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*drip* *drip* *drip*

The single leak was the only noise that sounded in the dark cell of the brig.

I quickly lost track of time, my entire body was frozen stiff from lack of movement and starvation consumed my mind.....I was even longing to eat that mush Killer had given me. Yeah, thats how desperate I was...This feeling was all to familiar, but the past memories just made it worse. Most of the time I drifted in and out of sleep as I listened to the ship creak.

drip* *drip* *drip*

Killer POV

"Captain, you can't just leave Misaki in the Brig!" I complained for the fourth time. It had already been a week and a half. "She could be dead already!"

I stormed into Kid's room, glaring at him through my mask.

" Shut up, Killer, your annoying."Kid growled slowly, rubbing his temples with his hand. I stopped and looked at him more closely. Darkened shadows had formed in his sunkened eyes. He let out a loud sigh as he grimly continued to stare out the window, while holding the key to the brig loosely in his hands.

"You wouldn't happen to be worried about her too?" I asked more surprised then anything.

Kid's head shot up, his empty face immediately shifted to fury as his eyes turned blood red.


I backed away a bit, but Kid's reaction only proved that he was worried.

"Why don't you let her out then?" I ask calmly.

Kid heaved a sigh, he knew that as his first mate, I could read him like a book. He plopped down again frowning.

"I don't know, Killer, I feel something off when she's around, but I also feel strange when she's gone...." he mumbled.

I froze.....wait....Kid couldn't be way! Thats absurb! I tried to convince myself that our cold hearted, Eustass Kid, could never feel such petty feelings, but looking at him right now made me doubt a bit....

"You should go see her" I suggested," Then you can see which feels worse, her here, or her not here."

Kid nodded absentmindedly," Yeah, I'll go do that."
He stood up quickly and trudged towards the brig. I just stood there in amazement and wondered....

who the hell is that girl, Misaki?



I traversed the dark hallways to the brig and immediately felt the icy coldness shroud my body.

Misaki had been here for almost two weeks. Ever since I locked her in here, that girl had been on my mind non stop.

I scowled at my thoughts, mentally shaking my head.....That bitch deserves to be here. I unlock the heavy metal door and threw it wide open.

"Oi Misaki," I shout loudly, " You still alive?!"

No response.

I wait slowly for my eyes to become accustomed to the dark.

A petite figure on the other side of the room, lay huddled in the corner....Misaki...her eyes were closed and I could see her shallow breathes hitting the cold air.

I felt a prick in my chest. It was a terrible feeling. I tried to ignore it, pushing it away, and walked over to her.

"Rat!" I said as I kicked her limp body," get up!"

Misaki didn't move. She didn't even seem to notice me.

I bent down and stared at her. Her face was paler and her stomach was shrinking in on itself, ribs poking out through her torn clothing. She was sweating even though it was freezing and the only thing that showed that she was still alive was her ragged breathing.

The prick came back tenfold...what the hell is this feeling!!!?? do I make it stop?!

Unconsciously I loosened the chains from her arms to reveal permanent scars surrounded by dried blood.

I picked her up carefully as if she were a piece of glass. She seemed so breakable and fragile, her arrogant attitude completely gone..

Slowly traveling back to my own room, I placed her gently on the bed. Killer was still in my room. He tilted his mask face as if giving me a questioning look and then motioned at Misaki.

"Help the Ra-......Misaki" I grumbled to him as I stepped back.

Killer gave a curt nod and then grabbed a first aid kit.



"She had a high fever, multiple scars and suffered from malnutrition, but .....she'll be fine" Killer stated as he put away the remaining. "Just let her rest for now"

Both Killer and I left Misaki and headed towards the deck. We were on the stairs when i felt a huge explosion that rocked the entire ship.

I growled, Now What?! We quickly raced up to the deck.

As I climbed the past flight of steps, a submarine surfaced next to our ship. A man with a white cap, yellow and black shirt, and spotted pants stood on the top. He also had a nodachi tied to his back.

He jumped onto the deck of my ship and lazily sat down. A white polar bear joined him, and he used the bear like a pillow. His nonchalant look really ticked me off.

"Trafalgar Law.." I stated with clenched teeth.....he was one of the 12 supernovas, like me. I didn't know any of the supernovas except for the ones of greatest threat.......him and a person called Monkey D. Luffy.

"Eustass Kid-ya.." he replied coldly.

"What do you want." I spat as I prepare for a fight. I notice Killer tense as well.

Law raised his hand slowly. The word Death was tattooed onto his fingers. Well he did have the nickname "Surgeon of death"

I watched every move carefully.

"Room" he said calmly, and a blue dome of aura surrounded my ship. What devil fruit is this?

I look up in time to see Law teleport to me with a wicked smile as he swung his nodachi right at my face.

"Repel!" I said quickly and the nodachi flew away. Law hung on to it and landed gracefully. He growled as the dome wavered a bit. It must take a lot of concentration to use the dome.

Law closed his eyes in focus. I smirked, he will die for that mistake. I signal at Killer who immediately charged at Law with his twin scythe blades.

However, before Killer can chop his head off, Law's eyes shot open and he disappeared. Killer's blades hit empty air as he looks around confused. Law hadn't reappeared, so he must have been somewhere on the ship.

The coward ran away!

I scowl at Killer. "Tell the crew to find him!" I barked. Killer nodded and left immediately.

I stormed through the hallways and my feet took me to my own room. Law might try to go for my gold...


I threw open the wooden door, causing the walls to shake slightly. My body froze in the doorway as I remembered that Misaki was still resting in my bed.. The color had returned to her face and she was breathing evenly now.

I felt something creep onto my face...Wait....was I ...smiling?! What the hell was happenning to me?! Wiping the smile of my face, I walked over to the bed.

Misaki's twisted in the bed as she mumbled in a soft voice.. ."stinking... bastard... Kid"

I guess I should be angry but I couldn't stop smirking at her sleep talking.

"Well what do we have here Eustass-ya..." said a voice. I look up to see an amused Law standing on the other side of the bed.

I immediately tensed up and threw metal shards at him. Law teleported straight to Misaki, and swooped up her sleeping form like a shield.

I forced the metal shards to stop and they fell to the ground with a loud clatter.Law smirked at my action.
"I'll be taking this, Eustass-ya, hope you don't mind." he said with a grin. Before I could stop him, Law teleported again.

I sprinted to the deck, reaching it as the submarine sank back into the sea. Throwing out my arms, I tried to stop it with my devil fruit. We were in an excruciating tug-of-war match. My arms strained against the force as I pulled back.

The sub tugged again and pain shot up my right arm. I lost focus and released my grip The submarine took this
opportunity and disappeared beneath the raging waves.

I stood there shocked. A wave of emotions filled me up. Anger, worry......and something else...


So I know in the anime that Law and Kid don't meet till Sabody, bit I changed it up. :P

Anyway, Law took Misaki!! Should she stay with Law or go back to Kid?




Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now