>.< Chapter Sixteen >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I opened my closet for Aphmau and Katelyn to run through while I sat on my bed.  I had my guitar was strumming peacefully.  "Why don't you have any dresses, (Y/n)?"  Aphmau asked.  "I have some dresses.  I don't know if I want a closet full of dresses though."  I said with a frown.  Aphmau and Katelyn turned around.  "We just texted Cadenza and Lucinda.  We're going to the mall we're going to buy some outfits for ourselves."  Katelyn said.  "Since when were you so girly?"  I mumbled. 

Katelyn pushed me into the car.  I noticed Zane and Travis staring at us out the window.  I mouthed a help me before the car pulled away.  Cadenza and Lucinda waved at us when they saw us at the mall.  "Hey!  Over here!"  Lucinda exclaimed.  I smiled and waved at them.  Once we got there we were pulled into a clothes store.  "We need the perfect date outfit for you (Y/n)."  Cadenza said proudly.  I sighed and went to look around.

As I was looking around I felt a presence behind me.  I turned around to see a grinning Aphmau.  "Hey Aphmau."  I said still looking at the clothes.  "(Y/n)...there's an anime store across of this one.  Let's sneak out a go!"  Aphmau whisper screamed.  I looked out the store window.  Anime merchandise right there....  "Let's go!"  I whisper shouted.  Aphmau and I squealed then ran out of the store.

Once we were done shopping in the anime store we went back to the clothes store only to find Katelyn, Lucinda, and Cadenza staring at us will 'really' looks.  I giggled along with Aphmau.  Cadenza sighed and shoved an outfit into my hands.  "Try this on."  She said.  I nodded and walked into the dressing room.

I looked in the mirror.  This was actually kind of cute.  A pink dress with a thin black belt.  Black high heels and a black heart shaped purse.  A black and gold choker and then finally black and gold earrings.  I smiled and stepped out of the dressing room to show everyone.  The girls stared at me in awe.  "IT'S PERFECT!!"  They squealed.  "We're buying this for you.  Take it off.  We're going to the makeup store after this!"  Lucinda squealed. 

I gave them the outfit after getting changed and they ran off. I noticed Aphmau had just stepped out of the changing room in a really cute purple outfit!  I walked over to her and smiled.  "That's so cute Aphmau!  I can buy that for you if you want!"  I exclaimed happily.  She looked at me then shook her head.  "No thanks.  This shopping trip is for you."  She said with a smile.  "If you say so."  I said.  After buying all the clothes we went into the makeup store.

I was looking at lipstick thinking of what color I wanted.  Aphmau came up to me with a smile.  "So what are you getting?"  She asked.  I shrugged.  "I don't want heavy heavy makeup.  I might just want a natural look."  I said with a smile.  Aphmau nodded.  "Yeah here look at this."  She said as she handed me the small tube.  I looked at the color blushing nude.  "This is nice.  Maybe I'll get this.  Thanks Aphmau."  I said with a cheerful smile.  She smiled at me then walked away. 

All of us ended up getting a small bit of makeup.  Katelyn simple lipstick, Aphmau mascara, Cadenza and Lucinda got a bunch, and I just had simple lipstick and mascara.  "Are we done now?"  I asked.  Cadenza and Lucinda looked around the mall before nodding.  I sighed and smiled.  "Thanks for taking me out here."  I said with a smile.  "No problem.  Tomorrow we're going to come over to get ready for our dates okay?"  Cadenza asked.  I nodded.  "That's fine."  I said.  "Great!  See you girls tomorrow!~"  Lucinda and Cadenza said as they walked off together. 

Katelyn, Aphmau, and I got back to our house to see all the boys still in their house.  I giggled as they sighed and kicked them all out.  I smiled at the boys.  "Well you guys should've left."  I said with a smile.  "Heh whatever."  They mumbled before walking their separate directions.  Zane and Aaron however walked with me since they lived nearby.  "I see you got a lot of stuff."  Aaron said as he motioned to the bags.  I giggled.  "We went for clothes, makeup, and anime merchandise."  I said with a smile.  They looked at me confused the sighed.  "Bye!  See you at the date!"  I exclaimed as I waved to them.  They waved then walked away. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  Bye! >.<

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