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I walked over to Ripper's medical quarters to see how Bullitt and Nell were doing...Nell told me how glad she was that Blade found him when he did...or she would a lost her husband, not to mention him saving her from that bastard Hammer. But Ripper said in a couple more days they could move him back to their little house. I gave Nell a hug, and kissed Bullitt on his cheek, and told him to get better fast...he gave a weak smile, and said yes ma'am....

I headed to the mess hall to grab a bite to eat, when I seen Slash fighting with one of the newbies...I took a closer look and realized it was one of Hammer's boy's fighting with him...I tried splitting them up, but thy both pushed me back, and kept it up...I called out for Blade and he ran over and really split them up. By beating the shit outta both of them, one for ignoring and second just for pissing him off...he told Slash he knew better. He stormed off, but quickly cooled off...when he heard Blade really reaming the newbie...warning him never to fight unless it was an organized fight under leadership rules in the ring...especially if the member he was fighting was his second in command...then Blade called Slash back over and gave them one more cussing out, and gave them only one warning...never insult or disrespect, his wife...for I was his equal....

Blade grabbed my hand and we were getting ready to make our daily rounds when Shockster, Mickey, and Harley came into Sanctuary dragging a man to the center of the ring...then called Blade over...I started to follow, but he told me to go make the rounds without him, then head over to the bitches quarters, for he thought I needed to spend some quality time with them...so I kissed him and said ok babe...he gave me a grin, and slapped my ass...

Blade went to the ring and pulled out his knife, and ordered him to tell him his name, and what an old man from the Social Checkered Shirt Set, like him was doing in his territory...knowing the penalty for being in his home uninvited, was death...the man looked right at Blade, spat out at him, and said he was looking for his daughter...Blade punched him, and told him to answer more politely, and show some fucking respect...Shockster put him back to his feet, and Blade asked him, why he thought his daughter would be here, and even if she had've been here, what makes you think she would be alive. He glared up at the young punkass leader, and asked again if his daughter was here...Mickey interrupted, and told him that the man came on our territory with this, and actually using it on us...but we found out real quick, that the safest place to be, was right infront of him, where he was shooting...Blade took the handgun, and inspected it...then told them exactly what it was, a newer Beretta, automatic with 22 rounds in the magazine, and one holding in the chamber.

Blade asked the man what his name was, and what his daughter's name was....he didn't answer, and blade busted his face open with the side of the gun...then asked him again...he spat out the blood, and said his name was Gerard, and he was looking for his daughter Nell. Blade turned rapidly around and looked him over, then smiled very wickedly at him and said...yeah she's here, but unfortunately for you, I'm the last thing your ever going to see. Nell is a honorary member of the sisterhood in my gang, and she's married to one of my sweetest brothers. So she won't be going anywhere.....then he grabbed him by the neck, and said.....'BUT YOU ARE....DADDY' then he ordered Shockster to kill him, and lose the body...but then Gerard called him a chickenshit punk, for not doing it himself...Blade turned and ordered them to release him...then moved right into his face, and told him he was in a generous mood today, so he took his knife, and cut Gerards bonds, and handed him his gun...then told him...that he would give him an edge...Blade ordered him to take the gun off safety, then cock his piece...and if he shoot him before he could throw his blade, that he could live. Gerard did what he was told...then Blade ordered Shockster to call it...as soon as Shockster called it...Gerard didn't even get the gun aimed at Blade before, Blade had his knife thrown and buried deep in his shoulder, and pinned him to the wooden outeredge of the ring...then he went over to him, and said he could've killed him, but decided on just disarming him, by wounding him...for Blade remembered what his mentor always said to him, about never bringing a knife to a gunfight...but he always wanted to prove him wrong...and two weeks after mentor training him, he did prove him very wrong...for Blade proved it by killing him, in a fair fight...then Blade went up to Gerard, and ripped his blade out of his shoulder...then told him, that he was going to die, its just a matter of how he wanted it done...I went close to the ring to see what was going on, when I seen Nell's dad in the fighting ring, with my hubby holding his blade at his throat...I didn't know how to react, if I should or not...the first thing on my mind was if Nell's family found us, when was my daddy, Danny going to find us...I missed my dad and my brother Tommy, but I loved my new home, and my sexy goth guy...should I just let Blade kill him, so their would be no witnesses, or beg him to stop....what should I do???

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