Chapter 12

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I've been avoiding writing in this because I am actually kind of getting sick of this story. But today I just sat down in front of my computer and finished two whole chapters. We're at 54 pages, we're slowly getting to that 80 page goal. I am not sure if I told you, but I had a photoshoot for the cover for this book and so I have a lot of great pictures to work with. But I need to pick one, and I think I may have found the perfect two, one for the front and one for the back. If you're interested in seeing the photos let me know and I'll post a link!

Anywho, enough talking. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Show your support by clicking the VOTE button and as always, you know I love comments so let me know what you think!



Weeks passed and Edward had stayed true to his word. He wrote to her almost every week with details from the castle. Soon the King sent out a letter cordially inviting all the lords to attend court. This letter wasn't anything particularly unusual. It came every year and her father and brothers would leave each year to attend the season. The one thing that made this year's call special was what all the lords expected to happen at court.

"Hmm, this year's call to court came a little earlier than I had expected," Richard said, after reading the letter and wiping the crumbs from his toast away from his mouth.

"Perhaps it is a matter of urgency, my dear," Jacquetta replied, not paying much attention to her husband.

"The King is probably summoning us to announce his engagement to Princess Bona of Savoy," Anthony said. He didn't even bother lowering a letter he was reading to voice his opinion.

"Quite. With Margret of Anjou, Henry's wife, still running around France this would be a good time for a strong alliance between England and France. Perhaps Edward isn't as foolish as I once thought," Richard said, drumming the letter against his hand.

"You mustn't forget though father, that France is very loyal to Margret. I shouldn't be surprised if they continue to be even after an alliance." Anthony replied, this time folding the letter and placing it on the breakfast table.

Elizabeth sat rigid at the table, her hands clenched and her mind reeling with thoughts. She refused to believe that that was the reason why the King was summoning her father and brothers this early in the season. Surely there had to be some other reason. Jacquetta sat watching her daughter, every emotion she felt was reflected on Elizabeth's face.

"Very well, that is enough speculation for one morning. We need not talk of the King's goings and doings." Jacquetta said, putting an end to her husband and sons conversation.

Elizabeth left immediately after breakfast to take a stroll through the garden and clear her head. She leaned down to pick a pretty little pink flower when she heard heavy footsteps approaching her. She turned around just in time to see Anthony's brooding face looking down at her.

"Has something happened, Anthony?" She asked, putting the flower she'd just picked into her hair.

"I don't know Elizabeth, you tell me." Anthony replied. Anthony stood a good five inches taller than her, so she always had to tilt her head back a little bit to get a look at him. She always found the permanent scowl on Anthony's face amusing, was it so hard for him to smile? She tried to think back to a time when she remembered Anthony smiling, but she just couldn't. Perhaps he had never smiled, she thought.

"What in heavens are you eluding to?" Elizabeth replied, turning around and plucking another flower, this one was yellow.

"Do no take me for a fool my dear sister. I need not be blind to see the way you reacted at the mention of Edward's engagement."

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