Stuck Between Three Demons ( One Piece Fanfic)

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Crimson stained walls
Sprinkled dark floors
Metallic chain bonds
Chose: Die or Run.

Run Misaki!



I jolted awake, drenched in a cold sweat, my heart racing against my chest. My hands covered my mouth to cut off my shrilling scream. But the echo of a mournful voice continued to reverberate in my head as it quietly whispered my darkest fears.

Even though I'm already 17, that voice still sent shivers throughout my entire body. I took in deep breathes, trying to push my worries to the back of my head.

My eyes instinctively surveyed the area. Right now I was lying under an old pile of musty rags in what seemed to be a small storage room. The place looked unfamiliar.....

Where the hell am I?......

As if to answer my question, the floor started rocking gently from side to side and sound of waves lightly splashed against the wooden walls.

...a ship.

I let out a sigh of relief....I was safe....for now. My head still stung and my ears buzzed faintly, but those were the only casualties I had suffered in my death defying escape. A faint smile appeared on my face, as I felt new energy well up inside of me..... Freedom.... I had longed for that one word every single day, and now I finally had it.

I guess it's time to...... paaaarrtttyyyy...... yeeeeaaahh!!


The sudden sound caused me to jump in surprise, my small celebration stopped, as the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly entered my ears.


I barely had time to duck back down among the musty rags before the door to the room was kicked open by a worn leather shoe. The boot dramatically stepped in, hitting the floor loudly.

"I swear I heard screaming !" shouted the masculine voice that the boot belonged to.

More footsteps followed."There's nothin here ya Bastard!" growled another raspy voice.

There were a few seconds of silence as feet shuffled around."I know someone is here"insisted the first voice as he started rummaging through some items ," Captain Jagger won't be happy if we, don't handle it.."

Captain Jagger? The name struck a chord in my head. He was a feared pirate who plundered villages in the North Blue.

If Captain Jagger is their leader ....that means that these people are pirates....which means I'm...

on a pirate ship?!

Great job Misaki....I thought sarcastically to myself. Out of all the ships to stowaway on, you had to chose the one that belonged to pirates!!

As I angrily cursed my unluckiness, the first man's voice boomed loudly."You three! Look around!" He barked. I curled up into an even tighter ball as three pirates started to tossing junk around.

One of them came closer to my hiding spot. He looked around 27 year with a slight stubble and dark brown hair. He wore a grass green headband and a deep scowl as he searched.

I held my breathe trying to remain still but I knew he would discover me any second. I cautiously lifted my pale finger, allowing a familiar power to surge through my veins.

Please...Just a little to knock him out.

The man's murky gaze finally met mine and he froze in place. Before he could shout or even gasp, I released a sharp shard of water that pierced straight through his heart. *BANG* The shot bursted loudly like a gun.

Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now