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A/N: POV change! Avi's POV   +  play the song (do not if it's too much..idk)

Against my will. All my life I've acted and played the role of a rag doll. Being thrown into a corner, my bones cracking, the pain shooting up my spine.

Silent. I wasn't allowed to speak, never should anyone get any information out of me. Covering my mouth with bare hands wasn't enough, they had to strangle me until my vocal chords bashed like porcelain plates falling onto the ground.

Weak. One of the words you could use to describe me but I've heard worse. Those words hurt even though I've been raised with them. Tormenting me by day, following me by night. No escape, no light.

I wondered why they reached out, why they cared for someone so worthless like me, why I was suddenly the focus in someone's life. Focus, not target. I was a human dartboard, sharp arrows shooting towards me, missing my heart by a few inches. What would I give to die...
One stab, one cut, one punch. Only one more of them and my life would've ended. I would be gone and finally, finally I could be free.
Hating myself I knew that I didn't deserve freedom, I was bound to be tortured, my destiny. My lone purpose on earth.

They found my name. Only a matter of time and they would've discovered who I truly was. What I was.
I've never been a human being.
Never, and I would never be.
I was garbage, a pile of dirt, filth.

The short brunette. He looked vulnerable himself but played the role of the savior, fighting to help me. Unfortunately my battle has already been lost. His effort was useless.  I was going to die.
I digged into my past, page by page I told him the story of my miserable life. I shed tears, I cried but I didn't mean it. My mind was blank. I've endured this torture for years, nothing could shock me anymore but I cried because of his reaction. He looked as if he truly cared and blamed himself which was absolutely ridiculous.
It was my fault.
Everything that happened was because of me.
The failure who managed to do everything wrong. My tormentor always said that it was my fault for him to act like that and it was the truth...

The blonde tall guy and the dark skinned man guided me towards the bathroom. My legs were hurting but I refused to let them touch me. No one should get infected by the illness I was carrying around.
The wish to die.
They had a future, but I didn't and even though they would try to change my mind my departing date has already been settled.

Reaching the bathroom I felt trapped. Eyes lingering on my body as I slowly peeled off the bloody pieces of what was left of my pullover and a familiar picture entered my mind. My breathing quickened, muscles tensed as I backed away from them. Panic was written all over their faces and slid down the shower wall. Eyes falling shut, hands pulling at my hair as I started to shiver and curl up into a ball of utter hurt and fear.

"You belong to me!" He kept yelling at me, landing punches at my throat and stomach. I stumbled forward, reaching up to my aching muscles as he kicked my back, causing me to fall fully and crash onto the ground. "You don't deserve anything I've given you!" He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, digging his nails into my skin, making it bleed. Bruises started to form in various places as he walked down the hallway. I didn't struggle to break free, I've stopped fighting against him a long time ago...
He opened the door to the bathroom, my body stiffening as I knew what would happen. Out of all things he did to me that was the worst. I would let him strangle, beat and burn me. I would let him cut my arms and shove pills down my throat. I would let him bring me near the death bed just to leave me there, half dead and half alive. Everything would be acceptable but what he had planned.
My body was just a lifeless frame, usable for anyone at anytime,  especially for him. My strengh was gone, he took control and I was planned to obey him. There was nothing I could do. Escaping had failed many times, he somehow found me when I believed I was safe. The belt became his favourite weapon and I his favourite object to use it on.
He shoved my naked body, covered with black bruises, cuts and cigarette burns, into the shower, the ice cold water dripping down on me. I shivered but he held my arms away from my body so he could take in the pain, anchored deep within his victim. I was never allowed to use any water to clean myself, never. Unless he was there with me. Water, food, clothes, sleep and school where luxuries and I had to "earn" them...

The shower curtain closed and my nightmares began.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! <3


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