>.< Chapter Thirty Five >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I screamed aloud causing everyone to look at me.  "I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!"  I cheered dancing around.  Everyone laughed.  Katelyn came up to me with a smile.  I was dressed as Rin Kagamine and Katelyn was dressed as Hatsune Miku!  I smiled.  "We're vocaloids!"  I exclaimed.  "That bake?"  Laurence asked.  I smiled.  "We like to bake!  Well I like to bake!"  I exclaimed.  "Hey I like baking!"  Katelyn exclaimed.  I smiled.  "Then why didn't you help me make my Baymax cookies???"  I asked pulling out a bag of Baymax shaped cookies.  "Because I didn't want to.  I'm terrible at baking."  Katelyn complained.  "That's no excuse!  These are for the end of the convention so no one touch!"  I exclaimed placing the cookies in my pocket.

"Well I'd like to get going right now.  I don't want to wait."  Lucinda said.  "Yeah.  We don't wanna wait."  Laurence said as himself, Garroth, and Laurence walked out the door.  "C'mon Travis let's go."  Lucinda said pulling him along.  I smiled and looked at Katelyn and Nicole.  "You guys can go ahead too y'know."  I said.  "Not gonna leave my vocaloid baking buddy.  Nicole I'll catch up with you later."  Katelyn said.  "Okay~  We should enter the Para Para Dancing Contest by the way."  Nicole said before walking away.

I walked into the separate room where Aaron and Zane were waiting.  "Where's Aphmau?"  I asked.  "She's still getting her hair ready."  Aaron said rolling his eyes.  "Hey!  I heard that!  And I'm only taking so long because one I had to do Garroth's hair and only now I'm doing my hair!"  Aphmau argued from the bathroom.  I laughed.  "Aphmau why don't I help you?"  I asked.  "That would be amazing (Y/n)."  Aphmau said with a smile. 

Five minutes later we both walked out of the bathroom.  "Don't I look fierce?"  Aphmau asked.  I smiled.  "Yeah sure you do."  Zane said.  I smiled and jumped onto Katelyn.  "(Y/n) what are you doing?!"  She exclaimed.  "Piggy Back ride!"  I exclaimed laughing.  "First I have to wear a skirt and now I have to piggy back ride you?"  Katelyn complained.  I smiled.  "Come on let's go!"  I exclaimed hitting Katelyn's back.  "Okay okay.  Let's go!"  Aphmau exclaimed.  We all walked out the door.  A few people gave Katelyn and I weird looks. 

Once we reached the convention entrance I hoped off Katelyn's back.  "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!  IT'S AMAZING!!"  I screamed.  "Pfft it's okay."  Katelyn said but I knew she was holding in her excitement.  "Katelyn!  You can let you fangirl out!  No one will judge."  I said happily.  "R-really?"  She asked.  "DO IT!"  I exclaimed.  Katelyn exploded and screamed running around.

I smiled and looked around the convention excitedly.  "COME ON!!!  MERCHANDISE FIRST!!"  I screamed pulling Aphmau along.  I cheered when I saw the plushes, action figures, keychains, and other AMAZING TINGS!!!!  As Aphmau and I were walking back to the boys I noticed that Aaron and Zane were fighting.  I squealed and looked at Aphmau.

"Scared?"  Zane teased.  Aaron looked down.  "Yeah I kind of am."  Aaron mumbled.  "That you won't dodge this!"  Aaron exclaimed striking at Zane.  Zane blocked and laughed.  "HAHAHA!  I may only have one eye but-"  Zane was cut off by a random nerd.  "Just kill him while he's talking!  Ugh I hate it when that happens!"  He exclaimed.  "Shush!  I wanna watch!"  I exclaimed. 

"(Y/n)?!"  They asked.  I smiled.  Aphmau squealed.  "You guys are in amazing character!  Don't break it!"  I exclaimed.  They started to protest when Travis suddenly appeared. "I'm joining in this battle!"  He exclaimed.  "This doesn't concern you!"  Aaron and Zane snapped.  "The witch Lucinda joins in!"  Lucinda exclaimed.  "If you kiss me then I become ten times stronger."  Travis said.  "Alright~"  Lucinda says with a smile.  "R-really?"  Travis asked. 

Katelyn then appeared next to me.  "What's happening?"  She asked.  "Epic battle scene!"  I exclaimed squealing with Aphmau.  "I'm going to kiss Travis."  Lucinda said.  "Pfft you're a terrible kisser.  You couldn't kiss if your life depended on it."  Katelyn argued.  "That is not true!  I have a potion for kissing actually."  Lucinda said.  "Let me show you how it's done."  Katelyn said.  She neared Travis and kissed him.  He then collapsed.  Travis looked at Katelyn.  "Y-you kissed me!"  He exclaimed.  Katelyn knocked him out.  I smiled and helped Travis up.  "Are you okay?"  I asked.  No response.  "Oh well.  Let's take him with us."  Aaron said.  I nodded and dragged Travis around with us.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye~ >.<

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