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Three months went by and Serenity was peaceful, and the surviving brothers and sisters, got back to their lives...Blade and I were in total peace knowing that we would be safe....but deep down, Blade knew it wasn't going to last. For the government was wiping out all gangs throughout the U.S. It was only a matter of time, when they came to Serenity to finish the job...

Nell was now very pregnant with Bullitt's baby girl...and all the sister's were excited to have a baby amongst the family again...but neither Bullitt nor Nell could decide on what they were gonna name they went to Blade....beens he was the leader it was his honor to name the newbies that are born under his he thought on it a while but told them he'd share it with them at the time of the birthing...Nell didnt like the suspense, but didn't fuss with the leader's decision.

Ripper had his hands full with all the young punks in the family...for they were getting the flu bug hit the younger kids in the group...but was always happy to see Nell come in for her checkup. He gave her a full physical and told her both she and her baby girl were fine. Bullitt went over to her when she joined him in the mess hall, and told him everything was perfect...he gave her a smile, and handed her half of his orange.

Blade was in our room having a very serious discussion with me, but I didn't want to hear the words he was saying....about the end of the brotherhood, and his death of blazing glory...but he wanted me to survive and live for him...I put my fingers on his lips and told him very clearly....if and when the time matter what end...I was going to be at his side...he shook his head no...but he was in no position to tell me no...I was his wife, and his equal...and I wasn't losing him...unless I was going with him...after he got the hint, that I wasn't letting up...he changed the subject and told me to get my sexy ass in bed with him...I hopped in, and he pulled me on top...we made out with each other for hours til Slash came in, and said we had a huge shitstorm heading this way!!! We both jumped outta bed and rushed to the main was the apocalypse Blade was forseeing for weeks...he told all the guys too weapon up, and told the girls to get to the underground safehouse with the kids, and stay there...I ran and grabbed 2 heaters, and took a few throwing blades, and put them under my shirt. Blade told me to go with the other bitches, and stay...but I kissed him, and told him my fight was out there along with I stayed and waited for the end...however it was gonna go down...

Nell was in the underground safehouse, when her water burst...the baby was wanting out!...Rizzo ran up and screamed for Ripper...he was ready to fight...but his saving lives was more important to him than taking lives. Blade allowed it...the S.W.A.T TEAM came and surrounded the fortress...Blade turned to all his brothers, and told them its been an honor, and a privilege to have been their leader, mentor, and friend....and that today was a good day to die...then he scooped me up in his arms, and kissed me very deeply, and whispered in my ear, that the greatest thing ever to happen to him, was when he got me...I kissed him back, and said ditto...then I grabbed his hand, and we all ran out to fight...the fight was bloody, and covered with bodies, strewn all over Serenity's ground.

Blade and I were still back to back fighting the good fight, not letting anyone get close to us...Slash, and Bullitt were doing the same thing...but after the SWAT team backed off from their officers command, Blade quickly noticed we were the only 4 we gathered together and were backed against the wall. Blade took my hand and squeezed tight...Slash just spit at them waiting for the fatal swoop...all Bullitt wanted was to see his wife, and his newborn he knelt down below Blade and cried...until Blade hauled him to his feet, and told him...not to give the bastards the satisfaction.

Just then Nell came running out of the safehouse, with their baby, and handed her to Blade, and asked him to name her...he held her up high, and said her name will be Destiny. Then he kissed her forehead, and handed her to Bullitt. He quickly jumped up and took his wife in his other arm and held them both very close...Right at that moment, Blade realized he had to protect his remaining family. So told us to drop the was over...he didnt want to see anymore deaths...especially me...I looked at him, never seeing the look of defeat, but then I noticed blood pouring out of his side...I went to him, but he pushed me away and walked to the cops raising his hands for them to see...then he dropped his bandanna to the ground...and told them for his family, he was giving up...and he would turn himself in...if he'd leave his family alone...he was the leader, and without him, they wre just a group of punks, married and with kids...and that they were no danger to of the cops pulled his gun and got ready to shoot Blade, but I intervened, by tossing my knife, and knocking his gun from his hand...I ran up to him, and told all the bastards, if they were gonna kill him...they had to kill me too...then I wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him, and told him how much I loved him...

The SWAT team all cocked their pieces and got ready to finish the job...but got interrupted yet again...only this time I heard a familiar voice coming out of the crowd....the voice said if any one of you bastards shoots my lil grease monkey, you will answer to me, so you all better stand down! was my daddy Danny The Count...and my big brother Tommy...Danny seen Nell and the other surviving punks going up to me and the guy I was holding...he apprached me and pulled me in a huge bear hug, and told me it took a while, but he found me...then Tommy hugged me, and kissed my cheek...the SWAT team were ordered by their captain to apprehend the surviving members, and haul them to prison...I looked up at my dad and pleaded for him to save my family....Danny stopped the officer, as he grabbed Blade, anf threw him to the ground...Danny grabbed the officer, and told him to keep his hands off his son...Blade looked up in shock to his words...then he pulled Blade to his feet...and Danny told him that Gee told him everything...he put his arm around Blade, and told him to grab his girl, and lets go home...Blade turned to his remainng brothers and sisters, and said c'mon we're all going home...with Daddy. Tommy quickly started flirting with Rizzo...Slash, Ripper, and Bullitt holding his child, and with Nell by his side, all followed Blade...who was for the first time in his life following daddy Danny, who was more than happy to take all the delinquent misfits in...for at heart he was still one himself...

The ganglife was over, with many brothers and sisters lost....but in the my hubby, and our closest friends were still dad, gave Ripper, Slash, and Bullitt, jobs at his Counts Customs Chop Shop...Nell and Bullitt went home to be with her daddy G, who was very proud to be a grandpa...and he learned to love Bullitt as a son in law...

As for Blade and I, Danny gave us both his blessing, and he threw us a formal wedding, to make it legal...but Blade didn't understand civilization at all...for the only law he ever knew was Tratto's Law...but I slowly taught him the other ways...he hated it, but he loved me, so he tried it out, after I told him, he was perfect at any and everything he set his mind too...he believed me, but cynically refused to get a haircut!! He said fuck no to the redneck do..we all laughed, and I kissed him deeply, and told him he'd always be my leader...and he never had to cut his sexy black hair...Danny took his pony out from the back of his shirt and showed Blade, he wasn't the only one with hair...Blade grabbed Danny's hand and said he was a cool guy...Danny showed Blade his car and motorcycle collection, and told him to pick one...Blade looked at the black Harley Davidson Fatboy...Danny smiled at him, and said if that's the one he was his...Blade smiled back, and jumped on the hog, and revved it up, grabbed me, and we rode that badass bike into the sunset...happy to know we were safe, and had a real home...but too Blade was my home...




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