>.< Chapter Thirty Three >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

Theme week was fun.  There Meif'wa, Career, Animals, Pokemon, Swimsuits, Princess, and finally today was Kimonos.  I walked out of the dressing room with a smile on face.  (The two Kimonos on top is what you wear.  You can choose which one you want and change the color.  I chose the blue one and changed the colors to Teal, white, and black.)  I looked at Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan who seemed happy with their choices.  "At least this isn't very revealing."  Aphmau said with a smile.  "Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/n)~Sama look amazing!"  Kawaii~Chan exclaimed happily.  I smiled at her.  "Thanks Kawaii~Chan!  And you're right Aphmau.  It's not as embarrassing as the other themes."  I said happily.

The doors of the Cafe opened to show a bunch of customers.  I walked over to a table with two couples.  "Hello!  My name is (Y/n), Can I get you anything?"  I asked cheerfully.  A girl with brown hair smiled.  "Hello it's nice to meet you (Y/n)!  And yeah could we get water and four slices of cake?"  She asked.  I nodded.  "What kind of cake would you like?"  I asked.  "Chocolate and Vanilla!"  A blonde haired girl cheered.  I laughed.  "Okay!  You boys are getting the same thing?"  I asked.  They nodded and smiled at me.  "Alright!  I'll be back with your orders!"  I stated before walking away.

I told the chefs the orders and walked into the dressing room.  Aphmau was inside trying to fix her hair.  "Something wrong?"  I asked.  She flinched.  "Heh no.  My hair just got messed up a little."  She said with a slight frown.  "Let me help."  I said walking up to her.  I placed her hair back into its bun and placed the lilac colored flower back in its place.  I smiled.  "There you go!"  I exclaimed.  She smiled and hugged me.  "Thanks (Y/n)!  You're the best!"  She exclaimed before leaving.

I walked to the counter to see that the order was ready.  I took a large tray and carried the orders to the couple's table.  "Alright I've got water and cake!"  I exclaimed as I placed their waters down along with their cakes.  "You're nice (Y/n)."  The brown haired girl said.  I smiled at her.  "Thank you.  You seem nice as well."  I said.  "Oh she is."  A boy said.  I smiled.  "Good to know.  Can I get you anything else?"  I asked.  "Ehh...no we're good for now.  Thanks."  The blonde girl said taking a bite of her cake.  I smiled at walked away.

~Time Skip to Tomorrow~

I was lounging on my couch.  I had just gotten my pay which was absolutely amazing!  I got so much monies!  I heard a knock on my door and groaned.  I was so comfy on my couch watching Escape The Night with Joey Graceffa.  I crawled to the door and looked through the peep hole.  Aphmau, Zane, and Aaron were standing there. 

I poked my head out the door and stared at the three.  "Yeessss?"  I sang.  Aphmau smiled.  "We have A-Con tickets!!!  Do you want to come?!"  Aphmau exclaimed.  I looked at her with wide eyes and screamed.  I opened my door fully and tackled her in a hug.  "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH APHMAU YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!  OF COURSE I'D LOVE TO COME!!!!!"  I screamed.  Aphmau grinned.  "Great!  We're gonna leave soon so GET PACKING!"  She exclaimed.  I squealed and ran upstairs not even bothering to close my door.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  A-Con then Love Love Paradise!!!!!!  Anyway I'm thinking about making a new book called, Don't Run!  Yandere! Ro'Meave Brothers X Reader.  What do you guys think?  Would you like that?  Anyway tell me what you think!  Bye! >.<

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