Forbidden Love

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Jin's POV

I watch her walk away from the car smiling and waving at me. I smile and slightly wave.

I don't leave until she is in the school.

I grip the steering wheel.

Memories flash at me.

"Come on everyone Suga brought the girl." I hear Namjoon shout at the bottom of the hallway.

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror.

Might as well get this over and done with.

I follow behind the boys into the living room. I move them out of the way so I can have a better look at her.

Her petite figure sits on the sofa swinging her legs slightly. Her fingers play with each other on her knees. I can't see her face as she's looking down but her hair is a light purple. I've never had a favourite colour until now. She looks up at Suga and smiles. She is wearing hardly any make up as far as I can tell. Her large eyes tell me she isn't from here. Her lips look moist and her nose looks small and cute.

"Wow she's pretty." The words get out of my mouth before I can stop them.

She doesn't seem to notice it was me but Suga's gaze pierces my soul.

I walk down the hallway sadly. Why does Suga have to get her? I went to Namjoon for advice but he just lectured me about how she's Suga's girl and how I know how much Suga loves her.

I don't deny Suga loves her, there's no doubt about that. He has been his happiest these couple of months and we thank Ally for that. I remember him not leaving his phone and when he got a notification he would smile widely and get all excited.

Suga is one of my closest friends out of BTS. I should want him to be happy.

I hear sniffles. I look up to see Ally looking down at her feet outside of Suga's room.

What's she doing here?

"What's the matter Ally? Are you okay?" I ask as my heart speeds up.

She sniffs and nods her head.

Is she crying?

"Are you crying? What did Suga do? That boy I swear...making a pretty girl cry." I try to put a calm face but inside I'm furious.

What did Suga do to this poor girl?

I mean, I know he is extra grumpy in the morning but that's no excuse.

Did he physically hurt her?

"I'm fine." She says with a slight smile.

I know a fake smile when I see one.

She looks like a weak petite girl but I guess she is strong. It is hard to fake a smile.

"It doesn't look like you're fine. Come on, let's make breakfast for everyone! Will that make you feel better?" I smile warmly at her.

She chuckles at me.

I smile at her. She looks a lot more pretty with her hair up. You can see her flawless face.

"You look even pretty with your hair up, you can see your face more." I decide to comment her as Suga isn't here to kill me with his stares.

"Ya!" Her blush is so cute. "You better stop or you might become my bias wrecker!"

I heat up as I hear her say that. I'm guessing her bias is Suga.

"Is that a challenge?" I ask trying to hide my smirk.

"What? No! I didn't even-"

"Hush." I cut her off with my finger onto her lips.

Suga, game on.


I shake my head and furrow my eyebrows. I shouldn't be having these feelings towards her. Suga loves her. Ally loves Suga. Don't ruin that Jin!

I grind my teeth and sigh. I can't give up. Call me selfish, but I want Ally for myself.

The only thing in the way is Suga.

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