>.< Chapter Thirty >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


A/n~This chapter is actually your dream.  It's kind of based off a dream I had but a few things are completely changed.  Remember this chapter is not your actual life.  It is a dream. 

Your P.O.V.~

I opened my eyes.  I was at the park.  Everyone was dancing and laughing.  My party.  This is from my party.  Everything felt so real.  But this was a dream?  Possibly.  A few people were missing though.  Laurence, Garroth, Travis, Zane, Dante, and Aaron.  I looked around.  They were all at my party...

I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around to see a shadowed figure.  "Would you like to dance, (Y/n)?"  He asked.  I couldn't recognize the voice.  I couldn't even see what he looked like.  "Sure."  I heard myself say.  We danced together.  The two of us were laughing.  I was having fun but I was so curious.  Who is this person?

The dream changed I was at a bar.  I didn't drink so I was just sitting there.  The mystery man was sitting next to me.  "You're not getting a drink (Y/n)?"  He asked.  I shook my head.  "I don't drink.  I don't want to lose my mind."  I said with a slight laugh.  The man laughed as well.  "Do you know who I am, (Y/n)?"  He suddenly asked.  The happy demeanor was gone.  I bit my lip. 

"You're right.  I don't know who you are."  I mumbled.  "That's because you're blind to your feelings."  He said.  I looked at him confused.  "What?"  I asked.  With a snap the man was gone and was replaced with the six boys.  "You need to figure out your feelings, (Y/n)."  Garroth said sternly.  "You can't hide how you feel forever."  Travis said.  "You need to choose."  Laurence said.  "You need to decide.  Which one of us you love."  They all said in unison.

My eyes widened in horror.  I did like all of them...  "I-I can't choose..."  I mumbled.  "Then suffer."  Zane said.  I looked at him surprised . I felt something wrap around my neck.  I screamed when I saw something black and shadowy start to tighten around my neck.  It was getting hard to breathe.  Right when I was about to die the dream changed.

I was back with the shadowed man.  We were at a restaurant.  "I'm glad I met you (Y/n).  I feel like you've changed my life."  The man said.  I looked around nervously.  "Something wrong, (Y/n)?"  He asked.  I faked a smile and shook my head.  "No.  I'm fine."  I said politely.  The man smiled.  The dream changed again. 

I was back in my own house.  I was confused.  There was a knock at my bedroom door.  I stood up and opened the door.  Katelyn was standing there.  "We need to talk."  She said sternly. I nodded and moved aside.  She walked in.  "Does my little sister like someone?  She asked.  I felt my face go red. "No!"  I exclaimed.  "Then explain this."  Katelyn said.  A few screens appeared out of nowhere.  Days that I spent with the boys were there.  I blushed.  "Why...why are those there?"  I asked. 

"For proof."  Katelyn said.  "So does my little sister like all of these boys?"  She asked motioning to the six different screens.  I stayed silent.  "(Y/n)...you can't hide your feelings.  You need to figure it out."  Katelyn said grabbing my hands.  "I can't.  I don't want to."  I mumbled.  "Well you have to.  You're going to wake up soon.  I should go."  Katelyn said.  She waved and walked out the door.  I looked at her confused.  Then everything went black.

>.< End Of The Dream >.<

I woke up.  I felt around my neck.  There was nothing there.  It was morning.  I was slightly sweaty.  I sighed and walked to my bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes. 

After a short shower I stepped out to see I had fifteen missed calls from Aphmau.  Geez give me a break...  I picked up my phone and called her.  "(Y/N) FINALLY YOU ANSWERED!!!  OUR SHIFT WAS MOVED SO WE HAVE TO GET TO WORK NOW!!!"  Aphmau screamed from the other end of the phone.  "Okay okay.  I'll be at the cafe soon."  I said. 

I laughed slightly.  "Aphmau you make a big deal out of everything."  I said with a sigh as I grabbed my things. 

I hope you enjoyed this weird dreamy nightmare chapter.  Bye! >.<

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