Three Months

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(Three Months Later)

Dressrosa Island

Doflamingo reclined lazily on the furry pure white couch that overlooked a clear blue swimming pool. As he leaned back futher, a Den Den Mushi started ringing loudly on the table next to him. The blonde haired man slowly lifted up the speaker.

"Was it a success?" he asked in a low voice.

"Of course it was." scoffed the raspy voice on the other end of the line." What do you take me for, Joker?"

Doflamingo just gave a wide grinned. "Only the greatest scientist in the New World, Vegapunk." he said with amusement.

"Flattery will get you no where." Vegapunk curtly replied. The scientist had no fear of the Shichibukai. "But just so you know, I had to operate quite heavily." Vegapunk continued, "Replaced probably several vital organs including parts of the brain. It might not remember much."

"That's fine." Doflamingo said his grin still plastered on his face, "It's actually what I was hoping for. Send the subject over to me once it is stable."

Doflamingo heard a snort erupt from the other end of the line, "Do I look like a delivery man, Joker?" asked the old scientist. "I just performed a miracle. You send someone over here to retrieve it." Then the Den Den Mushi closed its eyes, as Vegapunk cut the call.

Usually no one would have spoke to Doflamingo with that tone and survived, but Vegapunk was an exception. That man had performed a miracle.

A small click went off in the distance.

Doflamingo shifted his head to the right as the silver bullet streemed past his face.

"DAMMIT" screamed a high pitched voice as a dark haired woman in a velvet maid uniform leaped down from the roof of the villa.

"Baby 5." Doflamingo nodded to the woman.

Baby 5 scowled at her grinning capatin as she swiftly transformed one of her arms into a rifle. the gun gleamed in the afternoon sunlight as she lifted it up.

"HOW COULD YOU KILL MY BOYFRIEND, YOU BASTARD?!" she shouted as she fired angrily at Doflamingo's forehead, tears streaming down her face. The force shot her backwards as the bullet flew towards Doflamingo.

The bullet exploded on contact, sending a cloud of dust and debris everywhere.

Baby 5 stood there, breathing heavily as she watched the smoke clear.

"Fuffuuuufufufufufu~" laughed a deep voice from within the brown cloud. The dirt dispered to reaveal Dofamingo, still siting casually on the spot where the couch had once been. A huge crater and pieces of the furry couch lay scattered around him.

"I need you to go fetch something for me, Baby 5." he spoke, completely ignoring the fact that the woman had attempted to murder him.

Baby 5 glared angrily at the blonde haried captain. 'I hate you." she growled as she turned on her heel and walked away.

Doflamingo let the defiant girl go. He knew she would carry out his order.

The flamboyant man could hardly contain his joy.

It was finally time to receive his ultimate weapon.


(An island in the New World)

Kid slammed the brown haired captain into the jagged, rocky pinnacle. Pebbles fell down from high above due to his brute force, and the man in his death grip let out a terrified squeal.

The man shook with fear as he gazed upward at the red haired captain. "P-please." he begged Kid, "J-just let me return to P-paradise.."

Kid growled. He hated seeing such weakness in people. The moment their lives were threatened they turned into grovelling dogs.

He quickly slammed the man against another rocky face, silencing his pleas of mercy.

Kid had captured this captain for only one reason.

"Do you know where I can find Donquixote Doflamingo." Kid asked in a low voice.

The brown haired man's eyes widened a fraction, "The Shichibukai?..W-why do you want to find him?!" he replied.


Kid punched the captain square in the nose, causing crimson blood to splatter everywhere, "Answer the question." he growled in a raised voice.

By now the man had large tears streeming down his face , "No, I don't, but-"

"Then you're useless to me." Kid interrupted.

Then the red hair flipped out his rifle and in one fluid motion, he pulled the trigger.

The man didn't even have time to scream before the bullet entered into his brain, ending his life.

Kid couldn't control his boiling anger anymore. It had been three months.

Three months of searching

Three months of plotting revenge

Three months of pure agony.

The red haired captain flung the dead body over to Killer, " Hang him up with the rest of them." he ordered the masked second-in-command.

Killer nodded as he took a hold of the dead body.

Kid stormed off towards the ship as the dark clouds and lightning flashed overhead. Behind him, an entire crew of men, beaten and bloody, hung on loosely made crosses, crucified.

If you don't have resolve in the New world, then you don't deserve to live, pieces of scum. Kid thought to himself.

Then the furious captain boarded his ship.


(Amazon Lily)

"Gear Third" Luffy whispered to himself as he felt his arm expand to an unimaginable size.

Sweat poured down the raven boys face as he leaned back.

"Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol!" he screamed as he flung his massive arm forward. The group of trees that stood in his way immediately collapsed as his fist plowed through.

