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Ally's POV

My breath hitches.

Did he just ask? No. I must have heard him wrong.

"W-w-what?" I mentally face palm for my utter fail at speaking.

"Are you deaf? I want you to be my girlfriend...for a week" he sighs.

"W-why?" I stutter. Again.

"Why not?" He smirks.

I can't believe it! My bias wants me to be his girlfriend! Okay Ally. Just play it cool.

"It's not as if I can say no" I try to look sad.


This is totally not awkward.

Suga clears his throat.

I looks up from the floor.

"You should probably go upstairs and pack for a week as you'll be staying at my dorm" He says it as if it's a totally normal thing to say.

"Why can't I stay in my house?" I ask feeling anxious.

Don't BTS live together in the same dorms? I don't think I can handle living with them all! I will die from fangirling!

"I don't want you cheating on me, I want you to be where I see you, understand?"

What have I got myself into?


"If you're worried about your job I can speak to your manager" He stretches his arms.

He must be tired.

"My job is kind of a 24 hour thing" I say.

He furrows his eyebrows a little.

I try not to laugh.

"What kind of job is that?" He looks at me questionably.

I bet he thinks I'm lying. I guess I can't blame him.

"I'm a YouTuber" I say proudly.

I have always been proud of being a YouTuber. All the work and time out into my videos have always payed off. I hit six million subscribers last week! I am doing a collaboration with Ryan Higa in a few weeks!

Suga bursts out laughing.

I scowl.

"That's not a job!" He laughs.

"Yes it is!" I growl.

"How many subscribers do you have? Ten?" He asks grinning.

"Six million" I say triumphantly.

He gasps.

Now who's laughing?

"That's...quite a lot" He says rubbing the back of his neck.

He's so cute.

Wait. What?

"Yeah, it is" I smirk.

He clicks his fingers in my face making me jump a little.

"Stop talking and start moving" He says pulling me to the stairs.


"I'll be waiting in the kitchen!" He shouts as he walks away leaving me at the bottom of the stairs.

Then the realisation hit me like a truck.

I'm now Min Yoongis girlfriend.

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