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That morning Rizzo took the lead to the center ring, and called attention to the entire gang, and told them that Blade had a evolutionary announcement to make....once they gathered around, Blade took me by the hand, and told everyone, that he chose a gang wife...the entire gang stood there in absolute shock, at what Blade was saying...but when he finished, he put one of his chains from his neck and placed it around my neck, and kissed me very hard, but exotically passionate.

Ripper turned to me, and whispered thanks in my ear, for keeping them from killing Blade...I nodded to him in agreement, and kissed his cheek...then Blade took my hand and threw me over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, and carried me to his quarters...where only he was allowed to be...unless he gave them permission to enter...he opened the door, and carried me across the threshold...which I found a little refreshing...but he knew nothing of civilized people's habits, and traditions...

He tossed me on his featherbed playfully, and shut the door behind him...he began stripped and crawled in beside me...he gave a wicked look, and ordered me to strip...just outta spite from when I had his first encounter, I said no...he grinned, and asked me if I was sure about that answer....and I shook my head yes...he pulled his hand from around his back, and pulled out his switchblade, and flicked it open, then made on very quick slicing movement, and all my clothes fell off me onto the bed...he carelessly tossed them on the floor, then threw the knife, and he hit the bullseye on the dartboard that was hanging on his far wall...without even looking at it....thats when I realized why his nickname was Blade...then he grabbed me and pulled me under him. I knew I had no choice now, but to do what he wanted...after all I was his wife now...he wanted to be ruff, and hostile, but after he started, I very scaredly asked him to be gentle with me for my first time...he snickered a little as I told him it was my first time...I got steamed up, for him laughing, and called him an asshole...he stopped and seen that he not only embarrassed me, but hurt me emotionally, by laughing at me for being a virgin...I told him to go ahead and laugh it up, that to make it more funny, I'd get VIRGIN tattooed on my fucking forehead...He got the hint, and quit immediately, then apologized for hurting me...I ignored him, and rolled away from him with a little bit of tears rolling down my face...he crawled closer to me, and wrapped his arms around me...and felt my tears fall on his hand...he went to my ear, and gently kissed and placed his tongue playfully in my ear, then whispered softly to me...telling me he was real sorry, and began passionately rubbing me up and down my back...then he told me that he keeps forgetting, that I wasn't a born gang bitch, and that he needs to remember, that I have more emotional and softer feelings than real hardened gang bitches...

I turned over to him, and accepted his apology, and gave him my first kiss...he accepted it gladly, and returned my gift with a return kiss...he slowly began to feel me up, and I gently caressed his chest, and moved my hands to his back, and tickled my fingers up and down the middle of his back. He smiled at me, and said are you ready...for the ultimate penetration...I was afraid, but I nervously said yes. He pulled himself up, and got into position, and pushed in me slowly, but very strongly...I wanted to scream from the pain, but I dug my fingernails into his back, and bit my lip instead, to muffle my pain...he eased up, and kissed me and told me not to fight him, but to move with him, and the pain would stop, I quickly got the hang of it, and the pain subsided...he then began to push and pull in a quicker pace, as I moaned in pleasure, he whispered dirty little words in my ear, that only couples would say, then he moved in alot harder, and with deeper thrusts into me...then we began to climax, as he erected as far as he could go...we were both screaming out each other's names...covered in each others sweat...he collapsed on top of me, breathing very heavily...but still had enough energy to ram his tongue in my mouth, and kiss me over and over again...when he was finished, he kept me under him, and fell asleep.

When I thought he was good and asleep, I tried to get up, but he grabbed me, and pulled me back under him...then he told me, I had to stay with him...that he needed me, and not to leave him....ever. I looked up at him and seen the sullen honesty in his eyes...I thought about it, then told him why would I ever leave him...I am his wife...he gave me a smile, and finally told me for the first time that he loved me.
I jumped back in his arms, and kissed him very lovingly, and told him that I loved him right back...then he pulled the covers over us both, and we played a few more hours before going to sleep in each others arms...

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