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I realized quick enough, that I liked the sisterhood just fine, but the guys I couldnt stand...Nell liked Abby alright for getting her off death row from Blade...but all Nell wanted to do was get the hell outta here, and back home...and to be honest I wanted to as well...Rizzo was trying to explain Tratto's Law and the placement tests, but I really didn't care, for as soon as night came, Nell and I were gonna try to sneak out, and make it back across the tracks...

Rizzo told me the loyalty test, was first, then came the placement test, which was fighting each gang bitch, til I lose, that shows what rank I was in the sisterhood...if I won every fight up to Rizzo...and beat her in a fair fight, it would be up to me, if I wanted to accept the title as head bitch, or respect Rizzo's seniority in the gang, and take second command....but I wasn't really up to fighting...but Rizzo told me I didn't have a choice. The third and final test was making her an official gang bitch...which was to choose, one of the gang guys to claim and to sleep with...then she would officially be part of the sisterhood/brotherhood's family...

Nell thought it was total bullshit, to fight to stay in a group you didnt want to be in anyway...and also didn't know why they wouldn't just let them go home...Nell also asked if she would have to fight as well...But Abby said if she just wanted to be a caretaker instead of a head bitch and a fighter, that she wouldn't have too, beens she was claimed by her, and not one of the head Nell happily said good, cuz she didn't approve of fighting at all...

Blade burst through the door, and told Riz to get her claimed bitch to the ring, that he was starting the tests now, instead of waiting for morning....Rizzo obeyed quickly and lead me out to the ring...the loyalty test was leaving me in the ring with a set of car keys, in the ring with me, the car was on the outskirts of Sanctuary, then the entire gang was going to leave me there see if I'd try to run...what they didn't tell me, was that the car was rigged in explosives...Blade dropped the keys, and stepped out of the ring and they all disappeared into the encampment. I stood there looking at the keys, I really wanted to grab them, but as I reached for them, I had a real bad internal alarm bell go off, and I walked away from the keys, and sat on the ground on the far side of the ring. When it came time to eat, Blade came out with a plate of food, and as he placed it in front of me, he said you still here huh?, and I told him, no reason to leave, besides my best friend would still be stuck here...and I wasn't gonna leave her behind.

Blade said congratulations, you passed the first test...the second test I alot more physical, and even a little bit dangerous, if you don't know how to fight. But beens I was claimed by the head bitch, I had no choice but to fight...and Nell was off the hook, she didn't have to fight. Blade whistled, and all the gang members rushed out. Then he said it was time for the ever favorite placement test...Blade called 3 bitches out to the ring...he said that these three were the top bitches in the sisterhood...Nancy, Paulette, and Rizz. If I beat any of them or all of them, in this fight I would win their position in the sisterhood...except for the option of letting Rizz keep her leadership out of respect for seniority. But that was totally up to me....if I won the fights. Paulette stepped up to me first, and told Blade she'd take me, Blade told her to be his guest...then walked away from the ring...but quickly turned and said this will be a skin on skin! Weapons! Just honorable rumble for the placement test...Begin when you bitches are ready.

Paulette nodded her head, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back...from a punch to the stomach...I wasn't hurt though, just got the wind knocked out of me, I did a aerial flip, to get back to my feet. Which impressed alot of the gang members...I let her show me what she had to offer in the fight, til I learned her strengths and weaknesses....the guys thought I was a puss, but Blade new better...he knew I was hiding moves up my sleeves...for he could tell by the way I was analyzing her every move...

Then I found my moment and struck..Paulette went down on my first swing...and I was thankful for the martial arts training my older brother Tommy gave me...The gang went wild when I knocked the third place head bitch from her top spot...which really pissed the bitch Nancy off...she jumped into the ring, and helped Paulette to a bench outside the ring...then she approached me, and spat at me, saying I was so dead....Blade jumped up, and violently reminded, them that this was a fair match...and that I won that one fair and square...he got in Nancy's face and ordered her to play fair...and if she didn't, he'd kick her ass for breaking Tratto's Law...then he came up to me, and said I was just full of surprises. Then said good job, and walked back to his seat.

Nancy came over to me, and got into her fighting position. I tested her, by moving into defensive positions, instead of offensive....and she didn't know what I was doing, so I had an advantage over her, til Ripper stood up, and told Blade that I was a ringer...Blade gave a wicked grin, and said he knew...but it was about time someone was big enuff, to finally knock Nancy's ass in the dirt...for she had never been beaten, in a fight yet. Nancy threw her first punch, and got me on the left side of my face...I quickly countered, and slid down to the ground, and kicked her feet out from under her...she kissed the dirt, with a hard thud! And I was on my feet, in one fluid motion. And waited for her next move...she did a backflip to get on her feet again, then rushed me, and gave me a swift kick on my shoulder, but I absorbed the blow, without falling down...but just staggered a little to my side...I leaped up, and did a no hand cartwheel, and landed on her shoulders, and locked my legs around her, and flipped her hard to the ground, like you would see on WWE. The gang was frantic, after seeing that move...but I also noticed that it pissed Nancy off something fierce, by getting people to laugh at her, and cheer me on. She she lifted her shirt, and pulled a medium sized fighter's chain from around her waist, and started swinging it around her head...Blade jumped up and ordered her to drop it, but she was to pissed off, at me to listen...she swung the chain at my neck, but I quickly moved my arm infront of it so the chain was around my arm as well as my she couldn't strangle me or put enuff pressure on the chain to break my neck....but she did drag me all over the ring, until I planted my feet firmly, and grabbed the chain with my other hand and wrapped the entire chain around me so she couldn't keep her grip on the chain...and I broke her connection with the chain, but I had to fuck up my right hand to do it...I quickly unraveled the the chain from around me and showed off some real aerial martil arts moves, with the chain...then used my left foot, to kick the chain right at her face, but instead of hitting her with it, I swung it in a circular motion, and got it around her neck, and threw her down to the ground hard...I made one swift leap toward her, and put my foot on her throat, and pressed down...then I yelled to Rizz, if Tratto's Law states that I had the right to kill her for breaking the rules, by bringing weapons in the fight...Blade jumped up, and answered by ordering me to take her out!!...but Nancy was begging me not too..., and so was Paulette from the sidelines...I made a quick motion, and the chain released its bind on her, and I hobbled to the far side of the ring, and fell down to the ground...

Ripper ran over to me, and helped me to his small medical building, to fix me up...Nell quickly ran after me...Blade went over to Nancy, and kicked the shit out of her in the ribs, then ordered Skank and Gutterboy to toss her in the pit, for breaking Tratto's Law, and if she lives, for the 3 days then they could let her out, and fix her wounds up...then Blade walked towards Rippers Medicine hut..

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