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The next day was different, than any other day...for the first time since Nell and I were taken...I didn't want to be rescued, I finally felt like I was at home...Nell she felt safe here as well, but was a little lonely, for she didn't really click with any of the gang guys....but what we didn't know, was that was about to change...Blade came out and grabbed my neck, and kissed me, then slapped my ass, and headed toward Slash and Ripper, for Slash had news of a new gang moving in Blades territory, and without asking Tratto's Blessing...Blade gathered his dominions, and headed towards the riverside, where Slash seen the new group of delinquent's. I ran up to Blade and asked him if I could go, but he kissed me, and said too stay here that it was too dangerous for his wife...then before disappearing around the corner, he told me to hold the fort down...that I was in charge in his stead. I gave a smile then ran to the girls, and told them all of my experiences with the leader of The Pack.

Meanwhile, Blade and his boys made it to the river and called out the small gang of delinquent's. Blade ordered them to reveal themselves, and their allegiance, and to submit to his dominancy. One guy walked out to the opening 5 steps away from Blade, and revealed his colors...and stated his name was Chains, and that he had no other allegiances with any other gang...and that his gangs title was The Guardians. Chains kid brother came out, and said his name was Dodger. Blade showed Chains he was packing, and that he was pissed off for them not asking Tratto's Blessing before crossing into his territory...Chains bowed back, and apologized, that he knew nothing of Tratto, or that they had crossed into another's territory. Blade accepted the apology, but then stated, that there's only 2 ways to survive this ordeal...1 die fighting, or 2 join his gang, and drop the old colors, and wear his, and submit to his leadership. Chains thought on it a while, then realized, that his small gang had no chance in defeating Blade's. So he ordered his 7 guys & 3 bitches to toss their colors to the ground, and they now had a new leader to confide in...Ripper and Shockster handed out the new colors for them to wear, and had each of them pledge loyalty to Blade...Chains then told each of them to state their names...which were...

Blade accepted them and told them to follow them back to Sanctuary...Chains heard of Sanctuary, but never thought he'd live to actually see it. Blade ordered Chains to tell him why his gang was on the move...Chains told him of the huge sweep the pigs were doing trying to wipe the gangs out of existence....and that 3 gangs that he was allies with..The Tiber Street Tigers, The Sandsharks, and The Hoods were all wiped out, by the Johnny Law. And they were either killed or taken to prison for lethal injection...and also other gangs were moving out as well, and joining forces with gangs they'd never be allies with under ordinary circumstances. Blade was listening intently, and beginning to worry about his family...but Shockster interrupted by saying that the bigger the gang, the better the chances. Blade ordered Skank to open up, and he led the new recruits into the ring in the center of the hideout...Chains and his group never seen a gang with so many members before...and began to think it was a good idea, to join up with him. Blade called out his family to mingle with the newbies, and teach them the ropes...Nell came out and took one look at Bullitt, and decided instantly that she liked him alot...I walked over to Blade and wrapped my arm around his neck, and he kissed me...Chains eyeballed me for a long time before Blade, pulled his knife out, and made sure they all knew I was his wife, and off limits to all.
Chains backed off, and said no disrespect, but just to let him know that he thought I was one foxy bitch.

Blade turned to me, and he knew that already...thats why I belonged to him. He pulled me on his lap, and kissed my neck...I told Blade that Nell was really liking the new guy Bullitt. He looked over an seen Nell flirting with him...then he laughed and said well she's doing her job...making our new recruits feel at home...what's a better way to make a guy feel more at home, than by saying hey babe I want your sexy ass...after Blade finished making fun of them 2...we all had a good laugh, and they showed the newbies to their new quarters, and explained all about Tratto's Laws....I grabbed Blade and drug him to our bedroom....he gave a wicked smile as I did a dirty dance for him, before joining him in bed.

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