Chapter 11

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Here we go! Another chapter up and ready to read. This is not edited, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are a million spelling errors and such. We're coming close to the page number I want. I just hit page 50, only 30 more pages to go. Should be... simple...enough. 

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Later that day Elizabeth returned to the house. Life was to return to normal as she waited to hear news of the battle. It wasn't just Elizabeth who was anxious, the town was and the rest of England was anxious to know who was going to be declared the true King. Weeks passed with no word from the front and just as life started to return to normal a messenger banged on the door after the family had just finished a hearty meal. Elizabeth's father excused himself from the dining table to answer the door and when left the room Elizabeth jumped up and followed him, standing behind the door so as not to expose herself. He was a young messenger, obviously not very skilled in his job, because as he stood there he spoke animatedly about the war and all that he'd seen. Elizabeth shuddered as he spoke about the dead bodies and the way the crows swooped down from their circling to pick at the dead bodies. He spoke about how the grass was no longer green but the whole battlefield was painted red with the blood. Finally the messenger spoke of the defeat. Edward had won; his army had conquered Henry's easily. The boy told Elizabeth's father how a delusional Henry had run off yelling about his victory. He also told her father how Henry's queen and her children had gone missing, the guards are suspecting she had fled England and refused to accept her husband's defeat.

Elizabeth sighed with relief, not that Edward was now the rightful King, but because that meant he was alive and from what she'd heard this far he was also unharmed.

Later that day a note came for Elizabeth from Edward it reads

My dearest Elizabeth,

The York army has been victorious the battle against Henry was won with ease. We broke siege on Bamburgh Castle less than a week ago. I am sending my troops south, and I plan to stop for sometime in Grafton Regis. I can hardly wait another moment to see you. Not a day has passed since I last saw you that I did not think of you. I will call upon you and your family once I arrive.

Yours truly,


Elizabeth's father had also received a letter from Edward, asking to be welcomed for dinner.

"It's a good thing we showed our loyalty and respects to Edward when he left, my dear," Jacquetta said, after reading the note. "There is nothing to it, we must start preparing for the King's arrival, and I think this is an occasion for some salted beef and pie." Elizabeth sat in the kitchen watching her mother prepare dinner.

"You're lucky, my darling," Jacquetta said, rolling out the dough for the pie.

"Whatever do you mean, Mamma?" Elizabeth asked, sitting up straight at the table.

"The battle could have gone either way. If it hadn't turned out as it has now you would not be sitting here right now awaiting your husband's return."

"Did you not already know the outcome?" Elizabeth asked.

"I am a mere mortal woman with the gift of witchcraft bestowed upon me. It is not for me to know such outcomes. My gifts have betrayed me before, my dear girl. I was just as conflicted as you about this battle. You trusted and believed in your husband, and that was all you or I could do." Jacquetta wiped her hands on her apron then turned around to look at Elizabeth. "Now do be a dear and fetch me the sugar from the pantry." Jacquetta asked, as though they had been having the most normal conversation up until that point. Elizabeth obliged with a confused frown on her lips.

Edward arrived later that evening just after the sun had set. He'd been glad for a home-cooked meal and he was especially pleased with his company. Richard questioned him nonstop throughout the dinner, asking him about the battle and about his sons Anthony and John. There had been no news of them since it had been declared Edward had won. He answered all his questions with patience and ease. He even remembered Margret and made an extra effort to wink at her when he sat down at the table. The dinner had been wonderful; Elizabeth suspected that her father had even started to enjoy Edward's company. That night once she'd kissed her boys goodnight and sung them a soft lullaby she snuck out of the house and ran to the cabin as quickly as possible in her long skirts. She yearned to be kissed by Edward again, she yearned to wake up in his warm and loving embrace, and she yearned to just be with him. Elizabeth pushed the door open making it groan as it slowly opened. She rushed in and did exactly what she'd longed to do the most; she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his.

Elizabeth tossed and turned that night. Giving up on all hope of sleeping, she lay awake in bed with Edward's head nuzzling the crook of her neck. She was still awake when the sun filtered through the glass and streams of sun filled the bedroom. When Edward woke she pounced right away.

"Good morning, dear husband. Now that you are back and the battle behind you, might we make our union public knowledge?" she asked, sitting up in the bed to get a better view of Edward. Edward yawned and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"There is nothing more I would like than to tell the whole world about you and me. But unfortunately this must stay between us for a time longer," Edward said, smiling reassuringly at her. He leaned forward to kiss her, thinking that the conversation was over, but she pressed her fingers to his lips instead.

"And how much longer must this remain a secret?" she asked, looking him squarely in the eye. He sighed and slumped back against the pillows.

"As you know, Lord Warwick has been trying to form a much-needed alliance between France and England. Princess Bona of Savoy is—was to be my bride and the next queen of England. I need to tell him and my mother about you and our wedding. Keeping this a secret a little longer isn't a curse, Elizabeth. There are going to be countless people upset about this union, and I wouldn't be surprised if there is to be a uproar. We mustn't tell anyone out of haste. This needs to be planned carefully."

"I see, it is unlikely for this all to happen in a matter of days then," Elizabeth replied, her eyes downcast.

"No, my dear," Edward replied, bringing his hands up to her face and cupping her cheek. "It is not likely for it to happen in a matter of days" he said, confirming her suspicion's. " I believe a matter of weeks is a more realistic assumption." Elizabeth nodded, she got out of bed, for the first time feeling the weight of reality, and she was no longer living in their little bubble of happiness. As she started to dress she could feel Edwards eye's on her, watching her every movement. She heard the shifting of the blankets as she started to lace her corset.

"You do trust me when I say this union won't stay a secret, Elizabeth, don't you?" Edward asked, his voice sounded deep and almost like he was challenging her.

"Yes, of course, your majesty," Elizabeth lied, suddenly feeling the urge to use her manners when addressing the King. She smiled at him as sweetly as she was able to.

"Good," he replied, obviously believing her. He smiled back at her then got out of bed and kissed her lightly on the forehead before pulling his breeches on.

"I must ride out today. The soldiers are anxious to return home. Do not fret, my dear, I shall return to you soon. I will write to you often with news from the castle." Elizabeth smiled faintly and nodded her head.

This time when Edward left, Elizabeth wasn't left with hope and expectations, she was left standing in front of a cabin in the middle of the woods, watching a man ride off. 

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