have a matter of importance to discuss with you." She couldn't help but allow a little smile to appear on her face. The King let out a little chuckle, taking another step toward her. It was a dance between them. Every step he would take closer to her, she would take two steps back.

"You are a clever one, aren't you?" He took another calculated step towards her, then another, and another and another. He was closing the gap between them. She took another step backwards only to hit something. She looked back to see the oak tree supporting her. When she looked back in the King's direction he was right in front of her. He placed a hand an inch away from the left side of her head. Her voice was caught in her throat and even though there had been little activity to put her out of breath, she couldn't slow her heavy breathing.

"Your Grace, I am recently widowed." This piece of information had no impact on the King; he had his mind made up. Their faces were inches apart but as every second ticked by and at every beat of Elizabeth's erratic heart the space seemed to close. Before she knew what was going on his lips were on hers, warm and soft. She had to stop this, warm and soft. It was improper, warm and soft. She was a nobody; she put her hands on his chest and gave him a little shove. She moved her head to one side as not to look at him.

"Your Majesty! I must beg your pardon. I am sorry if this is what I have led you to believe. It was not my intention to come here to gain your affection. I only wish to discuss the hold you have on the lands that are rightfully mine." 

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