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Damnit!...Damnit! Did he say purple flowers with red speckles or red flowers with purple speckles!?


I ran through the dense forest violently snapping twigs and massacring vines. My hands snatched up any plant that was red or purple.

One of these has to be the correct herb...


This better fix her you stupid bastard doctor.

~short time skip~

"Oi! Trafalgar!" I screamed as I bursted through the foliage of the forest after sprinting all the way back." I got the flowers!" I said past heavy breathes.

My legs sent sand flying everywhere as I ran up to where Misaki lay in the shade of a palm tree. Dropping the bundle of red-purple on the ground, I whipped my head around.

Where the hell is Law?! Did he just leave Misaki alone?

I looked back down at Misaki. Small beads of sweat trickled down from her brow as she shifted in her restless sleep. A small flame crackled nearby in a make shift fire pit, giving off heat. I also noticed a note written in the sand next.

Went to find meat- Ace

A low growl erupted from deep in my throat. He left too?!

Suddenly a loud yawn pierced the air from behind the tree. A straw hat appeared in my sight as Luffy sat up, stretching his arm out as he gazed around confused.

His eyes flicked tiredly to me and then to Misaki. They turned so wide that it looked like they would pop out of his head.

"Misaki!" he screamed in panic as he jumped up, and raced over to her side, "Eustass!" he screamed again, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's sick." I replied.

"Well..What do we do!?" Luffy asked as he started running his hands through his hair.

I sighed in frustration, "I don't know...Law told me to bring these flowers, but he dissappeared!"

Luffy's suddenly leaned down and poked Misaki in her stomach, causing her to shiver unconsiously.

In an instant I held his rubber hand in my grip, crushing it, "What do you think you're doing!"

Luffy frowned, "I was just checking to see if she was okay."

"How does poking her help!" I sneered back.

At that moment, Misaki gave out a small cry and curled up even more, her eyes shut tight as her entire body trembled.

"You made it worse!" I screamed.

Luffy was freaking out , "She's cold....., quick make the fire bigger!" He shouted as he made a mad dash for the nearest timber and promptly threw the branches into the embers.

I found myself running around just as wildly as him. We both probably looked like idiots, but for some reason, I really didn't care.


I held the yarrow tightly in my hand as I made my way back to the camp. The sun was making its descent from the highest point, Kid should be back by now.

The sound of shouting filled my ears, causing me to freeze.

"WE NEED MORE! COME ON STRAW HAT! WE'RE LOSING HER!" I heard Kid's voice growl.

Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now