Email Seven

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Email Seven

From: Harry Styles <>

To: Louis Tomlinson <>

Title: You still there?

10th February 2012 6:59pm

Dear Louis,

I miss you.

Are you still there?

It's really really hard without you. Bet you heard the news already.. we've had a press conference today. I know we haven't said it, but we're still waiting for you.

I know that people are slowly losing hope, but I'd never give up on you. I believe that you'll come back one day. And if it is in 40 years.. I know I'll see you again one day and I won't give up that hope. I don't think I could continue this all if I thought I couldn't see you anymore.

At least I have the pictures of you.. of us. I just hope to see that smile of yours again. It's beautiful, Lou. I regret not telling you that before. Everything that I wanted to tell you someday.. I could never be sure that I ever got the chance to do so but now that the opportunity is taken away from me, I regret not telling you. There were so many things to say and I never said them to you even once. Sure, some I did.. but not everything.

I think I should tell you here now. It's the last thing I can use to tell you. So I guess I should take the opportunity now before it gets taken away from me and nothing is left.

Oh sorry, I have to go now, I'll write you tomorrow again. Although I'm not so sure if I can... because lately people don't let me have much time alone. I guess they're expecting a break down or something..

Miss you, Lou. A lot.

Harry xx

Thoughts? xx

You Still There? (Larry Stylinson) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now