Parade Fall

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The Submarine broke through the surface of the water and floated towards the harbor.

I stood on the bright deck amazed at the bustling city before me. Ships of all sizes filled the harbor with sail fluttering in the soft breeze. Quite a few displayed pirate flags on their masts , but the villagers didn't seem to mind. They casually walked by the ships, and some even gave friendly greeting.

"This is Amoreare City." stated Law as he stood next to me, "It's a neutral town that allows pirates as long as we don't cause trouble.."

I nodded robotically, only half-listening to what he was saying. My eyes were completely entranced by the colorful streamers that exploded in the air, filling the sky with a rainbow of was a parade. The air erupted with laughter with each new burst of streamers and it made me want to laugh along as well.

Law noticed my look of amazement and I felt him gently prod my arm, " How's about we go to the parade together, Miss Misaki" he asked casually as he flashed a small smile.

I whipped around faster then light to face him, shocked at the fact that the usually expressionless Law was smiling.

The moment he noticed my surprised look, he quickly shifted back to his stoic face," as a good bye gift of course....Miss Misaki.." he added.

I watched suspiciously as Law left to inform the rest of his crew while shaking his head and mumbling something about losing his mind....

The submarine was now nearing the coast, floating up to an empty section in the long dock. I jumped off excitedly as the ship docked and curled my toes to feel the warm sand underneath hugging my bare feet.

Law and his crew soon followed , and we all made our way through the village. Everything felt alive and moving as we snaked through the crowd. The clamor and shouts hurt my ears but I enjoyed every second, and the pure chaos only helped to increase my mood. I walked in between Law and Bepo and just gaped at the various booths and delectable foods that merchants offered up proudly.


We made our way to a local bar and found a seat in the corner. Two of the Heart Pirates, Shachi and Penguin, were holding a drinking contest. Soon the entire crew besides Bepo and Law were dead drunk.

The bar was filled with the noise of pirate crews partying and villagers chattering happily.


A Sudden crash of the front door caused talking to cease. I looked up to see a burly, hairy man, his face covered in old scars storm in.

A couple of villagers raced of the room and a few pirates were glaring at the man and his tagged crew with mixed emotions of hatred and fear.

A man next to me pointed a shaky finger," That's Captain Greybeard and the FrozenSoul Pirates...." He mumbled under his breath, "He has a 870,000 bounty on his head!"

I scoffed at the number, but apparentley, that bounty was pretty high, because uneasy flowed through the crowd and even more villagers ran out of the room.

Captain Greybeard grinned widely as he arrogantly sauntered to the bar table we were sitting next to. The bar tender handed him a drink cautiously as he sat down.

I glanced over at Law who was watching intently.

At that moment, Captain Greybeard's gaze turned to Law as if he had felt the calculating eyes that bore into his back.

Law promptly gave him the finger. Casually lifting his tattooed finger.

*CRASH* Greybeard's drink shattered in his hands, spraying its contents everywhere. He angrily stood up, pushing the stool back, as he made his way to Law with his fists held high.

"You bastard," he shouted as he pointed at himself," Do you know who I am!?.....I have a 870,000 bounty on my head."

"Uhhh....captain?" squeaked one of his crew mates tapping Greybeard on the shoulder.

"Not now," Captain Greybeard grumbled back," Then he turned his attention back to Law.

Law just grinned," I'm sorry I don't know worthless brats like you."

Rage filled Greybeard's eyes as his fist clenched tightly. He lifted a heavy arm, ready to attack, but suddenly, his crew mate shoved a piece of paper in his face.

"What the H-" Greybeard complained as he grabbed the page. Then he froze. His eyes were glued to the paper, then shifted to Law and then back at the paper again.

His attitude completely changed...," V-very sorry Mr. Trafalgar," he mumbled almost frightened. His arms and legs were trembling.

Law stood up slowly from his seat causing Greybeard to yelp in fear as he whipped around quickly. He practically ran out of the bar, dragging his entire crew behind him. The entire room was silent.

I stretched my neck to glance curiously at the piece of was a wanted poster:


My eyes widened in disbelief....Law was strong...I felt his eyes on me, watching my reaction, but I didn't look up.

"Lets go Miss Misaki, " he said quietly as both he and Bepo started towards the door.

I motioned to the rest of his drunken crew, but he just shrugged." They'll find us eventually." he said before walking out.


We walked through the Lantern lite streets. It had gotten pretty dark already.