"That's good for today, Luffy." Rayleigh called from the rocks that he sat on, "Come eat some food."

Luffy relaxed his aching muscles as he took in ragged breathes. Then the boy turned and walked over to Rayleigh.

The old man had started training him to fight better and use Haki ever since he had vowed to get stronger.

Luffy sat down, gratefully taking the bowl of stew, when he felt the wind blow through his hair. The rubber boy frowned unconsiously at the sudden coldness. He still wasn't used to not wearing his hat.

The teen flickered his eyes over to a rocky outcrop that stood loosely by a huge tree. On top of one of the stones sat his straw hat.

Luffy had to fight every urge not to get up and put the hat back on.

He had promised himself not to wear that hat until he was ready again, but he wasn't sure if he would ever be ready. Staring at the object always brought back hurtful and unwanted memories.

The raven haired boy felt a twinge as his old scar began to act up again. The bullet that he had been forced to jump in front of those three months ago had left a very noticable X- mark on his chest.

It was a permanent reminder to what he had done.

A reminder of the person he had failed to protect...

"Oi." Rayleigh's voice pierced into Luffy's mind as the geezer lightly bonked the raven boy on the head. "Focus on training." The old man scowled, "I want you to do twenty laps around the island, right now."

Luffy immediately snapped out of his thoughts. "Whaaaaaat?!...twenty?.... Rayleigh!" he groaned, but he immediately got up when the old man shot him a glare.

Rayleigh watched behind his spectacles as the raven haired boy jogged off.

He shook his head slowly as he remembered the distant look in Luffy's eyes.

That boy still hasn't forgiven himself yet.


(Karakuri Island)

Law trugded through the knee-deep snow that surrounded the high metal walls. His cap kept most of the icy chill off his face, but the harsh breeze made traveling quite difficult.

He passed a metal gate that held a rusted sign above it.

On the sign read: Vegapunk

Rumor was that there was a beast living in the dark crevices of Vegapunk's old labratory, but Law wasn't the slightest bit afraid as he continued to walk.

He had come here for one purpose, and that was to find a certain document.

The doctor was certain that it was buried somewhere in the rubble of the abandoned building.

As Law reached the front door, he swiftly pulled out a new sword from his holder. It was a larger Nodachi with a vibrant gleaming edge.

The captain skillfully sliced open the obstructed doorway, allowing the pieces of metal to fall heavily to the ground.

He entered the dark building slowly. His footsteps echoed against the metal floors as he made his way down the winding hallway.

After an hour of searching, Law finally found the correct room. Filing cabinets lined the walls of the medium sized room, and a large metallic table sat in the middle, covered in scribbled on sheets of rotting paper.

Law quickly set to work, rummaging through the pages.

It wasn't until much later that he finally found a useful piece of information.

The doctor gripped the page of a leather bound book tightly as his dark eyes scanned the words:

Day 453: I recently discovered several ingredients that may aid me on this life experiment.

Day 467: A jolt of lightning and the correct measurements proved positive outcomes in healing.

Day 504: The dead rat showed faint signs of breathing today. I killed it again to make sure it was not a mistake, but the same result occurred the second time.

Conclusion: Hypothetical success

Law felt his hands trembling as he continued to read Vegapunk's detailed scientific notebook. As he finished the page, the Doctor was convinced that Vegapunks had discovered a way to revive the dead.

Law had found it suspicious that Doflamingo had taken her dead body with him three months ago. Why go through all that trouble?

It may have just been wishful thinking, but the doctor was now fully convinced that she was still alive. she had to be still alive.

The tanned captain placed down the booklet and quietly walked out of the laboratory.

His brain was already forming the plan.

It was time to join the Shichibukai.


Done with this chapter! \(^_^)/

So yeah kind of boring but it explains why Luffy had an X scar, why Law joined the Shichibukai and why Kid went crazy and crucified people :P

Lol, anyway, if you couldn't tell she's not dead, but she's not gonna be the same either O.O (( A big thank you for all the ideas you guys gave in the comments on the previous chapter ))

So what do you guys think will happen? How will Misaki be different? I'm u p for any suggestions.

And updating high school hell in awhile >_>

But need something else to read? Check out my new Naruto fanfic, it's a high school one too. \(>~<)/

Summary: The Satsaki Clan are revered as the most vicious gang in all of Japan. Rin, a 15 year old teenager, is the sole heir to this position. The only problem? She's a girl. Her grandfather, the current head, however refuses to acknowledge that detail, and forces her to attend the notorious all boys, delinquent school, Konoha Elite as training. "Stay out of trouble" was his final command before he sent her off. So, Will Rin be able to follow her grandfather's order? (Eh....probably not.) Will she keep her gender secret? (Highly unlikely!) But more importantly which insane student will discover her first? (I guess you'll just have to find out :P )




Thanks!! ^_^

Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now