>.< Chapter Seventeen >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

All the girls were at my house getting ready for the date.  I stared at Katelyn and noticed she was wearing her normal clothes.  I looked at her confused.  "You're not going to dress up?"  I asked.  Katelyn shrugged.  "I don't know.  I don't have much to wear y'know."  Katelyn said.  I sighed.  I knew what she meant. 

"Can someone help with the choker?"  I asked.  Aphmau clipped the choker on.  I smiled and thanked her.  "Stop moving, (Y/n)."  Cadenza complained.  She was curling my hair and was going to work on my makeup.  I giggled.  "Sorry Cadenza."  I said.  I heard her sigh.  It's fine.  Now just this part and done!"  Cadenza exclaimed.  I looked in the mirror and smiled.  My hair was curled nicely and there was a pink ombre to match my dress.

I smiled at Cadenza.  "This is really pretty!  Thanks Cadenza!"  I exclaimed happily.  "No problem, (Y/n)!  I love to style stuff so this is perfect!"  Cadenza exclaimed.  "Hey (Y/n) here's your lipstick."  Lucinda said.  I smiled.  "Thanks Lucinda."  I said with a smile.  When I finished applying my lipstick I noticed that everyone was waiting by the door.  "Is everyone ready?"  Kawaii~Chan asked excitedly.  I smiled.  Everyone nodded and we made our way to the mall.

All the boys were there waiting at the mall.  I waved at them.  All of them blushed. (Reece didn't blush...Can you even see Reece blush?  I mean he's pink.... any way back to the story!)   I smiled and walked over to Zane.  "Ready for the date?"  I asked with a smile.  He blushed and nodded.  "Y-yeah."  He mumbled.  I giggled.  "O-okay um we're going to the arcade first!  Let's go!"  Travis exclaimed.  Everyone cheered and we started to walk.  Someone however was lurking in the shadows.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!  Bye! >.<

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