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A/N: I changed the ending of the last chapter a bit so Kid and Luffy haven't appeared yet. :p Sorry for any confusion......


Disco's beaten form lay slumped against the stage wall, metal scraps of the detonator scattered everywhere. A cloud of dust from the impact covered the entire room as frightened screams from nobles sounded throughout.

"PIRATES!!" ....."Call the Marines!"...... "My baby!" .....Move it!" .....I'm too Rich to die!"

Nobles streamed out of the broken building, pushing each other down as they tried desperately to reach the door.

I stood confused as I looked up at the casual figure who gripped my waist firmly. His speckled hat rested lightly over his black hair. A slight smirk rested on his face as he held me up.

" Law?......" I managed to raggedly breathe out. The thick metal collar was still clasped around my neck, injecting the sickly drug.

Law's grin grew wider, "Miss Misaki.."he replied , "....So glad your not dead."

I weakly grin back, "Yeah... me too..." I mumble.

I heard heavy footsteps come closer. They were steady at first, but increased drastically as they approached. Suddenley, I was yanked out of Law's arms as a metallic fist smashed into him, sending him flying.

I yelped as a jolt of pain shot through me from the force. Rough hands grabbed both of my shoulders as I came face to face with......Eustass Kid?! He stood silently, towering over me.

His gaze travelled down and fell on my collar causing him to scowl deeply.

He lifted his hand slowly and placed it onto the collar. The metal obeyed immediately and peeled away from my skin.

I breathed in fresh air as the metal fell away, slowly rubbing my neck which still stung from pain.

" Don't do that again..." Kid growled as he stood next to me.

"Do what?" I questioned as I looked at his expression. His eyebrows were knotted, his eyes never leaving me.

"Getting yourself sold! Stupid girl...."

I you think I wanted to be sold!? "Shut up you bast-"

I couldn't finish my sentence before Kid slammed himself into me. My face was crushed against his cold chest as I gasped in surprise and also from the pain.

Kid noticed my cry and his muscular arms loosened a bit. He held me with a new found gentleness as his arms wrapped around me like a thick blanket. I froze....was Kid hugging me?!.....

Finally, he let go slowly and placed his face right in front of mine. His amber eyes were soft as he stared into my eyes.

I stood, mouth opened. Was this the same bloodthirsty Eustass Kid?

Kid leaned in to whisper something, but before he could say anything else. A flash of light appeared, and he disappeared as the room blurred.

When the room refocused, I found myself standing next to Law, his tattooed hand possessively gripping my arm.

Kid, who was 5ft away, shot his head up in surprise at my sudden disappearance.

He growled as he spotted me next to Law. Law's grip tightned as he met Kid's gaze.

"Tralfalgar...."growled Kid

"Eustass-ya" replied Law coldly as he stood unmoving.

"Give her back..."

"Sorry, Eustass..." Law stated slowly, 'As a Doctor and Miskai's captain..I can't leave her in this condition."

Kid's expression darkened, and I turned to Law to argue.......he wasn't my captain!

A loud voice interrupted , "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" we all turned towards the dust cloud as the third figure approached.

Luffy stepped through the smoke confidently and walked straight up to Law. He shoved his face right in front of Law's before shouting ."Misaki is my Nakama! She's part of MY crew."

Kid immediately grabbed Luffy's collar and spun him around, his eyes blazing menancingly.

"Misaki can't be part of you crew..." he spat.

Luffy's eyes narrowed, "Don't tell me who can and can't be on my crew!" then he turned to both of them, "Misaki joined MY crew! You can't have her!"

Lightning seemed to spark between the three of them as they glared at each other.The atmosphere became thick as they stood ready to fight.


The massive explosion distracted everyone as a clear voice pierced through.

"Save the Celestial Dragons!" ordered a burly marine as he entered through the destroyed front door. His eyes swept across the room as he noticed us.

