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( East of Sabody Archipelago)

I comfortably reclined on Bepo as I stared up at the clear sky. The calm waves gently rocked the submarine's side. A single seagull flew overhead, casting a shadow as it dropped a daily newspaper into my outstretched hands.

My eyes cracked open to look at the front page."Hmmm....execution?.."



I abruptly sat up clutching the paper tightly in my grip.

"Captain?" asked Bepo , "What's wrong?"

"Set a course for Marinford. Now!" I ordered in a raised voice. My crew immediately sprang into action.

My eyes glanced back at the heading: Duel Execution of Portgas D Ace and Water Demon Misaki at Marineford.

I crumpled up the page in anger as I stared out over the horizon.

Misaki.....Don't you dare die.



(Off the Coast of the Red Line)

" KID!" screamed a voice, waking me up from my dreamless sleep.

"What is it Killer?" I growled with annoyance. He better have a good reason for disturbing me this early.

Suddenly a piece of paper was shoved into my face. Was this a Newspaper?!

"Killer, "I shouted , "You bastard!! You know I HATE READING!"

"Just look at the page." Killer answered back impatiently.

My gaze traveled back to the page and scanned the heading. I froze. What?

I leaped from my bed and stormed out of the room to the deck where the rest of my crew lazily sat.

"MARINEFORD NOW!!"I screamed to my drowsy crew. They looked at me with confused eyes.

"But Captain"asked one of my men," what about the New-"

*BANG*My pistol shot a hole straight through his heart and he immediately crumpled to the ground. Then I turned to the rest of my crew.

"We're going to Marineford. "I growled slowly. No one dared to speak. They frantically raced to their stations.

I stood at the front of the prow, stone-faced, as I watched them prepare, but my mind was racing on the inside.....

Misaki you stupid girl....I can't even trust you to be by yourself!


(Impel Down: 6th floor Eternal Hell)

Misaki POV

" Oi...Misaki...hey...." Daemon waved, trying to get my attention as he sat shackled in the corner.

I couldn't meet his gaze, my mind still remembering the past.

"You never came back." I mumbled under my breathe in a ghost of a whisper.

Daemon still heard the comment. His eyes suddenly fell with shame as he grew silent, the happy expression completely whipped from his face.

I heard his shackles clatter as he tried to move closer to me. "Look-...I'm Sorry...I really am..."

"Stay away." I growled.

Daemon paused, obvious hurt in his eyes. He took a deep breathe as he gathered his thoughts."I tried to return to that island, ...... the currents had carried me far away." By now, the words were tumbling out of his mouth. " I located the place again, I did!...but Disco had moved you.....I didn't know we're else to look...."

I tried to block the words that were filling the room, bringing my hands up to my ears.

Daemon's fist clench and he violently hit the ground. The noise of bones cracking made me finally look up at him. His pleading eyes were filled with regret, as he sat slumped against the wall.

"I never gave up...Misaki.." He whispered "....those seven years, I never stopped searching....and when your wanted poster came out I was the happiest person ever."

Then Daemon gave a wide grin, "and now I'm here to save you.....just like I promised"

His promise.

His determined eyes filled with light.

I felt my rage die down, but I knew I could never trust him again, no matter how hard I tried.

I did, however, let the bitterness fade away.

My mouth flashed a small grin, telling Daemon everything through my eyes. He nodded with understanding, letting out a grateful sigh.

"Aww...sniffled Jimbe, "I think I'm going to cry."

Ace chuckled and I let my grin grow wider as Daemon let out a sigh of relief. Even the dark walls of Impel Down couldn't seal the happiness that filled our cell.

It felt Amazing to find friends in this Hell.


"So how are you gonna save us them?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Daemon leaned excitedly towards me, with a similar smug look on his face, " That's easy Misaki! All we have to do is-


Whatever Daemon was going to say was cut off as the elevator hit the cold ground again. Magellan's tall figure entered the dark room. Twenty armed marines followed as he trudged over to our cell. I immediately tensed up as his heavy footsteps approached. Daemon, Ace and Jimbe fell silent as well, as everyone trained their eyes on the Warden.

