She's Mine

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Suga's POV

Now Ally is here I've had so much inspiration for my new mixtape. I have been working on it for years to try and get it just right for ARMY. I released it recently and I am more than proud of it.

I crack my knuckles and yawn. What time is it? 2am? I guess I can wrap it up for today and go to bed.

I lock up my notebook and pen in the cupboard and lock my studio. I don't want anyone stealing my ideas and making it theirs, that's all.

I walk up the stairs, too lazy to turn the lights on so I trust my memory and the light of my phone to guide me.

Is someone there? A person is standing at my bedroom door, peering in. What are they doing? Are they watching Ally sleep? I mean, I do that sometimes but..never mind.

Storming up to the figure I grit my teeth. Which one of the six idiots thinks it's okay to watch girls sleep?

I grab his shoulder and push him harshly into a wall, cursing at the loud sound.

"What-what are you doing?" I should have known. Jin.

"What do you think you're doing?" I growl.

"Ally." He smirks.

It happened so fast I couldn't control it but somehow my fist landed in his jaw.

"Don't you ever talk about her, do you hear me? She's mine! Back off!" I say a bit to loud.

"What are you two-oh my god Jin are you okay?" Hoseok pushes me away and gives me a stare.

"Go to bed."


"Now." His eyes are pretty scary.

I give in and go into my room.

"This isn't over, Jin." I whisper.

Ally's POV

I wake up to Suga's chest. I'm not complaining or anything but it's kind of a shocking thing to wake up to.

His arms are wrapped around my back protectively. How the hell did we get in this position?

I'm not going to wake him as I learnt my lesson from last time. I can just sleep in.



Fuckity, fuckity, fuck.

It's a Monday! I have college today!

"Suga! Quick get off me! Now!" I shout at him hitting his chest.

"Ugh. Five more minutes." He grumbles burying his head into my shoulder.

"No, you need to get off me like now." I say to him.

"How dare you wake up Min Yoongi." He looks up at me with half open eyes. "You will feel his wrath."

The fuck does that mean?

He quickly pushes me into him so my nose is touching his bare chest and I feel his arms around me tighten.

"Suga, this isn't a game! I'm going to be late for college!" I shout.

"Please stop shouting. Can't you miss one day of school?" He begs.

"No." I answer.

"Namjoon said you two have to- oh umm n-never mind." We both look to just see Jungkook run away from the doorway.

Taehyungs head pops out.

"Aww, Suga is cuuuuuute!" Taehyung squeals.

"Aish, you better shut up or-"

"Or what?" Taehyung interrupts Suga and takes out his phone.

"This is going to be a nice picture to hang on my wall." Taehyung giggles.

"Tae I swear to God I'm going to kill you." Suga says in a dangerously low voice.

He does seem like a person that could kill someone.

"Omo! Yes this is the perfect photo!" Taehyung teases Suga.

Suga jumps out of bed and runs towards Taehyung.

I laugh at the sight of Taehyungs face of horror and Suga actually running.

I wouldn't mind waking up everyday to this...I try to push the thought of that I only have three days left of being Suga's girlfriend. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

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