>.< Chapter Eighteen >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I cheered when we got to the arcade.  "I love the arcade!"  I exclaimed cheerfully.  Zane chuckled.  "Excited much?"  He asked.  I giggled.  "I just really love the arcade!  My parents used to bring us to the arcade all the time!"  I exclaimed.  "Right Katelyn?"  I looked at Katelyn.  "Yup.  We loved to go to the arcade.  Not as much as punching others though."  Katelyn laughed.  "That was all you Katelyn.  And occasionally dad."  I said.  Katelyn rolled her eyes. 

"Well we're here!  We can do whatever we want now."  Travis said.  Lucinda looked at Travis with a bored look.  "Really?  I dressed up fancy for this?"  She asked.  "H-hey!  Don't worry!  We're just going to hang out here then have dinner.  After dinner we can all go our separate ways!"  Travis protested.  I giggled.  "What's wrong can't play hard in heels Lucinda?"  Katelyn asked.  "At least I can play in heels Katelyn."  Lucinda said.  "She's got you there, Katelyn."  I said with a smile. 

"Pfft you're one to talk.  You're a little potato!"  Katelyn exclaimed.  (You're shorter than everyone...cause that's how my life is.  I'm shorter than a lot of people...)  "At least I'm cuter this way!  Besides people mistake me for a kid!  By being a kid I get amazing discounts!"  I exclaimed.  Aphmau cheered and high fived me.  "Chill out Katelyn."  Nicole said.  "What's wrong with her?"  Travis asked.   "She's fine Travis.  She just gets nervous on dates."  Nicole said.  "N-Nicole!"  Katelyn exclaimed.  I giggled.  "Sh-she's nervous?  A-around me?"  Travis asked with a shy smile.  "No!  I just-...UGH I'M SO FRUSTRATED!"  Katelyn shouted.  "Do you need a bathroom break Katelyn?"  Lucinda asked with a sly smile.  I shivered.  "Zane let's go!"  I exclaimed.  I grabbed Zane's arm and ran off to a random spot.

"GAH!"  Zane exclaimed.  (I can hear Zane saying that over and over in my mind...)  "(Y/n)?!  What was that for?!"  He shouted/asked me.  "They were going to drag me in there...I know exactly what happens in a bathroom."  I said nervously.  Zane looked confused at first then sighed.  "Fine.  Well we're near the Skee Ball.  Wanna play?"  He asked.  I smiled and nodded. 

"YESS!"  I exclaimed happily.  "Be careful you're going to trip."  Zane said.  I was jumping up and down but I had heels on.  "Huh?  Ahh!"  I exclaimed.  I was falling.  Before Zane could react I fell into someone's arms.  I looked up and saw Dante.  I smiled.  "Thanks Dante!"  I exclaimed happily.  "Y-you're welcome..."  Dante said shyly.  I smiled at him.  "Zane you should've caught me..."  I mumbled.  "Eh?  I didn't have time to react..."  Zane mumbled.  I smiled.  "It's fine Zane.  Let's play the claw machine!"  I exclaimed.  I dragged him over to the claw.  "EH!  (Y/N)!"  Zane exclaimed.

I giggled with delight as I looked at the prizes.  "What do you wanna get?"  Zane asked.  I stared into the glass and spotted a (F/c) (F/a) plush!  I squealed and pointed to the plush.  "I want that!!"  I exclaimed.  "Try your best."  Zane said.  I nodded and started to play. 

I was on the ground crying and whining.  "I can't do this!!"  I exclaimed.  I had done this thirty times!! Zane chuckled and picked me up off the ground.  "Let me try."  He said.  I looked up at him hopefully.  "Really?"  I asked with a smile.  Zane nodded.  I stared at his motions.  His claw was able to grab the plush.  I smiled and cheered.  The plush dropped into the box and Zane gave it to me.  I smiled and hugged him.  "THANK YOU SO MUCH ZANE!!"  I exclaimed happily.  I squeezed the plush with delight.  "THANK YOU!!!"  I screamed.  Zane blushed.  "Y-you're welcome..."  He mumbled.  I smiled.  "Wanna play air hockey?"  I asked.  He nodded.

I'm going to end the chapter here.  I'll make a part two in the next chapter!  I hope you enjoyed!  Bye! >.<

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