>.< Chapter Seven >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

My shift at the cafe had ended and I changed out of the outfit.  I stuffed it into my bag and sighed.  It was slightly snowing on my way home and I had got the job at the maid cafe which made me happy slightly.  I was able to pay my bill and I collapsed on my bed when I got home.  "Ugh I feel so tired."  I groaned. 

My phone went off and I stared at it.  It was Nagisa's number.

N-Nagisa Y-You

N-Hey (N/n)~Chan!

Y-Why are you calling me that?

N-Because it sounds cute?  Why?

Y-It's what my sister calls me...it's kind of weird.

N-Oh well too bad!  I'm sticking with it!

Y-Ugh..what do you want Nagisa?

N-Come to the public pool!!!  My buds and I are going to swim and I want you to come!! :P

Y-Nooo I'm tired... -_-

N-Why?????????  Plzzzzzzzzzz





I left the conversation and sighed.  "It's kind of cold to go to a public pool.."  I mumbled.  I rolled my eyes and got changed into my (F/c) and (S/f/c) bikini.  I pulled some shorts over it and my Tsum Tsum shirt over it.  I put my needs into a bag and asked Katelyn if she could drive me to the public pool.

When I got in Katelyn's car she asked, "Why do you want to go to the public pool?"  "My friend invited me and if I didn't go he would keep begging me."  I grumbled.  "Oh I see...wait HE?"  Katelyn asked staring at me.  "Yeah I met him and his friends at my new job..."  I mumbled.  "What job did you get?"  Katelyn asked.  "Not telling."  I said.  "Why?"  She asked.  "To embarrassing."  I mumbled.  "Tell me tomorrow.  We're here I'll pick you up at six."  Katelyn said.  It was four o'clock right now.  I sighed and told her goodbye. 

In front of the pool I saw Nagisa and his friends.  There were two other people I didn't recognize.  "Who're they?"  I asked staring at the two maroon haired people with red eyes.  "Oh that's Gou~Chan and Rin~Chan!"  Nagisa exclaimed.  "Kou!  Nagisa it's Kou!" The girl exclaimed glaring at Nagisa.  "Oh well it's nice to meet you Gou and Rin."  I said with a polite smile. "Finally another girl.  All I get to go is chill out with these weirdos."  Gou complained.  I smiled.  "Come on let's go inside!!"  Nagisa exclaimed.  I also realized the pool was empty.  "I don't even know some of these people."  I mumbled.  Nagisa got close and smiled.  "Let's introduce you to them!"  Nagisa exclaimed.  "That's Rei~Chan, Haru~Chan, and Mako~Chan!"  Nagisa exclaimed.  I noticed that Haru was already in the pool floating.  I stared at him.  "That happens a lot.  But look at those muscles!"  Gou said there were sparkles around her.  I sighed and smiled.

Idk what to write I'll continue this hang out in the next chapter!  Bye! >.<

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