>.< Chapter Twenty Seven >.<

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What you need to know~

(Y/N)=Your Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/C)=Favorite Color

(S/F/C/)=Second Favorite Color

(H/C)=Hair Color

(E/C)=Eye Color

(F/A)=Favorite Animal


Your P.O.V.~

I sighed as I stared at my phone hoping for someone to call me.  I was bored out of my mind.  Yesterday I spent the day with Travis...  I didn't really have anyone else to hang with.  "Please Irene please give me something to do."  I mumbled. 

Right at that moment my phone began to ring.  I smiled brightly and grabbed it immediately.  "Hi!"  I exclaimed.  I heard a slight chuckle from the other side.  "Hey (Y/n).  You seem excited."  Aaron said.  "Well I was hoping someone would call me.  I'm dying from boredom."  I said with a sigh.  "Well good thing I called then."  Aaron said.  I smiled.  "Yeah good thing."  I said cheerfully.  "Anyway wanna go ahead and go on this new nature trail that just opened?"  Aaron asked.  "Of course!  I love nature!"  I exclaimed.  "Great!  I'll come and pick you up then we can go ahead and leave."  He said.  "Great!  See you soon!  Bye!"  I chirped.  Aaron said bye and hung up.

I raced upstairs.  Finally something to do!  I put on a light gray tank top and some jean shorts.  I grabbed a pair of gray sneakers and ran back downstairs.  I grabbed a nice satchel and placed a few things inside.  I looked around.  "I think I have everything I need."  I mumbled.  I opened my satchel so I could check if I had everything I needed. 

I had my phone, earbuds, a water bottle, a small square towel, and finally a camera.  I heard a knock on the door and smiled.  Aaron was standing there in a red and black sleeveless shirt with black shorts.  "Hey, you ready?"  He asked with a smile.  I nodded and walked outside with him. 

We took the bus to the nature trail.  I smiled brightly when I saw it.  There were trees everywhere and it looked so peaceful.  I smiled and looked up at Aaron.  "Ready?"  He asked.  I nodded and ran ahead pulling him along.  He laughed slightly and ran with me ending up dragging me along. 

Once we ran out of breath we stopped under a tree and rested ourselves.  "Y'know even though you're so short you're pretty fast."  He said with a chuckle.  I looked at him and pouted.  "I may be short but I'm super fast!"  I exclaimed moving my arms in a running motion.  He laughed and smiled.  "Yeah but I'm faster."  He said.  I looked at him.  "Is this a challenge?"  I asked.  He nodded and gave me a competitive smirk.  I smirked back and stood up.  "Let's go.  You see that tree over there?"  I asked pointing to a tree that was pretty far.  He nodded.  "That's how far we go.  Whoever touches it first wins."  I said.  Aaron nodded and bent slightly.

"I'll give you a head start."  He said.  "Pfft!  I don't need it!"  I exclaimed.  "If you say so.  Prepared to get beaten."  He said.  I rolled my eyes and smiled.  We said Go at the same time and started to run.  I noticed that Aaron was behind me.  A few inches away from the tree I stopped.  He looked at me confused and stopped once he was right next to me.  "Something wrong?"  He asked.

"Are you letting me win?  Are you even trying?!"  I asked.  He chuckled.  "No I'm not trying."  He said.  I looked at him and sighed.  "Then you should win.  I don't want a fake win."  I said.  "Why should I win?  Why can't we both win?"  He asked.  I looked at him confused.  He took my hand and placed it gently against the tree along with his own.  "There we both win."  He said with a grin.  I stared at him for a bit and smiled.  "Yay!  We both win!"  I cheered jumping up and down.  He laughed and ruffled my hair slightly.  "We should walk the rest of the way.  We're almost at the end anyway."  He said.  I nodded and smiled. 

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