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I was laying on the bench in the medical hut, watching as Ripper was bandaging me up...but when he checked my hand, he told me that it was very badly crushed..and that he'd have to rebreak three of my fingers. I told him to get it over with...but he said not until he gave me a mild sedative...he came back in with a soon as he called it Dr. Feelgood, I backed away from the needle. But he assured me as Blade came through the doors, that it was a real prescription, and not a hypo. He just didn't want me to be in so much pain as he rebroke my fingers...Blade ordered Ripper to knock her out while he did that...but Ripper pulled him to the back, and told him that she was afraid to be put out...that she liked the sisterhood, but was very unsure of us bad boys...

Blade just sneered at him, and told Ripper, that she'd just have to get used to it. So Ripper made us both a compromise...instead of giving it all to me, like Blade wanted...He'd just give me half of it...I finally gave in, and took the kicked in within 20 minutes. When Ripper began to rebrake my fingers I definitely felt the pain, but was very thankful I took the damn shot...after he finished he put my hand in a cast. And made me rest for the night. Blade walked up too my bedside, and whispered good job...then left into the shadows.

after I went out, I didn't know Ripper kept a mild sedation drip on me til it was time for him to remove my cast. Blade stayed by my side never leaving the infirmary...until it was time for Ripper to wake me up, and remove my cast. Blade didn't want me to know that he had some feelings for me. As I slowly woke up, I looked at my hand, then around the room and remembered where I was...Ripper came out of the back and welcomed me back, then Nell came rushing in, all converted into a real gang bitchette...she hugged me and said how happy she was that I was finally awake...Ripper gave me a clean bill of health, and turned me loose...all the sisters, were outside waiting for me...I earned their love and respect when I fought...I asked Rizzo if I had to fight again....and she said if I wanted to take her place as lead bitch, than we'd have to fight...but I cut her off, and said I had no wants to be a lead anything. Rizzo had a look of relief when I told her that, Nancy came over to me, and acted like nothing had happened...she gave me a hug, and said welcome to the sisterhood and congratulations for being the new 2nd in command. I thanked her, then all the girls walked me to the Sisterhoods Sanctuary....the only place, the gang guys weren't allowed to enter, without permission from the bitch was Tratto's Law...if one of the guys were to sneak matter who it was...the bitches get to decide their fate...either death by stoning, or complete exile from the gang....not even the gang leader was immune to this fate...if he ever broke the law. And the bitches showed no mercy, to the guys that broke the law...they would kill them, without remorse...

Paulette came over to me and asked who I was going to pick, for the final test to make the gang membership complete. I asked again what the final test was...and Paulette said thats where I pick any one of the guys to make your joining official, by making yourself sexually open to the brotherhood...I quickly backed up from that, and said I didn't want to fuck any of them...and definitely not share myself with all of them...I looked to Rizzo and asked if there was anyway for a bitch to get out of doing sexual favors, for each of the brotherhood members...Nancy interfered and said the only way other than dying is by finding one gang guy that is willing to make you his gang wife...then no other brother can ever touch you...that's Tratto's Law.
I asked if the gang leaders have ever had a gang wife...and all the girls went silent...the Paulette said no, just for the simple fact that whoever becomes gang wife to the leader of the gang becomes an instant equal leader to the gang...and has the authority to challenge the leaders decisions....and most gang leaders dont think its worth it to have a gang wife...when they could have all the bitches they wanted.

Then the girls got back to the track of who I was going to choose to make it official...but I had no ideas...the only one so far that was even a little nice to me was Ripper...and for a gang banger/dr. He was kinda cute. Then the girls talked about all the guys, and how they treated them, and which ones were the best choices for my first time..

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