ONE -1

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I was just having an average day getting off school, and walking down the sidewalk of the mean streets of New York...I was talking with my friend, Nell and we both noticed, as a small group of Los Diablo 's were heading in our direction....they were an all mexican gang...we walked away from them trying to avoid them as usual, only this time they followed we quickened our soon as we went around the block, we thought we were safe.....but we were wrong...they ran around the corner and chased us this time, we tried to take refuge in a store, but the owner didnt want any gang trouble, so he tossed us out. So we kept running until we crossed the southside alley, and went to the old mill railroad tracks...thinking the Diablo's wouldnt dare leave their terf, onto enemy grounds...but they did...for us...

We were completely surrounded, and the leader of the Diablo's,  walked up to me, and put his knife at my throat, and hungrily licked his lips....I tried to scream, but nothing would come Nell screamed for me, and one of the other Diablo's bitch slapped her to the ground...the leader ripped my shirt off, and I screamed...just as he was getting ready to cut my throat, a very dark figure came out of the shadows of the old boxcar, sitting on the tracks...

The Diablo's leader pulled me infront of him as a shield...the shadowy figure just laughed maniacally,  and pounded 3 times on the side of the car...and 8 other guys came out carrying chains, clubs, and knives...

One of the Diablo's stated that it was Blade's Gang...then the Diablo's leader stepped back a little, but talked a big talk, saying he was gonna run me through if he didnt stay back...but Luke approached anyway...then spoke....

"You greasy motha fuckers are trespassing on my terf....and I didnt hear any of you offer Tratto's Blessing....give me one reason why I should let any of you walk outta here in one piece...."

"Blade, we got no beef with you or your gang...we will just take our bitches and go..."

Luke turned away from them, and said in a very low, but violent voice..."What makes you think, I'm gonna let you take those bitches anywhere, they may have been yours for a while...but now they are in my terf...which makes them mine...Ripper!...get the bitches from those slippery wetback motha fuckers, and kill them if they cause you any problems."

"You got it Blade...Ripper went to the wetback, that had Nell, and took her, and pushed him outta the way...but when it was time to get me away from the Diablo's leader, he just tensed his grip on me, and tightened his blade on my throat...Ripper went to Blade, and told him, that Mr. Diablo didnt want to cooperate.

So Blade walked right up into his face, and grabbed me, and pulled me out of his grip, the knife blade cutting my neck a little as he tossed me to Ripper...then just to prove his point...Luke pulled his butterfly knife out, and made on quick slice of his blade, and pushed his hand in his throat, and pulled his tongue out through the slit in his throat....then laughed,  as the rest of the mexican gang ran home, with their tails tucked between their legs...he turned to his boys and said...that's what I call the classic Belgian about these broads, lets see what those wetbacks were set on tasting...

Blade walked up to both of us, and gave us a thorough look over...then he said we'd do, and the guys, drug us to Sanctuary...where they lived on the outskirts of the city...a place where cops even feared of treading one in their right mind fucked with Blade's Gang...and lived to tell about it...his gang was very well known and the most feared....and for damn good reason....he was a crazy son of a bitch!

Once they got us to Sanctuary, they tossed us in a center ring with lose dirt all around...then Luke whistled, and all of his gang members crawled out of the woodwork like roaches...Luke walked into the ring in front of us, I asked what was going to happen to us...and if he was gonna let us go home, but he gave an evil look, and told us both, that we were home....either we convert and join the sisterhood of his gang bitches...or we become slaves, and then after all the guys are done with us...he kills us both, very slowly, and very painfully....and that  was our choice...but getting let go was not happening...the only way we could go...was in a pine other words tag on the toe dead!!

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