We stopped at a soft grass patch on top of a cliff that overlooked the sea. The soft crashing waves beat at the side from underneath. Bepo allowed me and Law to recline on him as we stared up at the sky that now filled with twinkling stars.

There was a long silence before Law finally spoke:

"Why not join my crew, Miss Misaki..." He asked not even turning his head.

The offer surprised me. " You promised to let me go.." I stated slowly.

Law nodded." I did, but now I'm giving you the chance to come back as a crewmate." he said lazily.

There was pause as I thought about it, being on the ship was fun and interesting, and Law wasn't as hotheaded as Kid....

"Can you give me some time to decide." I asked as I got up slowly. Law nodded, his gaze never leaving the sky.


I walked down the dirty path, kicking a loose pebble as I let out a frustrated groan...

ugh!....should I stay with Law? Or should I go and become my own person?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize the figure behind me.

Dirty fingernails sunk into my arm as another hand covered my mouth with a sweet smelling rag. I swung my arms wildly, but a rough hand stopped my attack, restraining me so that I couldn't even struggle.

My eyes started to droop slowly, as I let out another scream. The noise came out as a jumble of squeaks, covered by the rag. My mind was fogged, and in complete confusion. The last thing I saw was a familiar burly man grinning at me.



" Do ya think she ran away? Captain?" asked Shachi as we retuned to the ship. It was early morning. I had waited on the cliff, the entire night for Miss Misaki to return, and right now I wasn't in a very good mood.

" I don't know," I replied in an even voice, keeping my annoyance to myself. My mind was filled with that girl. Her devil fruit power...If I had that then getting the One Piece would be simple.

" We have to find her." I ordered to my crew. They nodded and dispersed.

I walked towards the dock. If Miss Misaki did run away, she would most likely search for a boat.

As I approached the dock, a familiar disgusting brat stood arrogantly in my way.

" Tralfalgar!" screamed Captain Greybeard. I scowled. He had some nerve showing his worthless face again, this time I would tear him apart.

Captain Greybeard noticed the bloodlust that filled my eyes. His voice trembled slightly, " S-Stop right there T-trafalgar," he held out a shaking hand. In it was a small metal box. Was that a detonator? I stopped walking towards him, but allowed an amused grin to appear on my face.

" It'll take a lot more than a simple explosion to kill me." I stated coldly. Captain Greybeard should have been terrified now, but he burst out laughing.

" Ha..Ha...Sorry Trafalgar..." he grumbled," But this explosion isn't for you...It's for Her." he motioned out to the sea and my eyes widened.

Lying unconscious on a small raft was Misaki. Her arms were bound to the ground, a blanket of explosions surrounded her, like a deadly, black powdered filled cloak.

My calm expression fell from my face. Damnit! I thought angrily as my fists clenched. Misaki's devil fruit power was a logia type, .....but in her unconscious form, would it still protect her?

" Don't move Tralfagar" Greybeard threatened, his voice filled with arrogance now," Or you know what will happen." his sharp nail lightly prodded the detonator as he watched for my reaction.

I growled as I racked my brain for an answer.My long legs sunk to the sand below as I sat on the warm beach, and closed my eyes. This was how I think....

The plan began to form as excited ideas collided in my brain. My eyes flashed open with a fierce concentration.

" Room!" I shouted as I motioned with my tattooed fingers. My blue field appeared and engulfed both me and Captain Greybeard.

I grabbed my Nodachi firmly and let out a slow breath. Faster then light I teleported to Captain Greybeard. *slice* His hand was clearly sliced off as the detonator fell away. The cut was a well placed, surgical one that provided the least amount of mess....

Captain Greybeard let out a pained scream as he gripped his sliced arm. I slowly picked up the detonator and crushed it in my hand.

"Damn you Tralfagar," he growled, but then he gave an insane smile." Well at least I'll enjoy watching your friend explode...."

What? I froze at his words, and turned to his crumpled form.

" You didn't actually believe that was the real detonator..." he breathed out, " DO IT" he then screamed.

A figure far to my left moved out of the shadows. His hand descended on the real detonator.

" Nooooo!" I heard myself screaming as I threw my Nodachi at the figure.


The heat sent me flying as my sword found its mark. But it was too late. I scrambled up, still in a daze The entire beach stained black with charcoal. The stench of Rotting flesh and oil filled the air The one blue sea was burning with vengeful flames, and the raft in the middle was completely gone......No one could have survived that.


My mind kept repeating that she was just a girl.....but for some reason I couldn't stop the sadness that filled my heart.


So is Misaki dead or not ?

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Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now