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Once I learned all the gang guys' names and their personality, I thinned out the herd a little, and found it difficult to choose between the finalists which were....Ripper, Two-Bit, Slash, Shockster, or my last resort Blade...

When I told the girls my list, they were shocked that I even had Blade on the list at all...but the girls told me, for my own good not to choose Slash or Shockster because they only liked to play ruff...but the girls all agreed I picked the best looking guys outta the gang...then I changed the subject, and asked if Nell had to go through with this same test...Riz told me no, but she could have any one of the guys that would want her...for she was already in the sisterhood. I asked the girls out of Ripper, Two-Bit, or Blade who should I pick...Jewels came out from the back, and asked me kindly not to choose Two-Bit, for she really loved him, and she really didn't want to share being the respectable 2nd in command, I told her I would choose Ripper instead....she ran up to me nd gave me a big hug, and said thanks, for understanding. I told her no problem.

The day was falling, and the night was slowly showering the gangs Sanctuary....everyone was ready to call it a day, when Blade finally announced it was time for my final enitiation, then walked over to me and told me to choose one....I looked at all the guys, and walked over to Ripper, he gave a slight smile, and took my hand, and went into his bedroom. Blade turned away and stormed to his quarters, and grabbed a bottle of Red Devil Tequila, and laid on his feather bed, and drank...

Meanwhile back in Ripper's room, he was getting ready for bed, when I walked over to him...he gently pulled me down to join him...then just wrapped his arms around me...I was totally off guard...I finally asked him...'aren't we supposed do more than sleep, for the enitiation?...Ripper smiled at me, and said yeah, we were, but he'd be doing his best friend a terrible injustice....I asked him why, and he told me that Blade, stayed by my side the entire time I was in the infirmary. and that he really secretly cared for me, and he couldn't have me knowing that his leader and brother, wanted me more...

Then Ripper asked me outta the blue if I'd go to Blade instead of him...I told him that I liked him more, but he said if I really liked and cared for him...if I would go to Blade...not for blade himself, but for him...I stayed silent for a while then asked him, if he really wanted Blade to have me, and not him...Ripper kissed me very sweetly, and told me he'd always be flattered, by the fact I chose him, and that he'd always be there for me...but I needed to be with Blade...

I told him thanks, and left his room, and ran straight to the bitches quarters, where no guys were allowed...and told the girls what happened, then decided just to sleep it off, and go to Blade in the morning...Nell told me, I looked good next to Blade anyways...but I told her, that I was scared to death of him...the other girls assured me that the leader was harmless to his family...then all the girls dispersed, and went to their own rooms, I outted my light, then layed back to sleep...but was suddenly awakened, by something crawling in bed with me....I began to panic a little and almost screamed, but a hand gently pressed against my mouth, muffling any sound I made...I turned my head, and my eyes locked with a pair of dark, deep hazel eyes, with thick eyeliner, wrapped around them...he removed his hand, and begged me not to was Luke Blade!! Laying next to the Bitches Quarters, of all places!!

I told him he needed to leave, that he wasn't allowed in here!! That it was forbidden, for any guy to come in...For it was against Tratto's Law...Blade had this longing look on him, and said he didn't care anymore, and that he was tired of waiting for me to go to he came to me...then he slowly hugged me, and begged me not to call the bitches, for him breaking the law...he was hoping that I didn't hate him enuff to call them in...for punishment...I got ready to call them in, but he snuggled next to me, and telling me he just wants to love me...I looked toward the window, and seen Ripper, giving me his pleading eyes not to get him in trouble...I gave in and wrapped my arms around his head and held him close...he reached up and stold a kiss from me, shortly after that we both heard Nancy yelling for the other bitches to get in here that Blade broke the law!, and was in the bitches quarters...

Rizzo jumped in first, followed by Abby and Jewels, Nell came in after them...over half of the girls, were already wanting to kill him, instead of exhiling him, but he was the leader, and he knew the law better than all of them...he knew his only chance, was to appeal to my humanity, and not let them do anything to hurt him...Nancy really wanted him dead...for she wanted Dallas to be the new they were all telling me to give them the word...for it was my party...I hesitated, but when I looked at Blade, my heart really went out to him...and told them, I didn't want him hurt...Nancy jumped up, and told me theres no way you can have feelings for him, you just told us yesterday, you hated him...besides when a leader breaks Tratto's Law, it means its time for a new gang leader...they all went to grab him and throw him out to stone him, but I held him firm, against me...I yelled at Rizzo, that there had to be a different way to punish him, instead of killing him, or sending him away...cuz I realized I didn't want him to disappear.

Rizzo told all the bitches to shutup!...that I was the lead in this party, and I was 2nd command, therefore, whatever I decide is what goes...Than Rizzo, said instead, of physical punishment, lets punish him in the way no leader would ever want...I asked her what that was....circumcision....Rizzo laughed and said close, but no...we make our defiant leader choose a gang wife...for thats every leaders worse nightmare...

Blade looked at me, and then he said he'd rather die...but I grabbed him, and asked him, was it really that bad, to be with a girl...that he'd rather end his life...he thought on it a moment, and said if he had to have a gang wife, that he'd like to have me...But Nancy jumped in and said no!...That I wasn't in the gang long enuff to know, what kind of responsibility being the gang wife of the leader...and he'd use that to his advantage.

I looked at Blade, and told him I accepted him as my gang husband. He quickly agreed, and said no that was his punishment...but Rizzo and Nancy made sure I knew all the new ruless, and that I had all rights to challenge any rule or order Blade gave...for I was no longer beneath him, I was his that we were gang married. But Nell was very ecstatic for me...being with the leader of the Pack...I seen how Blade was reacting to all my new privileges. I wrapped my arm around him, and whispered softly in his ear...telling him, I wasn't going to challenge his authority. That if I didn't agree with his orders, I'd ask him to reconsider, and not ever go against him...he smiled at me, and said he definitely chose the right bitch for his, honor, cherish, and obey.....

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