Cuddles and Cats

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"Boop." Someone pokes me on the nose.

I scrunch my nose and open my eyes.

Suga is lying next to me with his head propped up by his hand staring at me with a cheeky smile.

"Did you just.....boop me?" I ask raising an eyebrow.


I smile. He smiles.

I quickly kiss his cheek and run out of the bed.

"Hey! Can't we just stay in bed?" Suga moans.

"But it's our last day together." I sigh.

"Don't remind me." His smile falls and I look at him and smile brightly.

"It's okay, we can have the whole day doing what normal people do in relationships." I say opening the wardrobe.

"Normal people, huh?" I hear squeaks from the bed which means he's getting up.

"I know right, normal, ew." I laugh.

I squeak as someone snakes his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.

"I really, really want us to go back to bed." Suga whines, again.

"Don't tempt me."


We walk out of the dorms holding hands. Even now I still blush.

My mind wanders back to last night. I smile as I remember Suga cuddling me while I was on his lap, his coat draped across me, watching the stars together.

I can remember when I told him.

When I told him about Minho.

I thought he was going to get angry but instead he got really upset. I'm sure I saw tears in his eyes. He held me close all the way home and didn't let go of me when he fell asleep in bed.

"Let's go in here." I snap out of my memories and into reality by his voice.

He leads me into a hat shop.

"Here, try this." Suga says putting something warm and fluffy on my head.

"How do I look?" I ask striking a silly pose making him laugh.

"Beautiful, as always." I lightly smack him on the shoulder.

I take whatever he put on my head and look at it. It's so cute! It is a cute grey wolf hat.

"I'll buy it for you for a kiss." He shows me his chubby smile.

"Nah, I'll pass." I grin.

"Ya! You don't even kiss your cute boyfriend?" Suga says doing aeygo.

I peck him on the lips and smile. He smiles.

"One cute hat for one cute girl." Suga says pinching my cheeks and then picking up another hat and trying it on.

I turn over the label for the hat.

9,999,999₩?! (Pretty much $8351)

Suga looks over at me and guesses why my mouth is agape.

"It's so-"

"Expensive? Nah. That's cheap for a hat like that. Anyway, I have lots of money which I don't mind spending all on you." I roll my eyes at his cheesiness.

"Please stop with all the flirty comments." I whine.


After Suga drags me around the hat shop, trying on numerous hats that all looked the same to me, we finally checked out and left.

I glanced at my watch.

"We spent two hours in there?" I ask.

"Time flies when you're having fun."

I don't reply.

"Since I chose first, now you can choose the next shop." I don't need to think twice about which shop.

I hold onto a bit of Suga's coat and lead him in and out of the crowd of busy people to the shop.

I sigh as I open the doors and walk in.

"Is this it?" Suga asks standing next to me as I bounce up and down.

"What do you mean 'is this it'?" I ask. "This is heaven!"

Before he can say anything I'm sprinting down the aisles of the books.

Yes, it's a book shop.

Yes, I am a bit of a book nerd.

Yes, I was lying about being a bit of a book nerd I am actually a die-hard book nerd.

I use Suga as a kind of basket, I pick a book and put it on his hands.

I pick a few horror books, a book about suicide (to let my inner emo out), a book about a transgirl, a couple of books that have amazing front covers (so they have to be amazing, duh) and a lot of manga, like a lot.

"I think I'm done." I say turning around to see Suga balancing around twenty books on his arms. "Sorry."

"No, don't apologise. It was fun to see you in your...element?" I laugh at that.
"But seriously, I don't mind."

"Ah thank you, oppa."

"Did you just call me-"

"Let's go!" I quickly say and turn to walk to the check-out.

I hear Suga chuckle. "What a strange one, she is."

Next we both agreed to go to a shoe shop where most of the time we were arguing about converse. Apparently they are the worst shoes in the world, even though in every photo shoot it seems like he wears them, and that I don't need every colour of converse.

After that we somehow went into a cat cafe. If you don't know what that is it's pretty much a cafe where they let cats just go everywhere. Heaven for cat ladies. It was funny watching Suga look at cats in disgust if any of them came near him. Meanwhile I cuddle the cats before they get tired of me and walk away.

Now I'm at the bathroom. Yes, I know, pretty picture thanks for that Ally! Don't worry, I'm not at the toilet or anything, well I'm not now, I'm washing my hands. If you wanted to know that.

I look at myself in the mirror.

How did I get so lucky and get Suga?

I mean, I'm not ugly but I'm not that pretty either. The only thing I love about myself is my purple hair and my eyes. It's funny seeing most girls at school fuss about trying to get their eyes bigger whilst as a Westerner I already have fairly big eyes.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Suga walking towards me.

"Did you go somewhere?" I ask him as I walk towards him.

"Maybe." He answers bluntly with a smile before wrapping his hand around mine.

We both jump at the sound of Sugas ringtone.

Suga laughs awkwardly and answers it.

I can't hear what they're saying but by Suga's expression it isn't good.

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