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Nell and Bullitt, went to their bedroom, to share their first night as gang husband and wife. They toyed a little rough, but ended out being real romantic and full of passion...they climaxed together, then snuggled up with each other underneath their plush blanket.

Hammerhead was close to there sleeping quarters watching green with jealousy...just thinking on how to get into a fight with Bullitt and kill him without breaking Tratto's Law...he asked Funboy to keep his eye open from then on and come get him, when he spotted the right moment for Hammer to strike.

Blade and I were pretty much staying away from it all...so we could have some alone time together...for him being a lead gang banger, and goth on top of that...he was very sweet, and romantic when he wanted to be...I got so used to him, that I didn't see no evil or wickedness in him anymore...all I seen was a loving, charismatic, very protective, and very charming gothic guy...that was extremely sexy...and the absolute best knife handler in the world...no one has ever seen anyone better with anything with an edge on it...hence his gang name 'Blade'.

After Nell went to sleep, Bullitt went out to go to the mess hall, to get something to eat, and thats when Funboy ran to his leader Hammer, and told him he was alone in the mess hall...Hammerhead grimaced and headed to the mess hall...Hammer went into the building and seen Bullitt, and pulled out his brass knuckle blade, and approached behind him, and stabbed him in the back...and said if he couldnt have Nell...neither could he...ever again....Bullitt fell to the floor, as blood trailed away from his body. Then Hammerhead, ran out of the building, and joined his group, and drank a beer acting like nothing was wrong...

Blade decided he wanted a beer, so he got up, and pulled his leather pants, and headed to the mess hall...he walked in and seen the fridge door wide open...he went over to shut it, and seen Bullitt laying there lifeless, saturated in his blood...he quickly picked him up and ran him too Ripper's medical ward...Ripper seen how bad Bullitt was, and quickly grabbed a blood bag, and plasma to feed into his arm...then he cleaned the wound, and told Blade some one stabbed him, with a very big n thick knife...Blade brotherly kissed his forehead, and told Ripper to fix him...then stormed out of the room and into the crowd...

Blade yelled....'EVERYBODY FUCKING FREEZE! SOMEBODY TRIED TO KILL ONE OF MY BROTHERS....NOW YOU CAN EITHER TELL ME WHO DID IT! Or I CAN KILL EACH AND EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU NEWBIES UNTIL I GET THE RIGHT ONE!! All the newbies bunched together, and started showing Blade they had no weapons on them. Then Blade looked at Funboy, and seen how nervous and squirmy he was...he ordered Slash to bring him to him...then asked Funboy why he was so nervous...he wasnt packing a knife...then Blade grabbed his neck and squeezed....and told him if he valued his fucking life...He'd start talking...in between gasps...Blade heard him say Hammer....

Blade threw him across the ring and pulled out his blade, and everybody backed away in fear...Blade was seriously pissed...he looked around for Hammerhead, but didn't see him...then he added two n two together, and ran for Nell's room. When he got to the door, he heard muffled whines....he snuck in and seen Nell tied up and gagged, as Hammer was on top of her...he ran up behind Hammer and all Nell seen was Blades' blade...Blade whispered in Hammers ear before killing him....wht does it feel like to know your throats just been cut...then he made one swift slicing motion and Blade did it so quick and hard...that Hammers head fell off onto the bed in between Nell's legs...Blade quickly cut Nell's binds, and wiped her tears, and picked her up, and carried her to Ripper as well....but stopped to tell Skank Gutterboy, and Slash...there was cleanup duty needed in aisle 4...then grinned and moved to Ripper's medical ward.

Nell seen her Bullitt baby all hooked up with iv's, and hooked up for blood transfusion, and she started crying again, but Ripper gave her a hug, and told her he was going to live...but just be hurting for a while....but he had him sedated for now...then he gave Nell a quick look over, and stitched up a little cut she had over her eye, and gave her something to let her sleep. Blade lightly rubbed her forehead, then went back out to the ring, and made it clear...if anyone else tried their shit while in his house....they would get the same punishment as Hammerhead...Slash and Skank came out with the cleanup, and Blade stopped them and told all the newbies...for those that don't know what happened....Blade grabbed Hammer's head out of the bag, and revealed his punishment method...then said any one else want to piss me off, before I go to bed with my wife. They all shyed away and quickly put their hands over their throats, and said no...Blade tossed the head back into the trash, and said good...now spread the fuck out...then he walked to his sleeping quarters, and crawled in bed with me, and snuggled with me, and I asked him what the ruckus was about, he just kissed my neck, and said nothing just had to make my point...and killed a guy...no biggie...baby....I said ok, lets go back to sleep...I need you to keep me warm...he gave me a wicked smile, and asked me if I was cold...cuz he had the perfect way to warm me up...

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