>.< Chapter Twenty Two >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


A/n~I'm going to be doing Laurence today.  Garroth tomorrow then Travis.  Laurence and Garroth got even votes but I asked my friends to even out the votes.  Thank you friends.  Sorry if you didn't get what you were hoping for.

Your P.O.V.~

I was trying to calm Katelyn down after she chased Dante around the street.  "Katelyn calm down."  I said.  "Calm down?  CALM DOWN?!  HOW CAN I POSSIBLY CALM DOWN WHEN MY LITTLE SISTER HAD HER FIRST KISS AND HER FIRST DATE?!"  Katelyn screeched.  "Katelyn it wasn't a date.  It was just hanging out."  I reassured her. 

"How can I be so sure?"  She asked.  "Well Dante just asked me to hang out.  He said absolutely nothing about a date."  I said.  "Well to bad.  I don't trust him."  Katelyn said.  She hugged me.  "You're my little sister.  I'm worried about you.  I don't want your heart to break."  Katelyn said softly.  I giggled.  "Katelyn.  I'm not a little tiny girl anymore.  I'm a grown up.  I can deal with this myself."  I said.  Katelyn sighed and let go of me.  "I guess.  Well the sleepover is canceled by the way."  Katelyn said.  I nodded.  "Well I'll take my leave now.  By big sis."  I said with a wave.  Katelyn waved then fell onto her bed to sleep.

I giggled when I closed the door.  When I turned around I noticed Laurence pounding on the door?  I walked over to their house and tapped his shoulder.   Laurence jumped and turned around.  He sighed in relief when he saw me.  "Oh it's just you (Y/n)."  He said.  "What are you doing?"  I asked.  "Huh?  Oh I was locked out of the house.  I know they're in there.  They just don't want to open the dumb door."  Laurence said growling.  I giggled.  "Well why don't you and I hang out?  I mean there's nothing really for me to do."  I said. 

"Um sure but it's getting pretty late."  Laurence said.  I shook my head.  "It's fine.  You can stay with me if they locked you out.  You could have a sleepover."  I said excitedly.  Laurence blushed. "But I don't have any clothes..."  He mumbled.  "That's okay.  You can go and shower and I can wash your clothes for you."  I said as I started pulling him along.    "Well um I don't want to be a bother y'know."  Laurence protested.  I sighed and turned around to look at him.

"You're coming with me to my house.  That's final."  I said.  Laurence gave in and nodded.  I smiled and started to walk once again. 

Laurence followed my upstairs since I was still holding his hand.  "Here's the bathroom.  You can shower.  I'm going to make dinner."  I said as I handed him a towel.  The shower is in a separate room so I'll come in and grab your clothes on the shelf in the first room."  I said.  "You'll know when you see it."  I said.  Laurence nodded.  "Thanks (Y/n)."  He said.  I nodded.  "Of course.  Now go on."  I said. 

I was making fried chicken for dinner.  I had just finished since fried chicken was pretty easy.  I ran upstairs to the bathroom.  Laurence was still in the shower.  I opened the door and saw that his clothes were on the shelf in a pile.  I sighed he could've folded it.  I grabbed his clothes and threw them into the washer.  I ran into my study room and sat down next to my harp.

I closed my eyes and started to play.  My fingers danced across the strings.  Every single piece I play is known by my heart.  I never forget music.  I hummed slightly along with the elegant sound the harp was producing. 

When I opened my eyes and stopped playing I heard clapping.  I turned around to see Laurence fully dressed in his clothes.  "Hey Laurence."  I said with a calm smile.  "When did you get your clothes?"  I asked.  "Oh well I heard the washer go off and so I put it in the dryer.  Then the dryer went off."  Laurence explained.  "Oh I see."  I said.  "Well dinner's ready so let's go eat something."  I said with smile.  Laurence nodded and followed me down the stairs. 

"(Y/n) this is really really good!"  Laurence exclaimed.  I smiled.  "Thank you!  My mom taught me how to cook since I actually wanted to learn.  Katelyn ehh not so much."  I said.  Laurence chuckled.  "Well that's to bad."  Laurence said.  After a while of eating Laurence decided he'd help with the dishes.  There were a lot of bubbles.  I giggled and popped one.  Laurence laughed then a bubble landed on his nose.  I laughed and popped it.  Soon enough there were bubbles everywhere.

"We need to clean this up."  Laurence said with a chuckle.  I nodded and laughed.  After cleaning up Laurence and I were sitting on the couch.  "Wanna watch a movie?"  I asked.  Laurence nodded.  I handed him the remote. "I don't know what I want to watch.  You choose."  I said lazily.  "Okay um how about Lilo and Stitch?"  Laurence asked.  "No how about Lilo and Stitch:Stitch has a glitch?"  I asked.  Laurence chuckled.  "Must be very specific."  He said.  I laughed and nodded.  "Yup it has to be just right."  I said with a smile.  Laurence and I stared at each other for a but and laughed. 

Laurence and I eventually fell asleep and ended up in a cuddling position.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Bye! >.<

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