>.< Chapter Three >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I continued to hang up all of my precious posters after my call with Katelyn. I finished hanging up my Tokyo Ghoul poster of Kaneki. I stared at the poster with love. "Oh senpai..." I said dreamily. I sighed and decided I'd change into a different outfit before Garroth came. (You can choose any of the outfits in the picture. That's what you'll wear.) I put on my outfit and ran downstairs. I checked the time and saw it was 5:30. I smiled and ran back upstairs into my study. I grabbed my guitar and started to strum a few random notes turning it into a little melody. I heard a knock at my door and ran downstairs I still had my guitar around my shoulder. "Hey (Y/n)!" Garroth said with a smile. I smiled back at him. "Hey Garroth!" I said returning his smile. I heard you playing your guitar. You're really good!" Garroth said motioning towards my guitar.

I blushed and thanked him for his compliment. "So you're taking to Katelyn's house?" I asked turning guitar strap to make it more comfortable. "Yeah I am. Take your guitar with you. You can play it if you want." Garroth said stepping aside. I walked outside and locked my door. I followed Garroth into the cold night as we walked towards my sister's house. "So why exactly are you taking me to my sister's house?" I asked a little curious. "Didn't Katelyn say no questions?" Garroth asked. "Oh yeah I guess she did. Wait...how did you know that?" I asked. "Because Katelyn told me don't answer any questions that have to do with where we're going." Garroth said simply. "Well done Katelyn...one step ahead." I said with a silly look. Garroth chuckled and stopped in front of a house. "We're here!" Garroth exclaimed all the lights were off strangely. "Why are the lights off?" I asked confused. "Don't worry about that. Let's go inside." Garroth said he opened the door for me and I stepped into the dark house.

"Garroth what's-" I was cut off by the lights turning on and a bunch of people jumping out of no where yelling, "WELCOME (Y/N)!!" I covered my mouth and looked around. Katelyn was in front of me with a wide smile. "Wh-what's this?!" I asked with astonishment. "It's a welcoming party!!" Katelyn exclaimed, "Welcome to MyStreet Lil' sis!" Katelyn hugged me and everyone started to party. I hugged Katelyn back and smiled. "Go mingle with everyone!" Katelyn said as she pushed me into the crowd.

A girl with pink hair and black cat ears and a tail came up to me with a smile. "Hello!! Kawaii~Chan is so excited to meet you (Y/n)~Senpai!! Kawaii~Chan didn't know that Katelyn~Sama had a sister!" The meif'wa exclaimed with happy tune. "It's nice to meet you too Kawaii~Chan!!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Kawaii~Chan and I talked a little more then I went off to meet other people.

I met everyone but there was there was still two people I haven't met. One had a red hoodie and mask he was standing in the kitchen while the other on was wearing a black and grey striped sweater with mask covering his mouth. I walked up to the one in the corner first. "Hi! My name's (Y/n)! What's yours?" I asked cheerfully. The man looked up and me. "Zane." He mumbled. "It's nice to meet you Zane! Why are you just sitting here in the corner?" I asked looking at him while cocking my head to the side. "Well parties aren't really my thing..." He said looking down. "I see. Well here's my number give me a call or a text if you want to hang out or something!" I said handing him a slip of paper with my number on it. "O-oh um thanks." He mumbled putting the paper in his pocket. I smiled and walked to the hooded man.

I waved to him and introduced myself. "So what's your name?" I asked with a cheerful smile. "Aaron." He said looking at me. "It's nice to meet you Aaron why are you just standing here? You remind me of Zane just standing here awkwardly." I said happily. "Well I don't know I just like being alone." Aaron mumbled. "What do you look like?" I asked staring at his hood and mask. "What?" He stared at me with shock. "Everyone here is showing their faces. Why aren't you showing your face?" I asked. "I just like it with my hood up." He mumbled. "Well just this once can you show me what you look like? Even if it's just for a second?" I asked with a smile. He nodded and took off his mask and hood. I smiled. "Good now leave it down. People should get to see your face." I said cheerfully. I handed him my phone number like I did with everyone else then ran off to Katelyn.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Katelyn asked standing at the top floor. We all turned to her. "I want to thank everyone for coming to sister's welcoming party I'm sure she feels appreciated no doubt about it." Katelyn said everyone cheered and smiled. I smiled too and turned my attention to Katelyn once more. "(Y/n) come up here and play something on your guitar!" Katelyn exclaimed she ran downstairs and pulled me up the stair case. "Katelyn?!" I squeaked staring at her. "Come on show everyone your talent!" Katelyn said. I sighed and smiled.

"I'm going to play a song called Wildest Dreams on my guitar!" I exclaimed with a smile. Everyone cheered and I started to play the sweet melody. Once I finished everyone smiled, clapped, and cheered. "That was amazing!!" I heard someone shout. "Beautiful!!" Another person shouted. I giggled and walked down the stairs. I feel really welcome here! I hope that this friendly atmosphere stays!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! Everyone seems to love you!! Bye! >.<

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