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Misaki POV


A sharp noise of cracking bones....

my bones

It reverberated through the air as I felt a fist make contact with my stomach. I was shocked more than anything else, my mind spinning wildly from confusion.

I gasped as the wind was knocked clear out of me. The world whizzed past me. Shards of Unforgiving shrapnel and an icy blade stabbed my pale skin. The sting was like a thousand needles, embedding themselves along my arms.

My devil fruit hadn't protected me at all. My attackers had caught me completely off guard.... My brain couldn't wrap around the fact.

Luffy, Kid, Law....


The question echoed in my mind as I sailed limply through the air and skidded across the deck of the wooden ship.

My eyes weakly opened as I lay on my side, catching sight of bright red streaks staining the floor. I coughed hard, feeling the familiar metallic flavor on my own tongue, painting my lips crimson red.

"Fuuufufuuufu....." A dark voice laughed mockingly.

I tried to get up using my arms as support . A foot firmly stepped on my back, the person putting their entire weight on me, pinning me down. Another sharp jolt sparked through my veins, making me cry out.

I turned to face the guy.

Luffy stared back at me, his face emotionless.

"W-What are you doing?" I managed to breathe out. Every breathe was a new pain in my chest. I was sure that several ribs must have been broken.

I felt two other hands grip both my arms and proceed to lift me up.

Kid stood on my left, and Law on my right. Luffy moved from behind and stood next to Kid.

They didn't look at me.

The same deep laughter sounded again as a flamboyantly dressed man jumped down from the second deck and landed in the shadows of the ship. He leaned casually against the wall, the darkness concealing the majority of his face.

But his pearly smile was as clear as daylight as it gleamed with sick amusement. "Restrain her well." He ordered as he lifted a manicured hand and moved his fingers playfully.

I felt complete shock as I felt both Kid's and Law's grips tighten.

"G-guys....." I said, my voice breaking, as I turned to each of them.

They still refused to stare back at me.

Then a hand grabbed my chin and forced my face back forward. I was greeted with a pair of purple shades as the man revealed his face.

I almost chocked, my breathe caught in my throat. This man.

"Nice to finally meet you, Water Demon Misaki" he spoke, sending shivers down my back. Then he released his grip on my chin and held out his hand as if offering a handshake. "My name is Donquixote Doflamingo." he introduced politely.

"I ......know who you are." was all I muttered, not making eye contact.

I had never met Doflamingo before. But back when I was in Disco's possession, his very name had caused even the bravest test subjects to tremble in fear.

Now he stood here, his overwhelming presence causing fear to override all of my other senses.

I couldn't even breathe anymore.

Doflamingo must have noticed his affect on me. He let out another disgusting laugh as he twirled a finger in Law's direction.

The sound of metal against metal screeched as Law slowly pulled his Nodachi out of it's sheath again. The shining metal swished gracefully and came to a stop centimeters from my exposed neck.

"You were quiet a bit of trouble, Demon." Doflamingo spoke in his frustratingly calm voice. "Escaping was bad enough, but you also had to stir up trouble with the Government."

Law's Nodachi trembled slightly. I flickered my gaze over to Law. A single bead of sweat dripped down from his forehead. His mouth drawn in a straight line.

"It would be quiet annoying if anyone discovered that I gave you your powers." Doflamingo added as he feigned a small sigh, "but I hate to get my own hands dirty......" He added glumly.

My own terror reflected in the bright blade in front of my face. I knew he was going to kill me. Thoughts streamed through my mind in a fury.

It was as if someone had suddenly flipped a switch in my brain to do one thing.....survive.

A power erupted from deep within my chest and streamed out. A fierce stream of water bursted out of my restrained hands, causing a massive explosion that covered the entire area.

I felt hands loosen around my arms, and immediately used the opportunity to distance myself, jumping onto the railing.

Doflamingo's bright pink feathers stuck out in the newly formed smoke. He growled, showing the first sign of annoyance as he used his arms to cover his face and protect himself from deadly water blades.

He flicked his fingers again and Luffy, Law and Kid moved closer to him, guarding his back.

By now I could already guess that his devil fruit involved controlling others. I didn't know how he did it, but that was the only explanation to why Kid, Law and Luffy were acting this way.

They could be betraying you. A faint whisper echoed in my mind.

I clenched my teeth driving the thought away. No....they were my friends. They would never betray me. I was certain that Doflamingo was the cause of this.

In the few precious seconds I had left, I rattled my brain for a way to break the control.

Defeat the master and the slaves go free. The voice sang solemnly.

I mused over the idea, my eyes filled with determination. I knew what I had to do.

As I gazed back through the thin smoke from my perch, I noticed Law and Luffy standing completely still next to Doflamingo. I froze.

Where was Kid?

A smile came to Doflamingo's face.


Cold metal wrapped around my upper body, like a hungry snake. I screamed out as the force cracked a few more bones. The metal lifted me up into the air as if I weighed nothing.

I kicked hard, cursing bloody murder at Kid, who held me tightly in his pale grip as he trudged back over to Doflamingo.

No way in hell am I giving up that easily.

I sent a powerful surge of water through my hands, aimed at the sides of my prison. The pressure in the metal sheets slowly increased, causing the iron bolted sides to groan loudly. Numerous creaks filled the air with their ominous cries.


In a flash, the sheets of iron flew apart as water rushed out. A strong stream hit Kid square in the face, knocking him away.

At the same time, I flipped around as I jumped through the sky. My head was titled back as I fell and my eyes focused on the flamboyant Joker.

