Happily Ever After

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So this is it. The ending. I will talk more after the story so you can get on reading this. Before you do, when I write '🎶' it means you click the video above and read while the music is playing. Don't click until I say so. Enjoy! 💕

Ally's POV

"I'm sorry." Suga says for the umpteenth time.

"It's not you're fault." I answer, again.

"Yeah, but it's ruined the day, our day." Suga sighs turning a left.

"I don't mind." I say rubbing his stiff arm that seems to be clenched onto the wheel.

Suga doesn't say anything and instead concentrates on the road.

We have to go to a photo shoot and Suga is...annoyed would be an understatement.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed off too. Just not as much as he is. I guess he did plan the whole day out and he said that he asked for the day off and they said yes, even though now they need him for a photo shoot. Apparently, they can't do this another day.

I watch Suga in silence. I could never get bored of looking at his face. He has so many different expressions. His concentration and disgust faces are my personal favourites.

At the moment he has his concentrated and pissed-off face on. Which is pretty amusing.

We arrive in a car park that have a few cars and caravans and the first thing I see is five men sprinting towards us waving wildly.

"Why did I get put in a group full of idiots?" Suga sighs getting out of the car.

"You love them really." I laugh as I too get out.

I laugh as they all collide with Suga and tackle him into a hug.

"Hyung! We missed you!"

"I was literally gone for four hours."


"Get off me!"

"Give me a kiss, hyung!"

"Ally! Help me!"

I have to sit on the floor from laughing so hard.

"Boys, we're ready for you now!" Someone shouts from a caravan.

"I will see you soon, Ally." Suga sighs and let's the boys drag/lead him over to the caravans.

I get up and wipe the non-existent dust off my jeans.

Now what do I do?

I decide to walk around the car park.

It's fairly big and has some newly planted trees in a line in the middle. There is a busy highway just beyond the car park that if it wasn't there the place would probably be quiet. A tall church sits opposite the car park. I don't know why but it gives me the shivers.

How long does it take for idols to get ready for a photo shoot? Is it hours? I'm not sure. Before I can google 'how long does it take an idol to get ready for a photo shoot' the seven boys walk out of the caravan all perfectly done with make up and clothes. I mean, they look great without make-up and clothes, I mean, never mind.

I follow them from afar.

For hours I admire the boys posing and being beautiful. I got told off numerous times for making the boys laugh with my silly faces but it was worth it.

Jin. Every time I glanced at him he was looking at me. When we got eye-contact he wouldn't break it, it would always be me who looked away. I couldn't tell what his eyes were full of. Sadness? Anger? Confusion?

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