" It's time," Magellan mumbled gleefully, standing in front of my chained body, he easily pulled me up and held me above the ground " Hmm.....But since sea stone dosen't work on you...." His rough hands swiftly piereced my arm and a thick dose of poison entered my blood stream. I screamed out in pain as my skin seemed to boil " That ought to work. " He finished with a sadistic grin.

A faint numbness encased my entire body as everything slowed around me. It felt like I was swimming through honey. My eyes drooped helplessly as I watched the marines unlocked Ace and lead him away. Two other marines came on either side of me, and lifted me up by the arms, dragging me out of the cell.

The final sight I saw was Daemon's golden eyes flaring as he struggled against his own bonds. He stared right at me and shouted words, but my mind couldn't process any of them. What was he trying to say?


A/N: since marineford is really long I'm gonna skip around and twist the details :P ..... Go watch the episodes if you want to see what really happened.

(Later at Marineford)

Wooden splinters sunk into my bare knees and heavy chain dug into my arms as the world around me slowly came back into focus. How long was I out?

"Ughh..." I grumbled as I slowly regained control over my muscles.

"Misaki....,your finally awake."

I turned my head to see Ace beside me, He was kneeling as well, his arms also shackled to the ground..

"Ace? What's going on? Where are we."
I asked.

Ace's face was straight as he lifted his head and gazed foward, "It's our execution." he mumbled.

I followed his gaze and gasped at the sight before me. Thousands of Marine Soldiers stood armed below us. Everyone of them armed with guns. Several Shichubukai stood among them.... I recognized a few...Boa Hancock...Hawk-eye Mihawk....and of course Bartholomew Kuma. Immense power radiated off of each one of them.

Above us on a higher platform were the Three Admirals, Kizaru, Akainu and Aokiji. Their stone gazes continued to stare out towards the sea as they sat there calmly.

Finally, a bearded man with rimmed glasses stood beside us. Sengoku the Buddha, The Fleet Admiral.

Two uniformed marines flanked both his sides as they grasped newly sharpened execution spears.

A scowl came to my face. Escaping from here was impossible if not suicidal.

Sengoku walked in front of us, grasping a Den-Den mushi in his hand. His booming voice broadcasted throughout the city and to the world.

"Before we begin this execution. I need to ask Portgas D. Ace something." He said.

I glanced over at Ace, confused . In the sunlight, you could see the bruises and cuts that littered his body, his raven hair slimy and muddy from spending weeks in Impel Down.

"Ace, tell the world who your father is."

Ace's teeth clenched as his expression darkened. He raised his brooding eyes upward at Sengoku. "My Whitebeard" he growled.

Sengoku glared at Ace, "No....he isn't ." he stated knowingly.

Then he turned back to the Marines watching below. His unwavering voice addressed everyone, " Portgus D. Ace is NOT the son of Whitebeard! He shouted, ".....but the son of an actual demon....." Murmurs echoed through the crowd....actual demon?...

Sengoku continued, "He is the son of the late Pirate king.....


The entire city seemed to fall silent.....maybe even the entire world. My own mouth fell open ....Gol D Roger?!.....Ace sat there tense, his face unchanging, but his hands were bunched up tightly, nails digging into his palms.


A cannonball streaked through the air from the sea and crashed into the ground below.Marines were sent flying as a huge cloud of dust erupted from the impact. Others immediately raised their swords and turned towards the ocean.

Then I saw the sight of sails peaking over the horizon. Distant Roars filled the air as hundreds of pirate ships approached side by side.....each displaying their Jolly Roger proudly....The most fierce and terrifying crews from the New World.....

Whitebeard's Allies.

*SPLASH* Suddenly, a giant torrent of waves shot towards the sky from the harbor below. The marines aimed their guns as a ship the shape of a giant whale emerged from the ocean in a explosion of glory. On the prow of the ship stood a muscular old man with a huge white mustache.


Behind him was his crew, armed with guns, swords, axes, and clubs. They gave a battle cry as they fearlessly jumped from the ship and began attacking.

"FOR ACE!"they screamed.

Whitebeard stayed, unmoving, watching with a grin . His arm clenched in fist and hit the air, sending huge cracks through the wind. The ground shook at the power of his Gura Gura no mi devil fruit.

