>.< Chapter Five >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

As I walked home I bumped into someone and fell. "Hey sorry." A voice said. I looked up Aaron had his hand reached out towards me. I took his hand and smiled. "No need to apologize I banged into you. I'm sorry and thanks for helping me up." I said with a sweet smile. "No problem." Aaron said. I waved at him and started walking back to my house. I looked out my window in my study and saw Zane in his bedroom talking on the phone with someone. I smiled and sat down at my piano. I wanted to play a song. I smiled as I played the piece Dreamscape.

I began to grow tired so I stopped playing and got dressed for bed. When I woke up I decided I'd check my mail. I got dressed and ran downstairs. In the mail box I noticed the house bills. Already?! I sighed and looked at the bills. $5000?! I don't have the money for that. I sighed and walked back inside only to collapse on my couch. Suddenly there was frantic knocks at my door. I shuffled my feet and opened the door Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan stood there. "(Y/n)~Sama please come with Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau~Senpai to go to a maid cafe! Kawaii~Chan wants to get a job there but she doesn't want to seem like a pushover so if Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/n)~Sama could come Kawaii~Chan thought that she could have a better chance at getting the job!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

I smiled. "Deal! I need a job anyway to pay the rent so if I could get this job too then that would be perfect!" I exclaimed happily. "Great!! Kawaii~Chan is so excited!!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed, "Let's goo!!" Kawaii~Chan grabbed my wrist and Aphmau's wrist and began running. Wow she's excited. Kawaii~Chan was staring at the girl who was in front of us. She couldn't speak. I stepped in at this. "Hello mam my name is (Y/n). My friends and I were wondering if you had open spots at this cafe to work here!" I said with a happy smile. "It's nice to meet you (Y/n). Unfortunately we don't have any thing available. You three are so cute maybe next time." Right at that moment. "YOU'RE FIRED YOU'RE TERRIBLE AT MAKING SWEETS AND TERRIBLE AT SERVING!! GET OUT OF HERE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! SAIKA~CHAN HIRE SOMEONE ELSE I DON'T CARE WHO!! WE NEED STAFF NOW!!!!" Someone shouted. The girl chuckled nervously. "Hehehe oh would you look at that a position just opened up! Head to the back room and grab any maid outfit! Start serving the customers if you do well today then you've got the job. Now hurry before my boss gets mad at me!" The girl said she was shaking. Kawaii~Chan jumped with joy and ran to the back room. "Wait me too?!" Aphmau exclaimed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the back room. "Let's get dressed and start working!" I said with a happy smile. Aphmau stared at me. "You're desperate for money aren't you?" She asked with a sigh. I nodded and grabbed a (F/c) maid outfit. I handed Aphmau and purple one. "Here ya go! I hope no one we know comes here though. That'd be embarrassing." I said the last part softly. "Yeah. Well don't worry it's not like they'd just come out of no where!" Aphmau said happily.

After we got dressed I realized how embarrassing this outfit was. "A-Aphmau this outfit i-it's..." I mumbled shaking. "Embarrassing? Kind of revealing?" Aphmau asked staring at me. I nodded and blushed. "I don't wanna go outside in this..." I mumbled. "You don't have a choice. Come on." Aphmau said she dragged me outside. A table with three boys waved me over. I took a deep breath and smiled at them. "Hello, My name is (Y/n)! I'll be your maid today can I get you anything?" I asked cheerfully. "Yea could we all get some water and a tray of donuts?" A honey blonde haired boy said with a happy smile. "Of course! I'll be right back!" I said I then ran off to get their orders.

I returned to their table with a cheerful smile. "Here you go! Can I get you anything else?" I asked happily. "Actually yeah we could have your phone number!" The blond haired boy exclaimed. "Wh-what?" I asked with shock. "Yeah! You have an interesting gleam in your eyes. We wanna hang out with you!" The boy said happily. "Okay...here." I said handing the boy a slip of paper. "Thanks! Oh right my name's Nagisa! Here's my number!" The boy said handing me his number. I thanked him and walked away. Aphmau suddenly ran up to me. "Um well you see the guys are here and they want to see you in a maid outfit. Kawaii~Chan told them you were here." Aphmau said. "What?!" I whisper shouted. "I'll distract them. Stay here." Aphmau said quietly. I nodded and sighed. "What did I get myself into?" I mumbled.

I'm pulling Free into this story. I love that anime so don't get mad for crossing it. I know they're in highschool or something in the anime. But this is them more grown up. Hope you enjoyed Bye! >.<

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