>.< Chapter One >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I was at the train station with my parents waiting for the train.  "We're going to miss you so much (Y/n)."  Mom said with tear filled eyes.  "Give us a call every month."  Dad said trying to blink his tears away.  It wasn't working.  "I'm going to miss you guys too.  And I will call you guys every month."  I said hugging my now crying parents.  I heard the train pull up.  "I got to go now.  Bye Mom! Bye Dad!"  I exclaimed running onto the train.  "Tell Katelyn we said Hi!"  They shouted in unison.  I nodded and waved as the train pulled away from the station.  I sighed and smiled.  I'm moving to MyStreet!  I pulled out my blue and black cat ear headphones and listened to music as I watched everything pass by out the window. 

The train stopped moving so I turned off my music and put my head phones away.  I grabbed my bags and hopped off the train.  I went to the entrance of the station where Katelyn told me to wait.  I sat on a bench and stared at the parking lot.  The parking lot seemed empty.  I sighed and closed my eyes for a bit. 

Someone was shaking me when I woke up.  "Ngh knock it off..."  I mumbled.  Suddenly someone punched my shoulder causing me to jolt awake.  In front of me was a happy yet annoyed Katelyn and a girl with black hair and amber eyes.  "Well you're finally awake."  Katelyn said with a smile.  "KATELYN!!"  I screamed hugging her.  "(Y/N) IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!"  Katelyn screamed hugging me back.  "Um...should I get in the car and leave you two alone?"  The black haired girl asked awkwardly.  I let go of Katelyn and smiled and the unknown girl.  "Sorry I ignored you.  I just got excited to see my sister again.  Anyway my name's (Y/n)."  I said with a smile holding my hand out for the girl to shake.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you (Y/n)!  My name's Aphmau you can call me Aph though!"  The girl said with a smile, "I didn't know that Katelyn had a sister by the way.  I only knew she had a bunch of brothers."  Aphmau stared at Katelyn and I.  "Oh well I never did talk about my family much you know."  Katelyn said with a smile.  "Eh?  We're not important to you?"  I dramatically asked looking away.  "N-no you're important to me it's just there's never a reason to mention you."  Katelyn reassured.  "True.  Also I can't believe you left me with those devils, Katelyn!!"  I complained.  "Heh well I needed to leave.  They were driving me crazy."  Katelyn said with a silly smile. 

"Well we should get in the car now.  (Y/n) is a moving van on the way to your new house?"  Aph asked.  "Well of course!  I'm moving so I need a moving van!"  I exclaimed with an obvious look.  "True.  Well let's go."  Aphmau said simply.  I grabbed my two bags and put them in the trunk of the car.  Once the three of us were loaded in the car Aphmau started the car.  "So are you excited to be moving?"  Katelyn asked smiling at me.  "Of course I am!  I can't want to live on the same street as you Katelyn!"  I said excitedly.  "Well of course you want to on the same street as your amazing older sister~"  Katelyn said grandly.  Aphmau giggled I rolled my eyes.  "You mean the same amazing older sister that fell down the stairs because she was trying to skip two steps at a time?"  I asked laughing.

"Oh my Irene Katelyn that happened?!"  Aphmau asked laughing.  "(Y/N)!!"  Katelyn shouted angrily.  I giggled.  "I had to Katelyn I had to."  I said with a smile.  "Okay okay girls let's calm down."  Aphmau said with a smile.  Before we knew it we were in front of my new house.  "Is this it?"  Aphmau asked staring at the house.  "Yup!  This is it!"  I said with a smile.  After we got out of the car the moving van soon pulled up.  I smiled and opened the van.  There were like twenty boxes.  "What do you have that causes you to need so many boxes?"  Katelyn asked.  "Hm?  Oh a few of them just have my clothes in it."  I said picking up a box.  "Do you need some help unpacking?"  Katelyn asked grabbing a box.  "Yeah it would be appreciated."  I said with a slight smile.  "Great Aphmau go get the boys I'm sure they'd like to help my lovely sister."  Katelyn said.  "Okay I'll be right back with a bunch of boys!"  Aphmau exclaimed running off. 

Katelyn and I were about to go outside when four boys came in holding two boxes each.  "Oh wow that's a lot of help."  I said with a smile.  Aphmau was lifting a box that said fragile.  I gasped and ran to her taking it from her.  "Heh heh I'll take this one!"  I said.  I opened the box and sighed in relief.  Nothing was bent.  "What's in the box that's oh so fragile?"  Katelyn asked with a smirk.  I jumped she came so suddenly.  "N-nothing!"  I said calming down.  "Oh really?"  Katelyn asked putting her box down.  "Yes."  I said putting the box down.  Once I put it down Katelyn grabbed it and looked inside.  "KATELYN!!"  I screamed.  "Hahaha!!! You have-"  I tackled Katelyn and started tickling her.  "What Katelyn?  What do I have?"  I asked with a smile.  "Hahaha...nothing!!!  You...hahaha...have nothing!!!"  Katelyn shrieked between laughter.  "Good Katelyn."  I said getting off of her.  "You're so mean (N/n)."  Katelyn mumbled.  "Don't call me that!"  I shrieked.  Katelyn then started to laugh.  I started to laugh too.  Everyone was staring at the two of us like we were insane.  I'm so happy I get to see my sister again!

I hope everyone liked this chapter.  This story takes place to where Travis first moved in with Garroth and the others.  Also people are saying Katelyn doesn't have a mom.  Those people are wrong.  She techinically has a mother which is Savanahh.    Just to let everyone know!  Bye! >.<

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