The Doctor

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Misaki POV

*Beep* *Beep * *Beep*

Ugh....turn it off....

I lazily pulled my hand from under the cotton covers and hit the metal box that was sounding loudly. The beeping continued despite how hard I whacked it.

What is wrong with this alarm clock!?


My eyes flashed open as I looked around the room in confusion. The room resembled a hospital.

My right hand, which was neatly bandaged, rested on a dented heart monitor that recorded my vital signs.

Oh....guess that's why it wouldn't turn off.

The scent of disinfectant filled the air, and unlike Kid's wooden ship, the walls were bolted metal.

My brain thumped in my skull.....

How did I get here?

Hmm.....All I remember was Kid locking me in the brig and leaving me there to starve-


The thought of Kid made new anger well up inside me. I rapidly punched the mattress to vent my rage, ignoring the frequent jolts of pain that flashed up my hand.

"Why are you doing that Miss..." asked a calm voice.

I jumped as I realized there was a man in the shadows of the room. Okay...creepy much?

He was tan, with dark sunken eyes and two golden earrings dangling from his his sharp ears. He wore a yellow and black jacket that hugged his body, and a fluffy speckled cap pulled over his jet black hair.

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously as I righted myself up in the bed.

"Trafalgar Law, Captain and Doctor of the Heart pirates, Miss" he replied while studying me.

"Don't call me Miss," I growled back, " My name is Misaki.."

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Misaki.." Law said calmly.

I sighed in frustration...why can't pirate captains just call me Misaki!!

I noticed a smirk flash on Law's face, but it disappeared just as quickly. There was a long silence as we stared at each other. Finally I spoke. "So....Where am I?... Where's Kid?" I asked casually. I wasn't particularly worried about my safety or that bastard, but the thought of being in this unknown place made me feel ...uncomfortable.

"I captured you from Kid." Law stated evenly as he continued to sit there and watch me. Was I really that interesting?

Well at least I wasn't with the devil bastard any more...'Thank god!" I mumbled under my breath , " He was so annoying..."

Law's calculating expression didn't change, but I could tell he heard my comment , " So you aren't part of the Kid pirates?" he asked with a hint of confusion lined into his words.

"No way.." I replied quickly ", I was a prisoner..."

Law's eyes narrowed, filled with suspicion," You're not telling me something, Miss Misaki." he stated bluntly as he leaned towards me.

"There's nothing to tell," I said back tersely, " I was taken by the Kid Pirates and they were going to collect my bounty."

My words seemed to enter his ears and flow right out the other side. He shook his head, unconvinced," There's something special about you, Miss Misaki..." he said with a new coldness, his voice resonating deeply against the metal walls, "and I intend to find out."

Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now