The complete control over earthquakes.

A huge tsunami rose from the aftershock, towering above the entire city. It castes a dark shadow as it prepared to consume everyone.

*Flash* Aokiji leaped into the air as particles of ice flaked off of his body. As he made contact with the water, it immediately froze into a giant gleaming glacier .

Next Kizaru stood up from his seat with a playful grin in his face. His body transformed into a beam of light, and shot straight for Whitebeard's heart.


Blue flames roared to the sky as Kizaru was stopped dead in his tracks. A grinning man with golden hair emerged from the blue flames....Marco the Phoenix, First Division Leader.

"You can't just go straight for the King!" Marco shouted with a wicked smile as he blocked Kizaru's light.

Kizaru and Marco flew through the air in quick flashes as they viciously fought....a battle of mythical flames versus light itself.

Another muscular man from Whitebeard's crew grabbed the ground, pulling out a chunk the size of a mansion. He tossed it towards the crowd of terrified marines.

It was then that Akaniu stood up from his seat. A permanent frown stuck to his face as he watched the boulder approach. Heat boiled from his hand and he violently punched it, instantly melting away the rock with lava.

The fighting continued as more allies arrived. Marines met pirates as swords crossed and thousands immediately fell to the ground.

A scream pierced through the air as a giant yellowed beast stormed through the gates.

"Oars?!" screamed Ace in surprise.

"I'll save you Ace!" Huffed Oars as he continued to make his way to the platform.

Thousands of Marines opened fire on Oars, trying futilely to stop him from reaching the platform we were on. His outstretched arms were almost to us when suddenly a pillar of shadows stabbed him straight through his heart. A cold laughter filled the air as he fell to the ground, thick blood pooling from the wound.

Ace's eyes widened as he watched Oars fall before his eyes. His mouth, wide with shock, shifted to one of pain. I watched him take a deep breathe, his fists shacking as he stared emptily at the ground.

Finally he spoke."Oi , Misaki, " he called, his hair covering his eyes. I glanced towards him.

"Do you think it would be better if I just died?" He asked solemnly.


I head butted him hard, since my arms were shackled. It was enough to snap him back as his head shot up, "Hey! What was that for?!" he complained.

"For being a BAKA.....Ace," I tersely replied. Then I turned my face to the fight below us., "Look at everyone!!"I shouted, "...Their fighting....Their giving their all....Their Dying.....All for you! So don't you dare say those things!"

Ace lifted his head and I could see the realization hit him. But his eyes faltered a bit, "I don't want anymore to die." He whispered.

"Then let's find a way escape." I stated.

Ace turned to me with hopeless eyes, "How?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to reply.

"YAHOOO!" a familiar cheerful voice pierced through the air, causing both of us to freeze .

"OI...!!!ACE!!! MISAKI!!" it screamed.

I turned my head upward to sky.".. With a guy called Luffy!" I answered to Ace , a smile coming to my face.

I watched as Luffy fell from above, laughing as his signature straw hat followed behind him. A few other strange people were also falling with him, screaming their heads off the entire way.

But there was one more boy,laughing just as hard a Luffy. Golden eyes glinting in the wind....

"Daemon?!" I shouted in disbelief, as I made out his small figure holding a thin rapier.....He escaped from Impel Down?!

Even through the chaos of the fight, Daemon still heard my voice. He stared at me and then gave a small salute.

Luffy's group quickly approached the ground and were quickly lost in the middle of the turmoil. Clouds of smoke covered the entire city and guns filled the air as shots rang across the sky.

Ace and I intently scanned the fight My eyes trying to spot a straw hat and raven hair....or golden eyes and black hair...but I couldn't see anything....just the screams of men as they fell to the ground.


The hours painfully continued as even more casualties occurred, with neither side willing to give up.

Whitebeard's powers destroyed the very foundation of Marineford, breaking the city into rubble, and stirring up the storms around us. Akainu sent flaming fists of rain down upon the pirates, incinerating hundreds with his rage. Even Sengoku joined the fight when the marines started losing ground to the pirates.

