Chapter 10

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So I have some pretty interesting statistics from my demographics on this story. We have people reading from 8 different countries and 88 percent of my readers are female. But then again, there aren't many males on Wattpad.


            Edward wouldn't put his wife down until they had crossed the threshold of the cabin. It wasn't their home but it would have to do for the one day of pretending to be a normal husband and wife. When he finally did let Elizabeth stand on her own two feet he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, allowing his warmth to surround her. His fingers knotted themselves in her long golden hair. When they pulled apart for air Elizabeth shuddered.

"I will go and fetch some wood for a fire." Edward leaned down again and left Elizabeth with another lingering kiss before he went in search of wood. Elizabeth looked around the cabin. The bed was neatly made and covered with flower petals, the windows were partially covered with thick blue drapes. She smiled, thinking about all of the memories from her childhood at this cabin. It had been years since the last time she had been here. She ran her fingers along the spines of the books sitting in their shelves. The place smelled the exact same as it had all those years ago, a mix of pine and mint.

There was a crack of thunder outside before the rain started to pour. Elizabeth sat near the window awaiting Edward's return, and she watched as the water clung to the glass and trickled down. The door burst open and Edward walked in soaked to the bone. He shut the door behind him as Elizabeth sprung up from her chair to greet him.

"Oh my dear husband," she said, watching Edward put the firewood down next to the fireplace. His lips curled into a small smile at hearing her call him husband. "We must get you out of these wet clothes or you shall catch a cold." Elizabeth took her trembling fingers up to the opening of his shirt to pull it up over his head. Edward watched with blazing eyes as his wife gathered the cloth in her hands and gently lifted it to expose his skin. A little crease formed between her eyebrows from concentration for the task at hand. Edward lifted his arms to allow Elizabeth to lift the shirt off his body. She let the shirt drop to the ground allowing her hand to brush against his chest. She delicately pulled her hands away from him. He watched her with curiosity. Her hands folded in front of her chest and she sucked her bottom lip with contemplation. She slowly reached her hand out to touch his exposed skin. The delectable contrast of her heat and the coldness of the rain made Edward's skin ripple with anticipation.

The next morning Edward lay awake watching her pretty little features as she slept. His head was propped on his hand. When she stirred he brushed the strand of hair that fell onto her face.

"You are beautiful even when you sleep, my Queen," he whispered to her, stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb. A small smile formed on Elizabeth's lips as her eyes fluttered open.

"Thank you, darling," she replied, the smile remaining on her lips. She sat up and brushed the sleep away from her eyes.

"I could stay with you in this bed all day," Edward said, stretching.

"You mustn't forget about the dinner invitation tonight. Father will be expecting you," Elizabeth replied, frowning as she remembered that after the meal Edward would be off to battle. As if Edward could read her mind he pulled her closer to him and pressed her back to his bare chest.

"Don't fret, I will return to you from the –" Elizabeth silenced him with a kiss before he too could abandon her with a broken promise.

"I will try my hardest to return to your loving arms," Edward said, his voice reflecting his sincerity.

Elizabeth sat next to Edward at the dinner table and across from him sat Margret with eyes only for the King. Too bad he's your brother-in-law, Elizabeth thought.

"How is the front holding up, your Grace?" Richard asked, taking a sip of their best wine. Edward's left hand rested on the table while his right hand stayed beneath the table entwined with Elizabeth's. His thumb traced patterns on the back of her hand, making it hard to concentrate on the conversation at the table. Jacquetta was speaking quietly with Anna, and Catherine was listening intently to what Edward was saying.

"We hope the strategy goes smoothly," Edward said.

Once the dinner ended and everyone had been heartily fed, Edward mounted his horse and left for Northampton but not without telling Elizabeth to meet him the following evening back at the cabin. He thanked Jacquetta and Richard for the meal then set off.

"Why must Edward be so attentive towards you, Elizabeth?" Margret whined, and marched back into the house with a sad little pout on her face.

"She's right, my dear. He does seem quite fond of you. Don't allow him to charm you into getting his way with you," her father said, clapping her on the shoulder and walking back to his study. It was only Elizabeth and Jacquetta left outside now. She knew her mother was bursting with questions, but that would have to wait because Eleanor was calling them in for a card game. Elizabeth played three hands and allowed Richard and Thomas to beat her each time except once. When it was getting late and the boys started yawning, Elizabeth sent them to say their prayers and off to bed. She followed soon after, feeling the exhaustion set in. Though Elizabeth was tired she lay awake in her bed staring at her ceiling mulling over the past two days' events.

Elizabeth lived in a dream for the next week, but soon it inevitably came to an end. The soldiers were marching into battle today and soon Edward was to leave to fight his battle beside his men. She sat in their bed and watched as he pulled his shirt over his unruly hair and tucked it into his riding breeches. He looked up from his task and saw her watching him. He gave her a lazy smile while running his hands through his hair. He went to grab his coat which was draped over a desk chair and as he grabbed it he leaned over and planted a small kiss on Elizabeth's rosy lips.

"It's time," he said, while putting the coat on.

"You will be safe, wont you? You will one day have more to look after than just yourself." Edward didn't reply, but pulled her close to him and kissed her again.

"You mustn't worry about me. I have been successful thus far, and I shall continue to be, especially with you as my wife," Edward said, while making circles with his thumb on the palm of her hand. "You have to promise me though that you cannot tell a single soul about our union. Not until I am victorious. You must understand that I have broken many rules marrying you. When we do tell England of our union there will be many who will not be pleased."

"Yes, I understand," she replied, nodding her head in agreement. Elizabeth was fully aware that Edward had been promised to princess Pona of Sovy. She didn't take it as a threat or dishonesty. Elizabeth had taken her mother's advice to heart. She trusted him.

Elizabeth stood in front of the little cabin Edward and she had made into a home for a short while. He mounted his horse and without so much as a look back at her he rode off to fight for the country that would soon be under his rule, under their rule. And so there stood the future queen of England. She stood tall with her shoulders back, head up, and her hair fluttering gently in the wind. 

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