I lifted my hand in a gun shape and focused all my energy into my index finger. In one fluid motion I released a bullet of pure condensed water.The very force of the bullet threw me backwards.

I watched in slow motion as the bullet flew towards Doflamingo's head. There was no way he could dodge it. Then his annoying smile flashed in his face again,

Suddenly a blurred straw hat flashed into my vision. Doflamingo laughed as he forced Luffy to leap in front of the bullet. It slam into the boy without any resistance.

I heard my own piercing scream as I watched the straw hat fly from his raven hair and land near my feet. Luffy, himself, was thrown back ten feet, crashing into the wooden wall, and slumping into a limp form.

My feet moved on their own, not caring about my safety at all. I rushed over to the wall, eyes focused on him. His face was cast downward and his eyes were sealed tight. The bullet had hit him square in the chest.

I prayed that his devil fruit powers protected him from most of the attack, but even if it did, the bullet would have been strong enough to break several bones and probably injure most of his vital organs.

I gingerly placed my head to his chest, searching desperately for a heart beat.

All I got was silence.

"Luffy...." I said, my voice trembling in my throat as I stared at his unmoving body. I prodded him, my fear rising by the second.


Not again.



My eyes shot up. It was faint, extremely faint, but it was a heartbeat.

Relief flooded inside me.

Then Luffy stirred slightly. I held my breathe as he opened one of his eyes.

"Misaki?" he murmured softly as he carefully rubbed his hand through his head.

I froze. "Luffy?" I asked gingerly, amazement in my voice.

Had he broken free from Doflamingo's grasp?

I yelped as Luffy suddenly yanked me into a tight hug. His chin rested on my shoulder, as his arms wrapped around me securely. I felt his raven hair brush against my cheek. "I'm so sorry." he murmured as  he trembled slightly.

I hugged back gently, my voice riddled with emotions , "It's alright." I finally said as I tired to keep calm, "You're free now.....everythings going to be alri-"

"Fuffffuuufffuu." The same hated laughter interrupted my words as his deep voice entered my mind.

"Checkmate." he said.

Right as the word left his mouth, I felt a gentle push. Nothing big, just a nudge, but it was enough to throw me off balance. It was enough to surprise me. It was enough to make me stumble backwards.

The pain wasn't even that great. I didn't even notice it until I felt a slight prick and stared down to see the tip of a bright Nodachi sticking out from my chest.

Confusion filled my head, as I watched the bright red splotch surrounding the wound spread futher. More droplets dripped from the sword, onto the deck.

My shaking head turned back up to Luffy. His face was back to emotionless, but his eyes were different, and his fists twitched slightly as he stood there grimly.

~I'm so sorry~

His apology echoed in my mind. Had he actually broken free for a second, knowing what Doflamingo was forcing him to do? Or had it all been a simple distraction to get me off guard?

I never found out.

A single drop of blood fell from the sword. And my eyelids followed suit as I watched it splattered onto the ground.

My knees hit the floor with a heavy thump and the rest of my body followed.


Misaki hit the ground face first. Her blood painted the deck in colorful patterns, and pooled out from her wound.

Doflamingo let out an amused laugh as he walked up to the body. " Well that was a well played game." He exclaimed as he clapped his hands together in amusement. Then he swiftly picked up the corpse of Misaki, and flung it over his feathered shoulder.

Her pale arms hung down in a limp mess, as blood droplets fell from Her fingertips.

Doflamingo didn't mind. He just turned back to the three captains with a signature smile before mockingly saluting them.

"Thank you for the help, gentlemen." he said to the three. Then he aimed his arm towards the clouded sky and leaped into the air. His devil fruit power allowed him to travel with the clouds.

He disappeared within moments, taking the dead body with him.

Once he left, his control over the three captains was destroyed. But you probably wouldn't have been able to tell.

All three remained rooted in their previous spots.

Kid stared at the ground that was covered in his metal shards and her blood. He had struggled against Doflamingo's hold the entire way. But nothing had worked.

Law stared at his nodachi. He was a doctor. The sight of blood never fazed him before, but staring at his stained sword, he felt like he .was going to throw up. He let go of the weapon, allowing it to clatter on the ground.

Luffy stared at his hands. He didn't move. He didn't breathe. His fingers twitched as he thought back to that moment. Law may have held the sword. But he had been the one to push her.

A large droplet of water hit his palm.

He had killed her.


The sound was enough to snap Luffy back to the present.

Kid had punched a hole in the wall of the ship, causing the rest of it to come crumbling down as well.

"Trafalgar, Straw Hat." he said in a low growl, his back to them, "Get off my ship."

Law turned his eyes slowly to Kid, "What are you planning Eustass-ya"

Kid's eyes glistened darkly as he faced the other two, "Revenge." he said in a gruff voice.

Law nodded with no emotion and then turned to Luffy, "And you Straw hat?"

Luffy looked up at the question with his eyes already swollen. Somehow he found his voice, "I-I want to get stronger." he said with his voice cracking.

Law let out a sigh. "Don't we all? he asked. Then Law walked off the ship, leaving his bloodied Nodachi where it lay.

To any passerby, the Surgeon may have seemed completely composed, but inside his mind was calculating.

This isn't the end.


Gonna end the chapter here.

It was kind of depressing T-T

But you know two options, two year time skip....or she's actually dead and I end it here with a tragedy :P take your pick ^_^

( I really hope you pick the first option though -_-)




And share!


Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now