"Traflagar Law of the Heart Pirates...Eustass Kid of the Kid pirates....Monkey D. Luffy of the Straw hat pirates..."He named them easily, then he turned towards the door." Kill them all!" he barked.

Roars filled the room and millions of marines swarmed in, swords raised as they rushed through. They charged at the stage that we stood on like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Oi Eustass....Straw hat..." called Law,
Luffy and Kid turned curiously to Law, " How's about whoever knocks out the most marines gets Misaki?" he suggested with a calculating smile.

Kid grinned evilly, a glint in his eyes..." Deal.." he rasped, as he gathered up discarded metal rubble into a giant blade.

"Fine! I'll win for sure." shouted Luffy as he cracked his knuckles.

"Good......" replied Law. The marines were almost on us now.

Law turned to me with his Nodachi out "I'll be seeing you on My crew then Miss Misaki..." Then he leaped into the crowd of marines, sending 15 screaming, cut up bodies flying into the air.

Eustass growled loudly before jumping into the swarm as well. 20 marines were immediately impaled with their own metal swords. Their screams died away as the blades dug deeper into their hearts.

"Yosh!" screamed Luffy with a grin, before he followed them, his arms swinging widely. "Gomu Gomu no Basooka!"

30 marines collapsed to the ground as rubber fists crashed into them.

I watched in shock as the three of them brutally massacred the Marines. Men were falling everywhere as the Auction floor quickly stained red. Some brave marines attacked them head on, some ran away....the Heart pirates and Kid pirates were also fighting. Bepo was knocking out marines left and right as Killer ran through the crowd, leaving a trail of cut bodies.

"Luffy!" shouted a familiar orange haired girl. Nami ran in with the rest of the Straw hat pirates.

"Hey Nami!" greeted Luffy as he punched another marine in the face.

"Luffy! What are you doing!" shouted Nami as she hid behind Sanji to avoid being attacked.

"I'm fighting for Misaki!" replied Luffy.

Sanji gave a sigh as he pulled out a cigarette, "Well if it's for Misaki, I guess we have to help then."

Zoro nodded his head, "Yeah," he grinned as he grabbed his three swords, "Our idiot captain won't leave unless we let's fight." with that, he placed his white sword in his mouth and ran into the crowd.

"Zoro!" shouted Nami.

Sanji rushed past Nami, "No way in hell is Moss-head beating me!" he screamed before entering the fight

"Sanji!" Nami screamed again, but Zoro and Sanji were deep in the crowd by then.

Nami closed her eyes and gave a loud sigh of frustration. Then her eyes flashed open with new determination as she nodded to the other straw hats. A silent agreement came between them and then they joined the fight as well.

Dangerous kicks, slashing swords, lightning cracks, flower petals and the screams of marines followed.

Everyone was fighting and I felt the time come to a crawl as bodies slowly fell. I sat motionless now as I took the scene in.

I didn't even notice the man coming behind me. *click* I froze as the cold barrel made contact with the back of my head.

"Y-you cause this," sneered the Celestial Dragon as he primed his pistol. His face was twisted in disgust from behind his bubble helmet. His slimy black hair was swept back and he was sweating hard from nervousness. The barrel clicked into place as he held it firmly, "I was even going to buy you..." he mumbled, " least now, you can be my bargaining chip," He yanked me by my hair as he said the last part.

My weakened body was still recovering so I could only growl in frustration and squirm slightly.

"Stop moving! You scum trash!" he shouted as he pressed the gun even harder.

I shut my mouth. With the drug still circulating in my blood stream, my devil fruit was negated. If the Celestial Dragon did shoot me, it would hurt...

The Celestial Dragon lifted me up off the ground and i hung limply as he shouted above the crowded noise.


The entire room fell silent.


And I'm gonna end my chapter there >~<

Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this story!!!! :)

Tell me what you guys think cuz I feel like I'm going through writers block right now -_-

Anyway vote (who Misaki should be with)




Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now