After a while, I finally spotted Luffy, racing up the ramp to us with Daemon close behind. Luffy's rubber fists were stained with blood and his body was covered in cuts and bruises. A determined flame filled his eyes as he ran up to us.

"GEAR THIRD!" he screamed, his arm expanding to an unimaginable size, knocking out a group of marines.

Daemon expertly cut down any marines that tried to attack from behind. He used his own power to bend their iron swords into pieces. I watched amazed at his mastery of the Tetsu Tetsu no mi ( Iron Iron ) devil fruit that Disco had injected in him .


My heart lifted as Luffy landed on the wooden platform. Even through his raged breathing, he still managed a grin.

Ace shook his head at the sight of Luffy, "Man...How embarrassing," he muttered, " being rescued by my little brother." But a huge smirk was on his face.

Luffy laughed happily and then turned his head to Daemon "Oi Daemon, hurry and open these chains!" he called. Daemon leaped beside Luffy and strolled over to us. His arms reached out to bend the iron.

"STOP THEM!" ordered Sengoku from below.

Then the mortar went off.


The platform shattered and exploded into pieces, quickly engulfed with flames. Thousands of marines immediately opened fire on it, sending millions of bullets at the four pirates that were standing there.

A silence fell over everyone as they watched the smoking platform.....

Was that it?.....

Had they all just died?

*Clank* Two sets of sea stone chain fell down to the ground.

Then all Hell broke lose.


I rubbed my aching wrists as a malicious grin came to my face. Ace was smiling widely too as he consumed the flames that had attacked us.

"YOSH!"cheered Luffy as he raised his arms, "Lets go!"

All four of us leaped from the platform to the ground below. Cheers from Whitebeard's crew sounded throughout. We easily knocked out any marines that tried to attack us.

A new wave of hope filled everyone as we ran towards the ships.

"Retreat!" called Marco, "Ace is free!"

The surviving pirates turned away and ran back to their own ship. Victory was ours!

We were half-way to the Whitebeard's ship when a cold voice called out.

"What a shame." growled Akainu as he stood behind us, "You Whitebeard pirates are nothing but COWARDS!"

I saw Ace freeze at that word. He twisted around, fury seething from his body as he stared straight at Akainu.

"Whitebeard isn't a coward!" he screamed.

Akainu grinned at Ace's reaction, "Whitebeard is WEAK. He could never beat Roger....he's NOTHING."

Ace's fists clenched.

"Come on Ace, ignore him!" I pleaded, "He's just trying to bait you!" , But Ace didn't hear.

"Take that back!" he screamed to Akainu, his fists raised to fight.

Akainu laughed," No," he sneered, "Whitebeard will DIE here as a COWARD and his name will DIE as well."

That final comment made Ace snap, "YOU BASTARD!.....THE NAME OF THIS ERA IS WHITEBEARD! "he screamed as he summoned flames to his hands and charged at Akainu.


Akainu's lava arms burned through Ace's shoulder, leaving a giant gash in its place. Ace stumbled to the side in surprise at actually being hit . His logia devil fruit hadn't protected him. Daemon raced over to help Ace up.

I noticed Luffy tense up next to me as he stared at a piece of paper in his hands. The piece was slowly burning away.

Suddenly the paper flew out of his grasp. Luffy let out a small cry as he tried to grab it. It must be important.

I bent down with him to grab it.

A shiver ran down my back causing me to freeze. I gazed up to see Akainu, turned towards us, a disturbing smile on his face.

The next thing happened in a blur. Two bright lava fists sped towards us with unimaginable speeds. The searing heat boiling up, already burning my skin.

"LUFFY!" I heard Ace scream.

"MISAKI!"screamed another voice at the same time.

I shut my eyes as Akainu's fists came barreling down.

This was it.
The lava would kill me.
It would burn my internal organs and punch straight through my body....

And I would die

I waited




But the attack never came.


I felt a cold drop of blood land on my face.

And then Luffy's voice croak out one word.



Whew!!! really long chapter.....

Gonna end it here ^~^

Just want to say thanks so much 3K and 200 votes!!!Made me so happy that I went ahead and wrote this chapter....

Yeah I know I skipped a lot of marineford but I wanted to reach this end.



So what do u guys think?



(I update faster)


Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now